Godzilla Movie

Gamera Vs. King Ghidorah

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Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-05-2019 7:54 AM

Ok,this is the Gamera which isn't from toho,neither from daiei,its just the Gamera which has the powerups from every single Gamera movie,comics and Games,so i expect you guys to say that Gamera is not that strong.Anyways,lets get onto the battle.

On a morning in Tokyo which was in Japan,something from the sky appeared,its was King Ghidorah!But,the ground was shaking,it was Gamera!Gamera and Ghidorah roared at eachother,then they used their special attacks,Gamera used the fire breath,and Ghidorah used his electric ray.

After they created a huge explosion using their special attacks,they both flew in the air,Gamera bashed into Ghidorah,they both fell in the ocean,then Gamera came out of the water with Ghidorah's head.Ghidorah came out of the water with only 2 heads,then Ghidora used his electric ray over and over again,then Ghidora grabbed Gamera with his mouth,and he threw Gamera in the air so hard that after Ghidorah threw Gamera,he couldn't even see him!

Gamera came back using his fire breath while flying,and he bashed into Ghidorah.that left a huge scar on Ghidorah's chest,Ghidorah bit Gamera's hand,and ripped his hand with force,Gamera roared in pain,but he didn't give up,he used his fire breath,and he bashed into Ghidorah multiple times,so did Ghidorah.

Then Ghidorah noticed that Gamera's chest was shining,and in just some seconds,Gamera unleashed a deadly fire explosion from his chest,making Ghidorah turn into dust.And after Ghidorah turned into dust,Gamera flew away,somewhere far,so he could rest,and just like that,Ghidorah didn't show up anymore to Tokyo,because he turned into dust,and that was the last time they saw Ghidorah,or was it?

12 Replies

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-05-2019 7:57 AM

Ok,this is hard to explain,but,EDB Season 2 is cancelled,sorry,i just don't have the time,i have to do some things in my personal life,i don't always have the time to make these things,and i hope that you understand,i am very sorry.

The true shark boy

MemberBaragonOct-05-2019 8:33 AM

I understand I too am not that active at times because of all the school work and football stuff I have to do.

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-05-2019 8:39 AM

Also,The true shark boy,what are your opinions on this battle?

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-05-2019 8:59 AM

Macumbalove hates the MonsterVerse


                          ACTUALLY HAPPENED

The true shark boy

MemberBaragonOct-05-2019 9:42 AM

The battle was descent 


MemberRodanOct-05-2019 10:10 AM

Which Ghidorah is this?

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-05-2019 10:21 AM

The Ghidorah is from the Monsterverse,it might not make sense,but,Gamera's ultimate attack finishes the job,so,yes he wins.

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-05-2019 10:22 AM

Now i feel ashamed of myself.

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-05-2019 10:22 AM

GmkGoji,im very sorry for cancelling EDB Season 2...

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-05-2019 10:25 AM

And if you are curios how Gamera defeated Ghidorah,i still didn't classify Gamera as the winner,CHECK THE LAST 3 WORDS FROM THE BATTLE!


MemberRodanOct-06-2019 2:42 PM

Ya like this?

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-07-2019 6:15 AM


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