MemberMothra LarvaeMar-28-2014 6:17 AMGodzilla(1954)
-Height 50 m
-Weight 20000 tons
-Height 181.6 m
-Weight 6750 tons
Why Godzilla is so heavy!!??

MemberTitanosaurusMar-28-2014 6:41 AMAlthough some might try and chock it up as Toho not having a good grasp on measuring mass for their Kaiju, you have to remember that the larger an animal gets, the larger it becomes in overall mass exponentially, thus meaning it gets heavier overall as it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Factor in the fact that a Kaiju-sized creature is composed of denser and more heavy-set materials than an ordinary animal, and that further multiplies its mass to be proportionately larger than normal. The more realistic weights of the Kaiju in Pacific Rim, if you think about it, isn't as realistic for those sizes as some may believe.

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-28-2014 9:23 AMgodzilla is ridiculously strong and dense, the density of his muscle and bone are the biggest contributers to his toughness, oh, and godzilla has been much heavier than that in some movies!
king of the monsters

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-28-2014 10:43 AMThe opinion of THEGMAN123 is the true. The weights of TOHO, in relation with the sizes of they kaiju, are the most realistic of all. The weighs or Pacific Rim are exageratelly small, an animal of that height and weight "Slattern" will be like a huge bear (3 m tall) with the weight of a jaguar (120 kg)!!! It will break itself with a single strike of Godzilla's tail.

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-28-2014 10:55 AMI blame Big Macs and soda. He is also know for long bouts of inactivity.

Something Real
MemberGodzillaMar-28-2014 1:51 PM
MemberMothra LarvaeApr-07-2014 7:22 PM@Somthingreal
i think your spot on about the Pacific Rim Kaiju. Also godzilla would have to be dense to support his weight.