MemberMothra LarvaeSep-05-2014 10:40 AMso i was wondering what do you think are the most underated kaiju pesonaly i think biollante and she is my favouret kaiju next to godzilla and she hardly had any screentime and was in only one videro game my secound choice would be orga what do you guys think

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-05-2014 10:51 AMBiollante isn't underated, Baragon, Anguirus and Gorosaaurus are underrated

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-05-2014 11:14 AManguirs isnt underated he is in 6 movies and in almost all video games

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-05-2014 11:26 AMI really want too say Reptilicus, but if we go TOHO/Godzilla only, im gonna go with Titanosaurus, Heisei MechaGodzilla and Minya.

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-05-2014 11:46 AMIm not sayng in apearances i mean in streangth

High FLYERS Tag Team
MemberMothra LarvaeSep-05-2014 12:01 PMThis is the ONLY TIME I'm commenting because it will cause a fight if I defend it. ZILLA (Well more like Zilla Jr.)
There are strong men and weak men. The strong ones are here to keep the weak ones up when ever they fail.

Sci-Fi King25
MemberGiganSep-05-2014 1:03 PMI'd say Gorosaurus and Titanosaurus.
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-05-2014 1:14 PMyeah i mean awsome kaiju that are underated i agre with hftt i love zilla as a kaiju not as godzilla but as his own kaiju

MemberBaragonSep-05-2014 1:32 PMOh so many are underrated. :(
Titanosaurs, varan, kumonga, kamakiras, megaguirus, hedorah, gorosaurus. The list goes on and on.
http://hugeben.deviantart.com/ check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

Sci-Fi King25
MemberGiganSep-05-2014 1:46 PM^ I forgot about most of those kaiju. I featured Titanosaurus, Varan, and Kumonga in Godzilla Wars, and I guess I'll put some of those in.
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-05-2014 4:32 PMI have to go with Varan and Manda aswell as Gorosarus, even Kamacuras and Kumong, don't forget Titanosarus. As in overall kaiju not from the Godzilla series, probably Reptilicus and also Pulgasari

Daikaiju Danielle
MemberMothra LarvaeSep-05-2014 6:23 PMI'd have to say Varan. I feel bad for the poor guy. :/
"Daddy's home- cake every night,"

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-05-2014 10:29 PMI'd say in between titanosaurus and varan. And I'd agree with reptilicus for a non-goji kaiju..

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaSep-05-2014 10:53 PMI agree with the pity/love for Varan-- Both the monster and the movie. I'd like to see him again one day.

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-11-2014 10:09 AMTo be honest, there are only a few underrated Kaiju in my opinion.
1) Mothra.
Yes, Mothra. A lot of fans don't like her for some reason or think that she has won against Godzilla unfairly throughout the series. Given that inects in general are underestimated and overlooked in human society, it should come as no surprise that Mothra is sharing the fate of her smaller brethren.
2) Ebirah.
Yes, Ebirah. Because you have to think about this for a moment. Just how strong can a regular lobster's pincers be? For those who've never seen a real life lobster or had the chance to get pinched by one, they are STRONG! For their size, pound for pound they're easily several times stronger than a human being. Those pincers aren't just there for looks, but everyone thinks that Ebirah is one of, if not the weakest Kaiju Godzilla has ever faced. Given how low of a threat he was made out to be in the movie, this is understandable, but the fact is that Ebirah's threat level was grossly underestimated by the filmmakers.
3. Destoroyah.
Yep, he's here too. Why? Because of the fact that there is a debate about whether or not Destoroyah is actually one of Godzilla's strongest foes. Yes, there is a debate about this online, for those who haven't heard. It's pretty entertaining to listen to the arguments too.
But here are the facts:
1) Godzilla was moving towards meltdown and was putting out more energy and power than he ever had or has ever since displayed. Why is this so? Because his heart is basically a nuclear reactor, and what happens when a nuclear reactor melts down? It puts out substantial amounts of power and energy before finally releasing it all at once and causing untold damage to the surrounding area.
For anyone doubting Godzilla's increased, power, go ask a nuclear physicist (if you can find one) if a melting down nuclear reactor puts out a lot of power or not.
2) Destoroyah took over a dozen direct hits from Godzilla's red spiral ray and it still wasn't enough to kill him outright. It forced Destoroyah to separate into his smaller aggregate forms, but ultimately he was able to come back just as big and bad as before to continue the fight. Not only that, he dominated the physical fight against Godzilla and almost took his arm off with the horn attack. If you look closely to Godzilla's damaged state, the horn sliced clean through his left shoulder and part of his stomach. Had destoroyah connected those two attacks, the arm would have fallen right off and Godzilla would have perished before melting down.
3) Kind of an addition to #2, but take notice that Godzilla's red spiral ray only did significant damage when he tore open the floral shape on Destoroyah's stomach. Outside of that, even as Godzilla approached meltdown and let out all that heat and power when his spines started melting, at best it did superficial damage to Destoroyah's head crests and one or two tiny tears in Destoroyah's wing membrane.
Wy do I bring this up?
Because everyone's favorite overrated Monster, King Ghidorah, took Godzilla's normal breath to the wings and they had giant holes blown in them. Destoroyah? A few small tears. Ghidorah's middle head was blown clean off by the normal breath. Destoroyah? Not so much.
Anyone doubting Destoroyah's toughness and durability hasn't paid muc attention.
Anyway, there are a few other underrated monsters, but these are my top three. Mothra is underrated due to her being an insect and being paid little to zero respect by those who don't know how dangerous some insects can be. Ebirah is underrated even by the filmmakers who didn't seem to realize that a lobster of that size could easily have the strength in the claws to slice Godzilla's hands clean off and possibly even gash the crap out of his neck or worse. And finally Destoroyah is underrated by a lot of people who don't think he is Godzilla's strongest foe. The fact is, he is. No other Kaiju has ever faced Godzilla at such levels of power and dominated the fight for such extended periods of time.