Godzilla Movie

First batch of Godzilla 2 set photos leak online!

Scified2017-07-03 07:09:47https://www.scified.com/articles/first-batch-godzilla-2-set-photos-leak-online-55.jpg
Written by Chris96,489 Reads9 Comments2017-07-03 07:09:47

Filming on the highly anticipated Godzilla 2014 sequel Godzilla 2 'King of the Monsters' began on June 19th and today we have our first batch of leaked set photos to share with you!

Unlike the shoot in Vancouver for Gareth Edwards' Godzilla, filming on King of the Monsters seems to be more secretive and discrete, with sets and props being shielded (for the most part) from the public. However, some determined scouts managed to snap a few photos despite the fact and have shared them online via our friends at Gormaru Island. As their report states:

GODZILLA II Night Filming from the scheduled Inman Village ParkWay shoot that happened two days ago.

According to bystanders and witnesses, there were a lot of thunderous noises, booms, and monster sounds emitting around the location. With cars turned over, flames roaring, and with debris scattered everywhere. And clearly from the glimpses of the set, it must have been quite the night!

The photos depict what we would expect from a Godzilla movie - destruction. Flipped cars, fallen trees, fire, etc... Little is known about what took place plot-wise during this shoot but given the witness accounts mentioned above, It's safe to assume the shoot involved rampaging monsters. Perhaps wind gusts from Mothra, Rodan or Ghidorah were the culprit? Check out the photos below and let us know your thoughts in the comments section!

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The Jurassic Bootleg

MemberBaragonJul-03-2017 7:26 AM

Monsters sounds?, interesting.


MemberTitanosaurusJul-03-2017 7:29 AM

Alright, some photos! Standard destruction and property damage, but it's good to have a first look now.


MemberBaragonJul-04-2017 7:44 AM



MemberTitanosaurusJul-04-2017 9:59 PM

Good to at least see some real pictures from the movie


MemberBaragonJul-05-2017 12:29 PM

This is awesome!  Part of Godzilla 2 now officially exists on film!  That's pretty cool to think about!


MemberBaragonJul-06-2017 9:49 AM

Wow. Rodan's really made a mess of things...

I Meme Everything

MemberGiganJul-06-2017 9:53 AM



MemberTitanosaurusJul-06-2017 9:43 PM

Thought it was Rodan, he does a lot of wind damage so it would explained all the vehicles thrown about


MemberTitanosaurusAug-01-2017 9:02 AM

damn, this looks sweet

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