Godzilla Movie

What classic theme are you most anticipating?

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Titan of Water

MemberBaragonMar-20-2019 6:56 PM

What classic theme from the great Akira Ifukube are you most excited for (besides the main Godzilla theme of course)? Personally I hope Mahara Mothra plays during the movie.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time


10 Replies


MemberRodanMar-20-2019 8:24 PM

I want the classic Godzilla theme to shake the chairs in the theater

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

The Hooded Figure

MemberTitanosaurusMar-20-2019 8:24 PM

Naturally, I would hope for Godzilla, Rodan, and King Ghidorah's classical themes. As for Mothra, however, I would prefer her 1961 Mosura theme, along with 1964's Sacred Springs.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaMar-20-2019 8:26 PM

Definitely Ifukube's classic Godzilla theme. It's in need of a new spin.

Ko Otani did something very close to it in GMK and Kieth Emerson did a rendition of it for Godzilla: Final Wars, but it was sorta awful and fittingly didn't make it in the movie.

J. Peter Robinson's brief rendition in the American version of Godzilla 2000 was kinda neat, but I wanted more. (I have no idea why he included Rodan's theme in the movie though...)

Meanwhile, Toho just used stock Ifukube tracks for the Millennium series and Shin Godzilla whenever they needed Godzilla's original theme.

If the leaked music from Tokyo Comic Con is any indication, McCreary's rendition could be the best since Ifukube's return in the early 1990s.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberTitanosaurusMar-20-2019 8:28 PM

Personally, I wanna hear Rodan's and Ghidorah's theme the most.

Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.


MemberTitanosaurusMar-21-2019 5:34 AM

Didn't Shin Godzilla's composers actually completely replicate the original Ifukube pieces down to the specific instrumental composition and not use recordings?

I remember that DMan1954 covered that a while back.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaMar-21-2019 8:37 AM

No. Anno confirmed that he had wanted to convert the original Ifukube tracks to stereo, but the process was too painstaking, so they ended up using the mono recordings. (Cinema Today)

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Titan of Water

MemberBaragonMar-21-2019 8:41 AM

Well, besides the one I’ve already mentioned, I wanna hear Sacred Springs, Rodan Theme, and Ghidorah Theme

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time



MemberTitanosaurusMar-21-2019 9:16 AM

If that's the case, G. H. (Gman), then what was the footage of the orchestra of the film with them recreating Ifukube's original tracks from the DMan video?

Was it a post-release concert? It looks like it's in a recording room.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaMar-21-2019 9:56 AM

I don't follow DMan's videos, so I'm not sure what you're speaking of. I know that a symphonic concert called "Evangelion vs. Shin Godzilla" was held in March of 2017 featuring pieces from both Evangelion and Shin Godzilla, obviously. Crunchyroll confirmed that Ifukube's material was played.

Also of note, Ifukube's score for the original film was completely rerecorded in stereo by Kaoru Wada and released in August of 2016. (No tracks were used in Shin Godzilla, but I own the CD and it is fantastic.)

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberBaragonMar-22-2019 9:15 AM

Definitely looking forward to Ifukube's theme. If what we heard at Tokyo Comic Con was Godzilla's theme, then I am EXTREMELY hyped for the movie, and I hope that McCreary doesn't disappoint. 

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