Godzilla Movie

MonsterVerse Theory: The Hollow Earth Energy Source Created The Titans.

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MemberAnguirusMar-21-2022 7:41 AM

During the marketing of Godzilla vs Kong, the official plot synopsis stated that the expedition into the Hollow Earth would lead to the discovery of "clues to Titans’ origins". During the events of the film the Hollow Earth expedition leads to the discovery of a mysterious energy source. In the film, the Hollow Earth energy is described as being nearly identical to energy emitted by Godzilla, implying that there is some type of connection between the Gojira species and the Hollow Earth energy. This connection is further supported by the fact that Kong's ax (which is made from the bones of a dead Gojira) can absorb both the Hollow Earth energy and energy from Godzilla's atomic breath, and the fact that rock formations surrounding the energy source’s location resemble Godzilla and glow blue when the Hollow Earth energy charges (similar to Godzilla’s dorsal plates). So I was thinking, what if the energy source located in the Hollow Earth was responsible for not only creating the Gojira species, but all of Earth’s monsters, while also being responsible for certain events in the MonsterVerse timeline?


In older Godzilla media, Godzilla himself and some of his monster co-stars were stated to be mutations that came about due to high exposure to nuclear radiation (usually caused by the atomic bomb). However in the MonsterVerse, the titans and other monsters are said to be ancient creatures, with Godzilla’s origin dating back to the Permian era. What if, instead of nuclear radiation, the energy found in the Hollow Earth was responsible for their “mutation” in this universe?


In Godzilla (2014), it’s stated that Godzilla and the MUTOs originated in prehistoric times, in an age where “the Earth was 10 times more radioactive than it is Today”, and that when the radiation levels “naturally subsided”, these creatures went “deeper underground” to be closer to pockets of radiation within the Earth. What if the “radiation” they were referring to was actually the Hollow Earth energy? At one point the Hollow Earth energy may have existed all over Earth, but due to certain cataclysms (such as the Permian extinction, earthquakes, and possible asteroid strikes) the energy that existed on the surface subsided (the sources potentially being destroyed) with the remaining sources of that energy eventually existing only within certain locations of the Hollow Earth. The creatures already affected by the energy source then moved deeper underground to be closer to it, which established the Hollow Earth as the monsters’ new home. 


While most of the life remaining on Earth’s surface remained unaffected by the energy source, which was now exclusive to parts of the Hollow Earth, throughout Earth’s history various forms of life (such as reptiles, mammals, and arthropods) would find entrances to the Hollow Earth (which explains why the monsters’ appearances vary, with some looking closer to modern animals and some looking closer to prehistoric species). Upon migrating to the Hollow Earth and having long term exposure to the Hollow Earth energy, they began to mutate and as a result began to go down a more “unnatural” path of evolution, some growing gigantic and some acquiring more unusual appearances and abilities. Some species were more affected than others, the ones who were more affected would evolve into the Titans, while those who were less affected became a smaller subgroup of monsters (like the creatures that inhabited Skull Island).


Alpha Titans, like the Titanus Gojira species, were the most affected by the energy source, explaining why Godzilla’s energy matched the Hollow Earth energy. The “scaly quadruped” seen in Godzilla vs Kong (which has been nicknamed “Titanus Doug” by the fandom) bears a striking resemblance to Godzilla, and has been officially stated to be a close relative of the Gojira species. Due to their smaller size and more primitive, lizard-like appearance, the “Doug” species may have been less affected by the Hollow Earth energy than their larger Gojira cousins. The Gojira species may have actually guarded the energy source from other “less worthy” creatures, this could explain why Godzilla sensed APEX disturbing the Hollow Earth energy and reacted so violently towards it, as he knew that they (like most humans) were unworthy of harnessing that power.


Some of the other titans, such as the MUTOs, wanted more of this energy, which resulted in them developing a parasitic relationship to the Gojiras, laying their eggs within the body of a dead Gojira in order to harness some of the energy for themselves. When they couldn’t feed on the energy from a Gojira, they would substitute it with similar forms of energy (such as nuclear radiation).


Rather than competing with each other, some Titans formed symbiotic relationships (like with the Mosura and Gojira species), sharing the energy source with each other. On rare occasions, when necessary, they would transfer energy to each other, resulting in them entering a supercharged state (the Burning Godzilla effect).


