MemberBaragonJun-06-2019 3:31 PMSo, I have got a couple questions for you all on GvK.
1.) Who do you want to "win" and why?
2.) Do you want them both to survive or not? and why?
3.) How would you want Godzilla/Kong to win?
for me
1.) I want Godzilla to win. This is because Godzilla is obiouslt my favorite kaiju, and he would be a great draw for future movies. I also think we know less about Godzilla than Kong, so there is more room to explore there.
2.) Yes, they both need to survive. they are both heroes, Godzilla protects life and the Earth, while Kong protects humans. They are also the two most popular titans in the franchise, it would not make sense to kill either one off from a business perspective. and i would hate to see either one die, it would hurt too much to watch.
3.) I would love to see Kong try to break Godzilla,s jaws, and then Godzilla uses his atmic breath to counter it, and then he throws Kong off of hm. then I want Mothra to come n and stop the fight, or have them team u aginst a strong kaiju.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJun-06-2019 4:09 PMI want Kong to win.
Just to watch the fandom light itself on fire.

Titan of Water
MemberBaragonJun-06-2019 4:17 PM1. I don’t care who wins. Honestly I love both equally. Kong was a big part of my early childhood and Godzilla during my later childhood.
2. I would like both to survive. Though I don’t know if the winner’s victory would feel earned if the loser survived.
3. If Kong Wins, I can picture him knocking Godzilla unconscious with a rock or his fists over and over again in a rage. An alternative could be single massive wound he gives Godzilla, like ripping his arm off or punching through his chest. If Godzilla wins, I picture him either leaving a massive gaping hole in Kong from his atomic breath, or breaking his neck with his jaws.
Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time

MemberTitanosaurusJun-06-2019 4:31 PMI definitely want Godzilla to win. I feel as though his survival is the key to overall Titan health and relations across the world as an experienced and powerful force.
However, Kong should still live as the closest Titan there is to Humanity. His ability to empathize with and understand them to a greater degree than any other Titan will be imperative to improving relations in the future.
Therefore, Godzilla should eventually force Kong down through raw outlasting stamina and attrition. Kong should eventually bend his knee and bow like the other Titans did, albeit earning the respect and upper status as an Alpha alongside Godzilla rather than a challenger.

MemberBaragonJun-06-2019 5:24 PMAs much as I love Kong, Godzilla would and should win. I can see both giving each other the business at times in the movie but ultimately Godzilla will eventually knock Kong out. I don’t want Kong to bow but I can see Godzilla just walking away and leaving Kong alone in respect of his strength. Kong will eat the lost and let the other titans use skull island as a home cause I imagine that would be a reason Kong would fight Godzilla in the first place.

MemberBaragonJun-06-2019 7:35 PMI want Godzilla to win; But I certainly don't want him to kill Kong. then after the fight the creature they team up against (trust me they will) attacks Kong and almost kills him before Godzilla intervenes. Then Kong gains his strength and they both eventually destroy the bigger threat. With their differences settled, They both part ways as equal protectors of earth. FYI I just saw KOTM again tonight and it was surprisingly a lot better during my second viewing. It's just a crying shame it's not doing better as far as the BO goes.

MemberBaragonJun-06-2019 9:15 PMYeah Macumbalove, I see this as the most likely possibilty.
and yeah, I have seen it 4 times, and it gets better each time. I was pretty conflicted after my first viewing, but now it is in the top 3 Godzilla films for me.
Yeah, there is just too much competition this time of year for it to do good at the box office, WB and Legendary need to be smarter about when they release the movies.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJun-06-2019 9:23 PMThe monster I want to win is the one that makes the most narrative sense. So whichever winner makes the movie stronger, more dramatic and suspenseful is my pick--Impossible to know at the moment.

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-06-2019 9:32 PMGodzilla will win this, unless they will revive ghidorah

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-07-2019 4:46 AM1)Godzilla, because, yea those titans are incredible, but i still prefer Godz
2) both will survive, we need them for the futur of the monsterverse
3)i expect that first, they will fight each other and finally team up with mothra against other titans ( i've heard that anguirus, gamera, gigan and destoroyah will be in )

MemberBaragonJun-07-2019 5:32 AMIf all of those other TOHO kaiju are in the film, this movie will be spectacular! I doubt it though.
And yeah, I agree with your points.

MemberBaragonJun-07-2019 6:06 AMCome one. Godzilla would have to win. Everyone else in my family is rooting for Kong. But the Big G will prevail and light his furry little butt on fire
King and Queen of The Skies.........

MemberBaragonJun-07-2019 6:58 AMMy friends don't have a decision, they say they'll decide when they are seeing the movie. Kinda like what G. H. (Gman) said.
My brother wants Godzilla to win, and the rest of my family is undecided as well.

MemberBaragonJun-07-2019 4:29 PM1. Godzilla should win because what's a King to a god
2. Yes I want them both to survive I Love both of them
3. I would want Godzilla to beat Kong in anyway to make it look like a clear victory then have them both face a greater common threat/enemy.

MemberTitanosaurusOct-07-2019 11:24 AMI would want Godzilla to win, but just by beating Kong into submission, not killing him, because as much as I would want Kong to lose, I still want him to live.

MemberRodanOct-07-2019 11:25 AMThey confirmed neither is dying, so GODZILLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberRodanOct-07-2019 11:28 AMI wouldn't necessarily say stupid. I mean, he uses his environment to his advantage quite often and in an impressive way, so odds are he's quite intelligent. Still... it's him versus Godzilla... so GODZILLAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberRodanOct-07-2019 11:29 AMI want Kong to win.
But Godzilla will win
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberTitanosaurusOct-07-2019 12:20 PMI highly disagree. Whilst Godzilla may have the advantage in durability, experience and the atomic breath, Kong has the advantage in speed, intelligence and raw power. It's kind of like a highly experienced sumo wrestler with a shotgun fighting a slightly less experienced kickboxer.
I do still think Godzilla will win this fight, but the common assumption that Kong doesn't stand a chance against doesn't make sense to me.
Long live the king...