MemberTitanosaurusAug-04-2019 5:03 PMWell, we tried.
I'm still proud of this movie for being what it was.

MemberRodanAug-04-2019 5:12 PMIt will go down in history (well, at least until next year) as the best American Godzilla movie, which is one hell of an accomplishment. And it still made profit, so it’s a win for everyone! Well... less so for the people behind the movie sadly

MemberBaragonAug-04-2019 6:05 PM"It will go down in history (well, at least until next year) as the best American Godzilla movie"
That's a very supjective opinion.

MemberTitanosaurusAug-04-2019 6:26 PMI don't really think it is a subjective opinion. In Human element, action, drama, comedy, etc., it easily tops the 3 current American Godzilla films.
Really, though, any film that wasn't Disney didn't do too hot this year financially speaking if they were expected to be large theatre presences. Between being sandwiched within multiple strong Disney films and the massiveness of the MCU, we didn't do too bad.
Next year will at least be somewhat less crazy.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaAug-04-2019 7:03 PMI mean... every opinion is subjective, so it's a little redundant.
The press certainly deems this film as an under-performer which makes me think WB's marketing team will want to take a different approach and distance GvK from this movie. (Hence why we've not seen or heard much of anything from GvK.)
It'll still have to contend with Universal's The Invisible Man the same weekend. (Which I have a sneaking suspicion will be moved since it just started production last month. But for now, it's there.)
I'm more concerned with A Quiet Place 2, the following weekend, and Mulan two weeks later. The former now has quite the following and the latter--Well... Disney will be Disney.

MemberRodanAug-04-2019 7:18 PMI meant the “down in history” thing as a joke (though in my opinion it is for now), so sorry if I wasn’t clear on that lol

MemberBaragonAug-04-2019 8:33 PMIs it the end of its foreign run or its run entirely? Because it's playing in one theater around me still.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaAug-04-2019 9:12 PMIt's ended its Chinese run and it's still in a couple theaters around me--Including the discount theater. It's supposedly still in a few Japanese theaters, but it's making such little money at this point that they've stopped tracking it at the Japanese box office.
I can't imagine the world wide gross will really get much higher than $385.3M at this point.

MemberBaragonAug-04-2019 10:18 PMYeah probably not.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-05-2019 12:02 AMIt was a great movie , I hope they continue after Godzilla vs Kong . Long live Legendary Godzilla . For a Godzilla movie it still did well .

MemberTitanosaurusAug-05-2019 4:18 AMI do admit, competition next year isn't exactly great. However, we're at least not running into the same problem as this year where we had multiple massive releases one after another by Disney covering the opening and ending moments of our monster film.
The small competition is low, and the large competition will be low for awhile. We've got nearly 2 months with only 2 large pieces of expected competition and a few other potential wrenches, but nothing as active as this past May/June.
At the very least, I think we're in a good position to do better than KOTM financially and potentially the best out of the Monsterverse to date. Now, whether Wingard is up to the task with the film in general? That one is up in the air.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-06-2019 2:46 AMI loved Godzilla king of the monsters it might have exceeded my expectations but I know some people didn't really like not getting to know some of the characters but there were more to some of them unlike Godzilla (2014) I loved the great fights especially given the fact Godzilla has more face expressions but as a g-fan of course I don't like the competition this movie had but I can't be mad other people have certain opinions on movies plus It won't really change the fact that I love godzilla