MemberBaragonApr-26-2019 8:52 PMToday I found a an image that I wish I could put on here to show everyone but a can't find it but anyway there was a Japanese poster that had revealed that Godzilla has grown from 108 meters tall 2014-119 meters tall 2019. Let me know what you think of this New information.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaApr-26-2019 10:06 PMI think you mean this image. It's been passed around a lot lately:

MemberRodanApr-26-2019 10:13 PMYes, Godzilla is now taller than shin
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberTitanosaurusApr-27-2019 4:23 AMThe dick-measuring contest continues between live-action! :P

AdminSpaceGodzillaApr-27-2019 5:13 AMThere is an upload image button when posting a topic or reply that will let you embed images directly into your posts :)
I think all these Titans continue to grow so long as their surrounding environment permits it. Not surprising that Godzilla has gained a few meters. Just means Kong will need to hit the juice a bit to catch up by next year hahaha

AdminSpaceGodzillaApr-27-2019 5:14 AMAlso I guess I should front page this, been meaning to for a couple days now, thanks for the reminder!

MemberBaragonApr-29-2019 5:08 AMTheGMan123: Yep, it's bragging rights. Mine is bigger than yours, so-to-speak. But given their huge size already, a few meters is not going to make a huge difference.