Godzilla Movie

Aliens In The MonsterVerse?

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MemberAnguirusJul-22-2021 7:08 PM

With the release of Godzilla vs Kong, many fans are wondering what the future of the MonsterVerse may have, with speculation as to what stories may be told. Looking into the movies I noticed certain details that may foreshadow the potential future of the series. These details may point to the introduction of alien threats in future movies.



-Early in the film, Bill Randa meets with a senator to fund an expedition to Skull Island. The senator initially refuses, stating that "In terms of sheer waste, Monarch ranks right up there with the search for alien life". To which Randa responds with "Yeah, but those guys are nuts".

-Interestingly, before that scene, Randa mentions that "There'll never be a more screwed up time in Washington". Washington DC ends up being destroyed in the next film by King Ghidorah, an alien titan.



-During the events of the film it's revealed that King Ghidorah is an alien lifeform seeking to terraform Earth to fit his needs. It is currently unknown as to why or how Ghidorah came to Earth, whether he came to Earth on his own or if he was sent by an advanced extraterrestrial species, similar to the older Showa films.

-Interestingly, the main characters working in Monarch don't appear to be that shocked by this discovery. Given Monarch's secrecy and cover-ups in the past, it makes you wonder, how much do they actually know?




-Towards the end of the film Bernie Hayes questions Mark Russell about a Monarch base in Roswell, New Mexico. In 1947, a UFO was said to have crashed at a ranch in Roswell. Early press briefings from authorities described the object as a "flying disc", however this was later redacted by the military, claiming that it was nothing more than a weather balloon. The sudden change in story, along with the Government's secrecy on the incident has led to theories of a potential cover-up. So why would Monarch set up a base there?



Alien life is officially confirmed to exist in this series in the form of King Ghidorah, however, this brings up more questions.

Where did Ghidorah come from?

How and why did he come to Earth?

Are there other alien titans out there?

Are there more advanced alien civilizations?

And, most importantly, do they come in peace?


Given the history of aliens in the Godzilla franchise, they probably DO NOT...

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."
13 Replies


MemberGiganJul-22-2021 8:54 PM

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 


I dont want alien species in the monsterverse using kaiju as pawns.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Captain Cold

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-07-2021 2:08 AM

I mean, they pretty much changed up the origins of mechagodzilla and the oxygen destroyer as they are made by humans. I don't see why they would use aliens, and it would be a plot hole tbh


MemberGiganAug-07-2021 4:50 AM

@Captain Cold

The Oxygen Destroyer has always been made by Humans in the Godzilla multiverse

Mechagodzilla in the Showa and Anime Trilogy series were the only alien origin Mechagodzilla. 

Mechagodzilla in the Heisei series was made from the remains future human's mechaghidorah, which was reconstructed by present day humans into mechagodzilla

Mechagodzilla in the Millennium series was made by humans built on the remains of a dead godzilla.

So why do you have a problem with Mechagodzilla being made by humans in the MonsterVerse series?


Captain Cold

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-07-2021 4:59 AM

I think it was made by aliens in a comic but yes it's made by humans in the movies.


Also i have no problem with them changing mecha's origin but i'm just saying that aliens are kind of pointless to be in the monsterverse


MemberGiganAug-07-2021 9:18 PM

 Captain Cold

Movies with Mechagodzilla made by humans.

Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla 2

Godzilla against Mechagodzilla 

Godzilla Tokyo SOS



Movies with Mechagodzilla made by aliens

Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla

Terror of mechagodzilla

I just thought this was interesting

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberGiganAug-08-2021 5:38 AM

Captain Cold

And the comics came after the original movie, the original oxygen destroyer was made by Daisuke Serizawa; a Human, specifically a Japanese war veteran. The oxygen destroyer is an allegory to the nuke, its creator wanted to make a new renewable energy and it ends becoming a weapon.

Again in the monsterverse, it went back to its roots as a human weapon.

So your complaint against aliens appearing in the monsterverse is invalid since the Oxygen Destroyer being an alien device was only in the non-canon comics. 


Captain Cold

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-09-2021 4:29 AM


Again in the monsterverse, it went back to its roots as a human weapon.

So your complaint against aliens appearing in the monsterverse is invalid since the Oxygen Destroyer being an alien device was only in the non-canon comics. 


I mean, i am not really opposed to it but i don't really support it either. I mean, sure the concept is good and could be used for something interesting, but i personally don't see why they should be added.

Also yes i forgot the dates about the oxygen destroyer


MemberGiganAug-09-2021 9:58 AM


I hate to correct you, but the oxygen destroyer wasn't an allegory for the nuke. Godzilla was, the oxygen destroyer was used to show the only way to get rid of the effects of an atomic bomb was with something much worse.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberGiganAug-09-2021 10:52 AM


true but the oxygen destroyer is still in away based off the nuke via making a worse nuke



MemberAnguirusAug-22-2021 7:33 AM

Another one that I missed that was pointed out by CinemaWins, during the scene where Madison, Bernie, and Josh enter the Apex facility (right before they find the Skullcrawler eggs) you can hear an announcement stating "Maglev shuttle departure to Roswell, New Mexico". So that's another potential hint at aliens in the MonsterVerse.  

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberBaragonMay-10-2023 5:52 PM

@SasquaDash: I’ve been saying for a while that aliens are the endgame. You provided some great evidence!

As for what potential aliens we could see, I suspect they’ll be a civilization from Planet X. I could see their backstory going something like this…

They coexisted with Titans on their homeworld, but much like humans, they eventually started playing God. Through genetic manipulation, they bred multi-headed dragon-like monsters and used them to conquer other planets in neighboring solar systems. They also created cybernetic monsters like Gigan.

One of the dragons, Keizer, became the alpha over the other monsters. But his younger brother, Ghidorah, was jealous and tried to steal his title. So Keizer fought and exiled his younger brother from their home planet. Now an ostracized member of his species, the young prince travelled throughout space before stumbling upon Earth.

Upon arriving in Earth’s orbit, Ghidorah sensed the presence of powerful energy hidden deep within the Hollow Earth and attempted to get to it to siphon its power. But before he could, he was stopped by Godzilla, Earth’s most powerful Titan. Wanting to torment Godzilla for his sadistic enjoyment, Ghidorah put off his plan to retrieve the energy in the Hollow Earth. For millennia, he fought Godzilla for the status of Alpha Titan until he was imprisoned in ice in Antarctica. Before he was frozen, Ghidorah attempted to use the Vile Vortex to make it to the Hollow Earth to recover from losing the fight. But he ended up being frozen alive before that could happen.

Gul Ghidorah

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2023 4:01 AM

 I would like to see the aliens from Gareth Edward's "Monsters" movie appear in the Monsterverse. Since he started the series, it'd be cool to have his creations be brought into the fold. They'd also be cool as an invasive species, something started as a trope with previous monsterverse antagonists. 

To differentiate the aliens from their original story I'd have them take over Brazil, Vietnam India or South Africa instead of Mexico. 


MemberGiganMay-27-2023 11:41 PM

Wait weren't the Aliens from Monsters just misunderstood creatures?

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