While the Kong species evolved because of their exposure to the energy source, they were unable to harness it in the same way that other titans could. As a result, the Kong species created tools and weapons that could absorb and harness the energy source (such as the ax) and built their home around the energy source so that they could continue to harvest it (explaining the location of the Kong temple in GvK), much to the annoyance of the Gojira species (which may have lead to the conflict between the two).  


The origin of the Hollow Earth energy itself is currently unknown, but it’s possible that it might not have naturally formed on Earth, instead having an extraterrestrial origin, with the energy being present on other planets, which resulted in alien titans such as King Ghidorah. A video from DangerVille suggested the idea that one of the reasons for Ghidorah’s arrival on Earth, was in order to harness the Hollow Earth energy for himself and that he was actually trying to enter the Hollow Earth through the passageway in Antarctica before Godzilla stopped him, which resulted in him being frozen until the events of King of the Monsters. Ghidorah’s need to harvest the Hollow Earth energy and other energy sources like it could explain why the dormant Ghidorah brain used to control Mechagodzilla was revived when APEX used traces of the Hollow Earth energy to power their creation.


Another possibility is that the ancient Titan War itself was a result of the other titans trying to harness the energy for themselves (similar to how humanity wage wars over other resources), the limited resources leading to intense rivalries and battles between the various Titans. The main parties involved in the war being the Gojira species, who were the “protectors” of this energy source, and the Kong species, who were attempting to harvest the energy. Maybe humanity attempted to harvest the energy for themselves leading to the end of their “peaceful” coexistence with the Titans.

What do you think? Do you think that this theory is possible, and could be explored in future MonsterVerse installments?

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."
10 Replies


MemberAnguirusMar-21-2022 7:41 AM

I tried to look at this theory from various angles, taking into account the Titans’ appearances and relationships with each other, as well as the MonsterVerse’s timeline, the real timeline of life on Earth, and what’s currently been established within the series already.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberBaragonMar-22-2022 5:14 AM

It definitely would make sense for it to be related too the titans somehow, but it's hard for me to believe that it created them.


MemberAnguirusMar-22-2022 6:51 AM


The Hollow Earth energy is still relatively unknown in the series, so we don't really know what it's fully capable of. It's possible that the energy could have mutated various natural species on Earth, causing them to evolve into the Titans and other monsters, similar to how nuclear radiation mutated Godzilla in some of the Toho films.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberBaragonMar-22-2022 7:52 AM

Well, that kinda does make sense, but what would each titan be before mutating then?


MemberGiganMar-22-2022 7:55 AM


Doesnt it show Godzilla already like mutated in the permian, in the prequel novel to G14

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberBaragonMar-22-2022 7:56 AM

Well he could have mutated millions of years ago but idk


MemberGiganMar-22-2022 8:48 AM


the permian was millions of years ago

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberAnguirusMar-22-2022 9:40 AM


The Hollow Earth energy may have existed back during the Permian, Godzilla's species and other early Titans may have been mutated/created by the energy. G'14 stated that Godzilla was from an age where the Earth was "10 times more radioactive" and that when the radiation subsided, creatures like Godzilla and the MUTOs went deeper underground to be closer to pockets of that radiation. It's possible that the "radiation" was actually the Hollow Earth energy. The energy may have existed all over Earth's surface during the Permian and was responsible for creating the first Titans, but due to certain cataclysms, (possibly the Permian Extinction) the energy on Earth's surface subsided, with remnants of the energy source eventually only existing within certain locations of the Hollow Earth. Later throughout Earth's history, during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras, other types of animals (for example, great apes/ancestors of Kong' species) may have found their way into the Hollow Earth and were exposed to the Hollow Earth energy which also caused them to mutate and evolve into Titans.

The Hollow Earth energy might not have naturally formed on Earth and could have an extraterrestrial origin, possibly landing on Earth during or before the Permian. It could have originated from another planet that was destroyed, with chunks of that planet, containing the energy, landing on various other planets which gave rise to alien Titans, like King Ghidorah. Ghidorah's species being created by the the same (or similar) energy source could also explain why he came to Earth, possibly being attracted to the energy found in the Hollow Earth.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberAnguirusMar-22-2022 9:53 AM

Again, this is only just me speculating. The official plot synopsis for Godzilla vs Kong stated that the Hollow Earth expedition would discovered clues to the Titan's origin, and since that expedition uncovered the mysterious Hollow Earth energy it's likely that the energy played a role in the the Titan's origins.

This theory was also inspired by this fan made video that was made prior to the release of GvK:


"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberBaragonMar-22-2022 7:13 PM

This actually makes a lot of sense. Weaves all lore together flawlessly.

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