Muto Prime vs Kong, who would win?

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-14-2021 9:51 PMMuto Prime didn't appear at all of the godzilla movies. But, only we can know is she was muto(that appeared at 2014's parent) She was a really dangerous enemy, and was exteremely bad source to human. Godzilla was hard to win her.
Kong, also called, protector of skull island, is also strong. At the scene at the movie "Godzilla vs Kong", he was extremely large, and was smart. He can use his powerful two hands and foot.
Now, I want to hear you guy's opinion. Do you think who will win at battle....
Muto Prime vs Kong ?

MemberGiganSep-15-2021 10:07 AMMuto prime probably
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganSep-15-2021 11:00 AMM O N K E

MemberAnguirusSep-15-2021 11:08 AMM O N K E
ok that actually made my day though

MemberGiganSep-15-2021 11:58 AMGodzilla couldn’t beat it without help, and long couldn’t beat Godzilla
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Trash panda
MemberAnguirusSep-16-2021 2:28 PMMonke

MemberGiganSep-17-2021 6:44 PMKong beat Goji with a Goji-Axe.
Kong would have won again if he used his axe in round 3.

MemberBaragonSep-21-2021 11:31 AMKong. MUTO Prime evolved to hunt and prey on Godzilla’s species so it is more prepared to handle Godzilla than any other Titan. Kong is an alpha and definitely strong and smart enough to take MUTO Prime. He should be able to match its physical strength and is faster and more agile. Kong is also a better fighter who got mad hands. Mid dif Kong with out the axe. Low dif Kong with the axe, but he no longer has it or needs it anymore so I’m sure we won’t see him use it again.

Reaper's Wineglass
MemberMothra LarvaeOct-04-2021 8:24 AMLMFAO All these people saying Kong wins with low dif lmao Muto Prime pimp slaps Kong to another dimension.