MonsterVerse MechaGodzilla vs. MonsterVerse Ghidorah: Who Would Win?
MemberGiganMay-07-2021 2:33 PMSo anyways, MechaGodzilla and Ghidorah are probably the strongest MonsterVerse characters in the 4-film series. But who is superior? Let's find out!
Fighter 1: MechaGodzilla
So first up, we have Mecha G from Godzilla Vs. Kong. The robot Titan has the brain of a severed Ghidorah head, and is fast, agile, strong, and Godzilla's possible superior. His laser beam is stronger than ol' Goji and he has missles and jets to make him fly. He can also charge up energy to punch, kick, and make his beam stronger. He also has a drill tail to cut through things as well. Lastly, his metal is almost impenetrable. His weakness is that Kong's Hollow Earth axe charged with Godzilla's atomic breath can cut through the metal beast. So that's the scoop on our first competitor!
Fighter 2: Ghidorah
Our second competitor is Ghidorah, the three-headed monster. Ghidorah is an alien Titan who crashed on Earth and became a force to be reckoned with against Earth's Titans. The beast can shoot lightning out it's mouth and all around it's body and can fly. It's heads can also regrow themselves as well as the entire body having regenerative skin. It's weakness is that it cannot take atomic pulses from beings like Godzilla and the heads all have minds of their own, which can lead them to argue and distract themselves from battle but they do work together mostly. And that's all for the alien monster!
So...who wins?
Well, while Ghidorah could be classified as stronger MechaGodzilla could most likely tell what the Titans could do and make up strategies to stop them. Mecha G can also pack more punch and has taken on some of the strongest Titans yet. So the winner is....MechaGodzilla!
So, how was it? Let me know in the comments below!
So that may be all for now but I, sonictiger have published my first Scified article! Here's the link, and enjoy: Stranger Things 4: The Trailer Theory (
MemberGiganMay-07-2021 2:33 PMMecha G all the way!
MemberGiganMay-07-2021 2:37 PMWould ghidorah fight itself?
Team Ghidorah
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberAnguirusMay-07-2021 2:38 PMMECHA ALL THE WAAAY
MemberGiganMay-07-2021 2:43 PMSarcasticGoji, Well, um, uhhhhhhh.......I got nothing.
Kattozilla, Y E S
G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-07-2021 2:45 PMI don't have a horse in this race, but some things to consider from the mouth of the director:
"Maybe that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s stronger than Godzilla but he’s able to be one step ahead and you also have to consider the fact that Godzilla has just gone through 3 rounds with Kong where he exercised his nuclear breath to its absolute core and so he’s pretty worn down at this point. He’s gone nonstop and there’s one shot where Godzilla and Mechagodzilla fire their beams at each other at the same time right and Mechagodzilla’s actually overpowers Godzilla and I don’t think that that would have been the case if Godzilla’s coming in fresh but I think that he was weakened a bit. We never expressly state that but that was my impression of it and I actually tried to avoid that moment because I didn’t want to give the impression that Mechagodzilla was just so powerful but ultimately that’s just where it landed." - Adam Wingard [Source]
MemberBaragonMay-07-2021 3:02 PMI'm going to have to think this through...
Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberBaragonMay-07-2021 4:15 PMI put my money on Monster Zero due to the fact that his gravity beams could mess up some electrical system in Mecha G. Also, he could be supercharged with electricity, making him more powerful.
MemberGiganMay-07-2021 4:20 PMOhhh yeah
MemberGiganOct-10-2022 4:09 PMI have my money on the golden demise! King Ghidorah, one who is many! He will suck out the electricity out of MechaG like a thirsty redneck from a beer can then crush mecha G on his forehead
MemberAnguirusOct-10-2022 8:13 PMghidrah.
MemberAnguirusOct-10-2022 8:15 PMso ghidrah vs. ghidrahs concience in a robot godzilla body.
kind of similar to godzilla vs mechagodzilla 11. ¨artificial life vs. natural life¨
Cool Godzilla
MemberGiganOct-10-2022 11:52 PMKing Ghidorah would win. MechaG was winning against Godzilla because Godzilla used all his energy on Kong, while King Ghidorah defeated a full-power Godzilla and killed Mothra, which later Ghidorah got killed by Thermonuclear Godzilla. Oh, I forgot, Mothra gave Godzilla her soul power to power up Godzilla's nuclear form and defeat Ghidorah.
MemberGiganOct-11-2022 12:05 AM"Golden demise is void ghidorah"
Oops I forgot
MemberGiganOct-11-2022 12:06 AM"Golden demise is void ghidorah"
Oops I forgot
MemberGiganOct-11-2022 12:06 AMI hate how buggy this website can be
Cool Godzilla
MemberGiganOct-11-2022 12:14 probably posted 2 times while the glitch happens. Just don't press the reply again and rejoin the Scified. It would probably work.