MemberRodanNov-26-2019 2:37 PMI don't think Kong will win though, it just wouldn't make sense story wise, canon wise, or just from looking at either creature. If Kong wins, he'll be the new alpha or chaos will break out among the Titans again. I think they're just trying to make us think Kong might win so we'll actually be surprised if Godzilla wins.

MemberRodanNov-26-2019 2:46 PMLets go Kong.

MemberTitanosaurusNov-26-2019 3:40 PMThe usage of that picture is coincidence. Nothing more.

Gomi: Ninja Monster
MemberBaragonNov-26-2019 4:24 PMPersonally, If Kong wins I think it would only be to prove a point. The novelization makes it sound like Kong couldn't care less about the outside world, he just wants those dang Skullcrawlers off his lawn. I'd postulate that the Titans showing up on his island aren't necessarily welcome, and Godzilla coming to impose his order even less so. Ergo, Kong would reject Godzilla's authority, surprise everyone by kicking his tail despite his disadvantages, then refuse the responsibilities of Alpha and go back to Skull Island, now with the status to make sure everyone leaves him alone.

MemberBaragonNov-26-2019 5:25 PMI agree with Gomi. Kong wants nothing to due with others. He wants to be by himself. He already stated during the Kotm, that he wants nothing with Titans, nor does he want Titans to do anything with him. And was probably their only warning.

MemberGodzillaNov-26-2019 8:52 PMHard to pick a desired winner since liking them both. If Kong wins and that means killing Godzilla, there would be no balance factor for Titans or humans-if Kong just wants to be left alone. In that regard, if Kong dies, so what. That is not stated lightly.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaNov-26-2019 8:59 PMThe image is the King Kong vs. Godzilla cover from the new Showa Era Criterion collection. He likely just posted the image because it's the latest (very cool) release and he likely picked it up too. "He's a fan," after all.

MemberBaragonNov-26-2019 11:18 PM King Kong ain't got **** on Godzilla. Kong could break shin easy enough but Legendary is a real Godzilla that reminds me of my Lizard. I'm my Lizards Kong and it blows cuz he tries to kill me when he is on his throne when I try to feed him like every day. I even bow to him as the alpha but he still tries to smoke me and I love the guy so I evade or bleed. He is a real nice guy in my territory. I think he may have a Kong mentality of get the **** off my island. I respect Kong as the first King of the monsters from 33. In 33 however he ****ed with Trex. Could have got the girl out of there without hurting Trex and now the Dinosaur God has come for revenge in spirit. Hollywood has it in for Dragons and they will kill Kong after they kill us off. Ruthless mother****ers. Thanks for the monster verse but you all killed King Ghidorah and stabbed Rodan so I got no faith left in these folks. Daenerys lost 2 Dragons before they snowed her like trendy *******s. Lizzie got bunked over by George and the Rock. **** you Dwane. Godzilla better win this **** or I'm done. Also I heard they have the true God Tiamat in the monsterverse now... and she serves Godzilla? Ok Godzilla would be a great mate for Tiamat rendering Dragon Lord hatchlings eternal but that is some bull**** if Kong wins period and if have our Dragons bow to the monkey it will be almost as bad as the old legend where they ****ed her over. It's time to evolve people. Kong and man are Godzilla's pets not the other way around. We would serve him well Dragon's thralls

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaNov-26-2019 11:48 PMWell that was... something.

MemberGodzillaNov-26-2019 11:57 PMAlthough I really like Kong, I think Godzilla's survival would be most important when considering the over all planet in that monster verse. We could live on without Skull Island but not the whole Earth with unruly creatures and irresponsible humans.

MemberBaragonNov-27-2019 2:50 AMI think they're reaching here. Anyway, I think the best outcome would be Godzilla winning, but not by killing Kong.

MemberTitanosaurusNov-27-2019 4:19 AM@Moldovan0731 Agreed. Perhaps I'm projecting, but here's the scenario I've had in my head for their fight to play out:
Godzilla and Kong meet for the first time for whatever cir***stances the movie provides. When they first meet, Godzilla doesn't really take Kong seriously. He's about chest-height to him, after all, and he doesn't really have any major super-powers. Piece of cake, right? But much to everyone's surprise, Kong actually beats Godzilla in this first round. He doesn't have any crazy powers, but he's still quite strong physically, is more agile than Godzilla, and utilizes tools such as boulders and, yes, trees. Goji realizes too late that he shouldn't have let his guard down, and ends up leaving beaten and shocked, and maybe just a tad embarrassed.
Then in their second big fight, Godzilla is a lot more careful. He now knows not to underestimate Kong, and goes all-out in this battle. We see the two using their strengths and weaknesses against each other. Kong's agility and tool-use, and Godzilla's atomic breath and heavy hitting tricks.
Eventually, after a lengthy battle that leaves both monsters beaten, bruised, and bloodied, Godzilla emerges the victor. Kong is still alive but defeated, and with no other choice, reluctantly bows to Godzilla, acknowledging him as the true Alpha.
Godzilla is silent for a moment...
...and then he bows BACK. He's come to respect Kong for his tenacity and determination in battle, even when the odds are stacked against him, and acknowledges him as not only a worthy opponent, but as a fellow Alpha.
And then they both go off and fight the inevitable bad-guy Titan.

Im Durp
MemberBaragonNov-27-2019 4:53 AMEverytime I see these posts and read some of the comments it makes me hope more and more for a Kong victory just to see the people lose their minds over it.

MemberTitanosaurusNov-27-2019 5:52 AMI love Godzilla with all my soul but I would never underestimate Kong. However this turns out, it'll be one hell of a fight.

The Realist
MemberMothra LarvaeNov-27-2019 6:14 AMHold on.. On what planet will anyone be surprised by Kong winning? Kong never loses. He has been deemed the hero since day one. I personally think it sucks because we already saw Kong as the "good guy" in the original film. Godzilla fans always seem to get screwed over.

Trash panda
MemberAnguirusNov-27-2019 6:29 AMKong may be king of Skull Island, but Godzilla will always be King of the Monsters.

MemberGodzillaNov-27-2019 8:52 AMThe Realist Because Kong was nice to the damsel in distress in the first movie and was probably seen by people as being "more like them".

MemberTitanosaurusNov-27-2019 9:14 AMI would still want Godzilla to win, but if the production team wants to surprise us with Kong winning the first round, then it's fine, as long as Godzilla wins the final round.

MemberTitanosaurusNov-27-2019 9:14 AMI would still want Godzilla to win, but if the production team wants to surprise us with Kong winning the first round, then it's fine, as long as Godzilla wins the final round.

MemberTitanosaurusNov-27-2019 9:18 AMPlease fix the double posts, Chris. Please. :)

MemberBaragonNov-27-2019 9:32 AMIt doesn't suggest anything. As Gman said it's just from the new box set, Nothing more.

MemberBaragonNov-27-2019 10:13 AMYeah, but here's the thing. Godzilla and Kong are Yin and Yang.
Kong is more agile and can use tools. However, he lacks a breath attack and lacks natural armor
Godzilla, on the other hand, has that. But can't do what Kong can do
I think that makes them even, in own their way.

MemberRodanDec-03-2019 10:11 AMI agree with Jurassic kaiju. I want Kong to bow, then Godzilla bows back.

MemberTitanosaurusDec-03-2019 10:14 AM@JackSpinoRex
If I'm disappointed with GvK, I just might. I'm actually working on a rewrite of KOTM right now (not that I was disappointed with it, I just thought some parts could use some improvement).