Riley Roberts
MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2023 9:28 PMThis is something I always have been wondering. I have wondered about Japanese critic reviews or the critical reception from Japan was for the GodZilla series. For instance, while the original GodZilla is widely praised today, it didn’t exactly get positive reviews from critics. Adding to it, GodZilla raids again is mostly viewed as a cash grab, but it received much better critical reception in Japan than the original. Another thing is for those who have read Ishiro Honda book, it featured a review for some of the films he more thing, according to the trivia section for GodZilla vs destroyah on IMDb, it says the film was widely panned. Is this true? This is something I have been curious. If anybody out there can either show actual critic reviews like the Honda book or at least can tel me the general consensus was for any of the films, not just Honda, it would be great. I posted this on the toho kingdom forms, but nobody replied so I thought this could a good second area.
G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaApr-25-2023 12:03 AMRiley Roberts,
I'll get back to you. A lot of this is from memory of years and years ago, so I'll have to go back and find some sources.
MemberBaragonApr-25-2023 5:20
and search up the names in japanese
MemberBaragonApr-25-2023 5:22 PMI did not read the full post before commenting, so what I said is irrelevant. I will read fully next time before replying.