Godzilla Movie

BREAKING: Godzilla vs. Kong Officially Delayed

Scified2020-06-12 18:12:15https://www.scified.com/articles/breaking-godzilla-vs-kong-officially-delayed-19.jpg
Written by Jacob20,574 Reads11 Comments2020-06-12 18:12:15

News has just broke that Godzilla vs. Kong has officially been delayed. The film is now slated to premiere on May 21st, 2021. The date change was a part of a series of major box office moves made by Warner Bros. earlier this evening. The film's director Adam Wingard also shared the following message to his personal Instagram account.

While many fans will be upset that they now have to wait a little longer to see the newest addition to the Monsterverse, the move is likely a smart one by Legendary and Warner Bros. With a possible second wave of COVID-19 looming in the fall, moving the film to later date will help ensure that it's successful. Because of the new delayed release date, there will most likely not be a trailer for the film for awhile either.

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MemberMothra LarvaeJun-12-2020 6:30 PM

November 5020: Godzilla Vs Kong is officially delayed again


MemberTitanosaurusJun-12-2020 6:39 PM


I dunno, it didn't pack as much of a punch as I thought it would. Probably because I half-expected it in some way, even if my main line of thought went for a more optimistic approach.

Well, there you have it. See y'all next May, I guess.


G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaJun-12-2020 7:49 PM

Not shocking. The November competition is stuff, Wonder Woman just got pushed back as well and the film industry's uncertainty in when a reopening may happen is a major factor.


MemberTitanosaurusJun-13-2020 7:45 AM

I imagine that the execs will be cautiously watching and waiting to see how theatres are doing a few months after they start to really open up again.

If WB's movies start doing well and the situation starts improving, or even the exact opposite, the May 2021 date can be shifted up or down to accommodate for whatever happens.

The movie seems to be relatively completed in most regards with post-production and only needs extra touch-ups and the musical composition to be finished up. Godzilla vs. Kong's release date is flexible because of this.

Heck, it'd be a bit of a hoot if they manage to move it up to the original March release period the film was originally gonna get :P


MemberRodanJun-13-2020 8:45 AM

Not surprised at all. Though I must say, we've now waited for 2 years now for GvK since the release of G:kotm a year ago.

Gabriel Salomon

MemberBaragonJun-13-2020 12:22 PM

No shocker whatsoever. I know some people are going to think this shows that WB has a lack of faith in the film, but this is actually a very smart move on their part.


MemberTitanosaurusJun-13-2020 1:07 PM

It's really the only move they could've made to make sure the film can be competitive. November was getting too much backlog from all the other movies being delayed, and the global situation hasn't been improving enough to justify sticking with the original delay.

As much as we fans hate it, waiting to see how things transpire is the safest and most productive course of action.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaJun-14-2020 8:18 AM

It's honestly the first time I've felt the movie could has a modi*** of a chance at the box office. Normally I'd be pretty sure Cruella will zap its second week prospects, but I have less faith in it after Maleficent 2 bombed. It could go either way.


MemberBaragonJun-14-2020 5:43 PM

Disappointing, but understandable.


MemberMothra LarvaeJun-15-2020 6:30 AM

Well, I can only say this: HECK!

Chris Picard

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-17-2020 12:02 AM

Um... I think it's--I-UM... THINK IT'S #RETRACTION-TIME! 

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