Godzilla Movie

Something Weird Is Happening With Monarch: Legacy of Monsters' Rotten Tomato Score...

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MemberAnguirusNov-20-2023 5:40 PM

I've been monitoring the Rotten Tomatoes score for Monarch: Legacy of Monsters over the past few days and I noticed something weird about it...

The Tomatometer for it is at an 85% "Certified Fresh" (making it the highest rated entry in the MonsterVerse), normally this would be a great score, but there's something off about it. When you look at the number of fresh reviews vs. rotten, it doesn't match what the Tomatometer is presenting. The current number of reviews at the time of me writing this is 65, with 58 fresh and 7 rotten, 58/65 as a percentage is 89% not 85%. 

(also notice that "average rating")


The score seems to be currently locked at 85% and isn't changing despite the increasing number of reviews. This change started on Saturday, when the number of reviews hit 57. Prior to that, the score was around 89-91% (it actually got up to 93% at one point!), with the percentage lining up with the number of reviews. 


(here's a screenshot of one of the results when I Googled the Rotten Tomatoes score earlier Today, notice the number of reviews or "votes")


I'm not sure what's going on, normally I would assume that it's some sort of glitch, but given the site's track record of incidents like this, I find it a bit suspicious...


I wanted to make a post about this since no ones seems to be noticing this at the moment. I will continue to monitor the situation on Rotten Tomatoes and will give any updates I find. I will also try to upload some screenshots from my phone that I took over the weekend, which shows more inconsistencies with the score.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."
12 Replies


MemberGiganNov-24-2023 11:46 PM

Huh, I haven't watched Monarch yet. Is it good?



MemberAnguirusNov-25-2023 1:18 PM


It's hard to judge the show at this point, since only the first 3 episodes have been released, but so far I think it's pretty good (though it does have a few flaws). The biggest criticism I've seen are people complaining about the fact that the monsters (specifically Godzilla) don't have a lot of screen time, with the series taking an approach similar to Jaws and Alien, and I've seen some criticism over the time jumps that happen throughout the series (though I don't mind it personally). The human characters are pretty solid for the most part with Lee Shaw (Kurt & Wyatt Russell) being a highlight. The new monsters are also pretty cool.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-26-2023 12:06 AM


though I do have a question. So like I didn’t know if Godzilla awakening was considered canon before, bc like it definitely isn’t now. Like how does that work out?


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-26-2023 12:07 AM

Also SasquaDash, was randomly on yt and saw you commented under smth. Don’t remember what just was gonna talk bout it.


MemberGiganNov-26-2023 3:05 PM


So is it exclusively on Apple TV or can I watch it elsewhere?



MemberMothra LarvaeNov-26-2023 6:21 PM


Apple TV Plus, but like I think they have a 30 days free thing going on.


MemberAnguirusNov-27-2023 2:55 PM

I watched episode 1 and literally everyone in it is a complete asshole but i liked it anyways

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"


MemberGiganNov-29-2023 3:28 AM

I think mine ran out



MemberAnguirusNov-29-2023 12:04 PM

Update: The number of reviews have increased to 72, with 65 fresh and 7 rotten, which should put the percentage at 90%, yet no changes to the Tomatometer...

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberMothra LarvaeDec-01-2023 9:05 AM

BC tomatometer dumb af


MemberGiganDec-01-2023 2:44 PM

I don't trust rotten tomato, its a Disney lapdog



MemberMothra LarvaeDec-04-2023 8:11 PM


maybe this is blasphemy but I think this is better than the og

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