Godzilla Movie

Part of Godzilla to be set in 1954

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MemberMothra LarvaeNov-21-2013 8:21 PM
[url=http://www.pushing-pixels.org/2013/10/03/the-fine-art-of-cinematography-interview-with-seamus-mcgarvey.html]Interview...[/url] In this recent interview with Seamus McGarvey he breifly mentions that part of Godzilla will be set in 1954. Here's the excerpt: [i][b]Kirill:[/b] Shooting on film had all the imperfections of the analog medium, from the lens distortion to all the mechanical parts to the grain of the film itself, while capturing on digital sensors is much more exact and, to a certain degree, lifelessly perfect. Do you see it as a certain magic that will be gone from the moviegoing experience?[/i] [i][/i] [i][b]Seamus:[/b] It is, and I did like those aberrations. We can still preserve this with lenses, for instance, that are now more vital as we put them in front of the sensor. On "Godzilla" I used the old C series anamorphic lenses, and for the section in 1954 I used really old vintage lenses from the early 1960s. They took the edge off of the very vivid, sharp sensors, and gave it a distant period feel. That’s exciting as glass is coming back in terms of lending difference to each project that we do. It’s nice to be able to interfere with image, to sort of mess it up a bit.[/i] [i][/i] [i]There’s a lot more that we do now in digital intermediate [DI]. That becomes a much more important part of my job because of the possibilities of the manipulation. Now I try to have my contract include that they keep me on to DI. You used to do it physically with film stock, pushing and pulling different processes, and now it’s done entirely digitally. In some ways you have a lot more control in the digital realm, and it’s not baked in either.[/i] [i][/i] [i]I still conceive of something of how I would do it on film, so I’m not just sitting in the DI trying this and that. I still have the same disciplined approach to imagining what the image might be. For example, for the 1950s section on "Godzilla" I knew that they look I wanted was a peeled look with muted colors and diffusion on the highlights, a sense of period distance. I found a lot of photographs and magazines, and I knew that I wanted the blacks to be imbued with a tint of magenta. I assembled a lot of references, and I was able to show it and do some tests in advance. We nailed the look when we established a lookup table which we applied every time we shot those section. It was the same pre-conception of what we were going to do on the day.[/i] [i]* Excerpt added by Chris[/i]
12 Replies


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-21-2013 8:28 PM
Hmm So a little bit of the film is going to take place in 1954 then in the modern time or present so will be seeing scenes from the 1954 attack?


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-21-2013 8:29 PM
I got too say The movie is going to take place in the present like for example 2007 or 2009 but still it,s really nice for them too show scenes from the original godzilla movie


AdminSpaceGodzillaNov-21-2013 9:23 PM
Great find! I added the excerpt from the interview where Seamus mentions Godzilla and the bit about part of the film taking place in 1954, so people can find it more easily. Thanks for sharing this!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-21-2013 10:13 PM
Thx for sharing the news Chris but i got too ask will we get a trailer like i no there has been a rumor about a trailer for the hobbit so will we get a trailer for the public? i hear lots of people are getting angry about the Godzilla trailer not being released im getting a little nerves


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-22-2013 2:10 AM
I really love all the refferences to the original series like this. If they wanted a flashback in the 50s, they could have choosen any year, but choose the year the original one came out. Cant wait.


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-22-2013 8:41 AM
@XXSABERBLACKCROW - Nowhere in the interview did they say that they will be using scenes from the original 54' Godzilla. Misinterpretation is commonplace, so don't feel too bad, but do pay more attention to the language used when commenting next time okay. This is how rumors start and it's how people's hopes get brought up for nothing and I don't think you want to cause it. In any case, this is some interesting news and it gives a few new possibilities to the script and story which I find very interesting. Taking it back to '54 Japan during the nuclear tests definitely has origin possibilities. If the trailer is in fact attached to the Hobbit, which I remain skeptical about, then all the better.

True American Godzilla

MemberMothra LarvaeNov-22-2013 11:40 AM
Cool! So the 2014 Godzilla story (at least I assume the beginning part) will take place in 1954! I wonder what will happen?

I believe in Jesus Christ, who's my Lord and Savior.

John 3:16, Job 41:1-34, Leviticus 18:22


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-23-2013 6:26 PM
Honestly I would like to see the scenes be remade with a CG ShodaiGoji.


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-24-2013 12:25 AM
Awesome! This means the Godzilla we see would have been around for a long time evolving and becoming so big! Leads me to believe during 1954 a nuclear breakout happened in Japan, the radioactive and rundown fishing village (Bryan Cranston's character is studying) being one of the places where fallout was the worst, now 60 years later this being rises up from the marshlands of the fishing village to unleash its terror. I'm almost positive Cranston is the first character to see the monster.


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-24-2013 12:25 AM
Awesome! This means the Godzilla we see would have been around for a long time evolving and becoming so big! Leads me to believe during 1954 a nuclear breakout happened in Japan, the radioactive and rundown fishing village (Bryan Cranston's character is studying) being one of the places where fallout was the worst, now 60 years later this being rises up from the marshlands of the fishing village to unleash its terror. I'm almost positive Cranston is the first character to see the monster.


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-24-2013 4:40 AM
wait 1954 Godzilla is 2014 Godzilla now that would interesting wouldn't it


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-09-2014 7:54 AM

Once again people are saying Godzilla will be shown in 1954, and I'm glad for the subtle reference to his birth date, I don't want any flashbacks to 1954, at least, not to the attack that is.Please no more misconceptions.

We have a direct hit sir.Oh... oh my god! It's him, sir he's still alive! Go!GO!GO! Get out of h... Skreeeeeeonkkk! The King has Awakened...
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