Godzilla Movie

King of the Monsters: O'Shea Jackson Jr. teases epic final battle between Godzilla and King Ghidorah!

Scified2018-01-18 17:59:45https://www.scified.com/articles/king-the-monsters-oshea-jackson-jr-teases-epic-final-battle-between-godzilla-king-ghidorah-16.jpg
Written by Chris48,074 Reads15 Comments2018-01-18 17:59:45

O'Shea Jackson Jr. who stars in the upcoming Godzilla (2014) sequel, Godzilla: King of the Monsters revently sat down for an interview with Collider and teased a major battle between Godzilla and the film's primary antagonist King Ghidorah which apparently takes place in the final moments of the film! Eager as many of us are, Jackson was unable to contain his excitement for the battle between the two giant Monsters, saying:

... In the last scene between Godzilla and King Ghidorah, I promise you, you will never forget it, in your life... as a nerd, I am foaming at the mouth to get like in the editing room... Godzilla will be the number 1 movie.

He goes on to add one more tidbit about Godzilla and Ghidorah's battle:

The way that him [Godzilla] and Ghidorah fight... man... Kong better bring some shit.

It sounds like the fight between Godzilla and Ghidorah will be rather ruthless according to O'Shea and his excitement has only increased our enthusiasm for it! It also sounds like King Kong has to seriously up his game for his clash with the King of all Monsters in the next sequel which arrives in 2020.

You can watch the entire interview over at Collider.

Did O'Shea's comments get you more hyped up for Godzilla 2? Let us know in the comments!

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MemberTitanosaurusJan-18-2018 6:03 PM

And so....... the teasing has begun.


MemberTitanosaurusJan-18-2018 6:55 PM

Can't wait, this is my most hyped movie in a while


MemberBaragonJan-18-2018 6:55 PM

I really want to say, "... let them fight."  But I won't.

Do you admire my restraint?



MemberTitanosaurusJan-18-2018 7:09 PM

^I'm doing just the opposite. I'll be saying "Let Them Fight" all the way through Godzilla vs Kong. But as someone who does not have it, I do admire your restraint.

The Jurassic Bootleg

MemberBaragonJan-18-2018 7:14 PM


Do it, now.


MemberBaragonJan-18-2018 7:34 PM

^I did!  I typed "Let them fight" in my post, so I technically said it!

When it comes to giant monsters, I have no restraint. :)


MemberTitanosaurusJan-18-2018 7:39 PM

^Hell yeah! Their isn't anything that restrain us giant monster fans just as there isn't anything that can restrain giant monsters (for long).

The Jurassic Bootleg

MemberBaragonJan-18-2018 7:53 PM

I'm a rebel so I have restraint.


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-18-2018 8:54 PM

Can’t wait to see it in action.


MemberTitanosaurusJan-18-2018 10:34 PM

Too bad that this fight won't be as epic as that of Oshea's father (Ice Cube) and the rest of NWA....


MemberTitanosaurusJan-19-2018 4:39 AM

cant wait!


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-19-2018 1:51 PM

O M G... Why he gotta say stuff like that? I'm already hyped, and it's over a year away!


MemberBaragonJan-22-2018 8:10 AM

After seeing the Pacific Rim's latest trailer.. GKOM.. better step up it's game.. if it wants to be No#1 in the box office. At least we know there is a final battle between 2 monsters.. which makes me wonder.. where is Mothra and Rodan gonna be in the last fight? were they killed by Ghidorah.. or are they helping Godzilla.. or.. are they licking their wounds on the sidelines as G and K ghid.. duke it out?

One thing I'm certain of.. this movie is going to be off the chain with destruction. I want to see Godzilla tear it up in this one.

The Jurassic Bootleg

MemberBaragonJan-22-2018 3:17 PM

Ghidorah probably humiliates them first before fighting Goji.


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-07-2018 9:47 AM

Looks like someone forgot to say "Spoiler alert".

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