Godzilla Movie

Godzilla: King of the Monsters plot info and Charles Dance character details leaked!?

Scified2018-05-31 10:26:41https://www.scified.com/articles/godzilla-king-the-monsters-plot-info-charles-dance-character-details-leaked-17.jpg
Written by Chris31,366 Reads10 Comments2018-05-31 10:26:41

Charles Dance will star in Michael Dougherty's Godzilla sequel, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which arrives in theaters in exactly one year from today! Prior to today, little was known about who he would play in the movie, but the folks at DiscussingFilm claim to have been given information regarding Dance's involvement. According to their sources, Charles will play the a leader of a terrorist organisation who are hell bent on utilizing resources gathered from Monsters:

In Godzilla 2: King of Monsters, Charles Dance will be playing a terrorist leader who Warner Bros./Legendary’s  TITANS/Kaiju Cinematic Universe likely have bigger plans in store for. He works in a black market that circulates whatever resources that can be gathered from monsters (also known as TITANS now in the universe) and their remains.

Charles Dance only has a supporting role in the film however, he does play a part in the current post-credits scene that happens following the events of the film.

If these reports are correct, the MUTOs (Monsters) will now be referred to as TITANs within the Monsterverse, which makes sense considering Ghidorah is not a "Terrestrial Organism", he comes from space. The shift to using this term suggests Ghidorah may not be the only Monster whose origins stem from an other-worldly location as well.

This report also confirms Godzilla 2 will have a post-credit scene, which we have elaborated on in more detail in this follow-up article to this post.

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MemberTitanosaurusMay-31-2018 10:43 AM

In my opinion, Terrorism is an interesting idea to have kaiju movies. Seeing as terrorists are the closest things that the real world has to giant monsters, seeing as they both cause a lot of destruction and death. Especially with terrorism being so big at the moment, I think this could be interesting. Maybe the movie is trying to have the human characters represent the human characters. I am like Dr. Serizawa will represent Godzilla and the terrorists will represent King Ghidorah. This could give a great metaphor for how are the real monsters.


MemberTitanosaurusMay-31-2018 10:43 AM

So... Monarch is going to be turned into a G.I. Joe monster fighting force to stop not only monsters but terrorists as well? haha

Interesting plot point I guess. So TITANS are now the new term for MUTO's? I guess that will be interesting. Maybe its a new term for Monsters that have been in Monarchs files so long?

Krappy Bungholio

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-31-2018 10:49 AM

Charles Dance is playing Jonah Alan from the Monarch timeline - has always been obvious


MemberTitanosaurusMay-31-2018 10:50 AM

Wait a minute. So we can actually call the monsters from 2014 Muto's now?

Good, because I was wondering if the term ”muto” was going to be used for every monster and that the 2014 monsters would get their own name eventually. I am actually oké with the name ”Titans” (although the name ”kaiju” would also be nice to see join the monsterverse).

The Legend of Brian

MemberBaragonMay-31-2018 12:01 PM

As dubious as the validity of this news is, I would like it. I mean it makes sense that the black market would take advantage of this whole new resource with monster corpses. 

This does give a bit more credibility to that terrible 4chan "leak" a little while back. I hope that it's not actually true.

I do like the shift to Titans. Like MUTO is the name given to monsters by federal/government agents while Titan is the media/public name.


MemberTitanosaurusMay-31-2018 1:52 PM

"He works in a black market that circulates whatever resources that can be gathered from monsters and their remains."

Sounds alot like what Ron Pearlmans character Hannibal Chau and his black market organization did in Pacific Rim after the Kaiju were defeated. I mean, it sounds exactly like it.


The Jurassic Bootleg

MemberBaragonMay-31-2018 3:04 PM

Ok, how trustworthy is DiscussingFilms? just wondering.

The King of the Monsters

MemberBaragonMay-31-2018 4:31 PM

Never heard of them before, so I can't point to any instances of them being untrustworthy, but that article is definitely plagued with typos and iffy grammar. They can't even get the names right for any of the films or the cinematic universe itself.


MemberTitanosaurusJun-01-2018 8:13 AM

Well, this source certainly sound suspicious, so let's make sure to maintain our veil of doubt.

However, this information is interesting nonetheless and would certainly fit the idea of hiring extras to play bounty hunters as we learned months ago.

As well, the working title for Kong: Skull Island was "Titan", so it'd be a good way to reference that if this turns out to be true.


MemberTitanosaurusJun-01-2018 10:00 AM

I still prefer Kaiju but Titans is cool too. Just out of curiosity, was anyone else thinking of Eren from Attack on Titan screaming "Titans!" when they read this or is it just me?

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