Godzilla Movie

Final Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters Trailer Now Online!

Scified2019-04-23 13:43:23https://www.scified.com/articles/final-godzilla-2-king-the-monsters-trailer-now-online-5.jpg
Written by Chris20,214 Reads11 Comments2019-04-23 13:43:23

The final trailer for Mike Dougherty's Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters has been released online, as promised by Warner Brothers! The new, 2:20 long trailer packs some new footage and dialogue. Watch it now below and let us know what you think in the comments section below!

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MemberRodanApr-23-2019 2:21 PM



MemberTitanosaurusApr-23-2019 2:27 PM

So that's Ghidorah's plan. Usurp Godzilla's throne so he can rampage and destroy the Earth unopposed. I don't think that's been done before. I don't think any monster has actually, literally challenged Godzilla for his throne before. This is going to be great. I think the trailer did a good job of hyping us up without revealing too much. I can't wait for this movie!


MemberTitanosaurusApr-23-2019 2:40 PM

While we've essentially figured out the general plot beats and specific scenes that will take place within them, I like how everyone is still so very excited for this!

Still, though..... makes you wonder how GvK is supposed to follow this one up :P


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2019 10:18 PM

Only 5 weeks from now! All these months I've spent being hyped for this movie passed so quickly! :O


MemberBaragonApr-24-2019 3:23 AM

That looks like Godzilla falling from the sky. Maybe it's not Rodan or Mothra...


MemberBaragonApr-24-2019 6:08 AM

  I think it will get about 800 million at the boxoffice because this is getting way more attention then skull island and 2014 godzilla


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-24-2019 12:32 PM

@Godzillatheking123 Yes, it is Godzilla falling from the sky. Since the 2nd trailer we have all wondered what is falling from the sky. In the beginning I thought it was Ghidorah, but in this final trailer it turns out to be Godzilla himself. When you pause the video, than you can see Godzilla's spines that is glowing blue of his atomic breath. Probably Ghidorah lift Godzilla up and they fought in the sky and Ghidorah later dropped Godzilla. It's like that scene from Pacific Rim where Gipsy Danger killed Otachi. Kind of inspiration of that movie.


MemberBaragonApr-24-2019 5:35 PM

What I want to know is this... the kaiju coming out of the ground in the oil field... is being referred to as a spider... why ? It could be a giant scorpion. Know one other than the makers of this movie... actually know what it is. So why call it before you know ? WB owns rights to a giant scorpion already and could easily put it in the monsterverse.


MemberBaragonApr-24-2019 5:38 PM

@Xenowarrior You are 100% correct. It is indeed Godzilla falling from the sky. Ghidorah must be pretty darn powerful to pull that off. That explains the super heated Godzilla in the IMAX trailer. This movie is going to be phenomenal.


MemberBaragonApr-24-2019 8:10 PM

So if Godzilla is the one falling from the sky after getting dropped by Ghidorah, we get another shot of him in the trailer seemingly trying to get back up after a fall, is that scene where he gets up after falling from the sky? On second thought, maybe not, since he isn't in flames. Maybe it's just him getting up after Ghidorah floored him earlier.


MemberBaragonApr-24-2019 8:10 PM

So if Godzilla is the one falling from the sky after getting dropped by Ghidorah, we get another shot of him in the trailer seemingly trying to get back up after a fall, is that scene where he gets up after falling from the sky? On second thought, maybe not, since he isn't in flames. Maybe it's just him getting up after Ghidorah floored him earlier.

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