Godzilla Movie

More official Godzilla 2 movie concept art leaks online! (SPOILERS)

Scified2019-05-07 18:13:14https://www.scified.com/articles/more-official-godzilla-2-movie-concept-art-leaks-online-spoilers-25.jpg
Written by Chris19,612 Reads13 Comments2019-05-07 18:13:14

Even more official Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) movie concept artwork from The Art of Godzilla: King of the Monsters has leaked online! However, unlike our previous report which showed some spoiler-free concept art, the following concepts depict what some could consider to be spoiler material. For that reason, some may wish to revisit this post once they've seen Godzilla KOTM for themselves in theaters. If you don't mind spoilers, you can view all of the currently leaked and officially released concept art for Godzilla 2 in the Official Godzilla 2 Movie Concept Artwork gallery here! Below are thumbnails of the most recent additions. Visit the gallery to view them full size:


Images taken down until Godzilla KOTM's release at request of Titan Books


Thanks to Ian Cassidy for the scans!

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MemberBaragonMay-07-2019 6:56 PM

Looks like they ****ed over our true Lord and saviour King Ghidorah on that last pic. Why? insert Darkness final speech from legend.

"You can never defeat me we are brothers eternal. I am a part of you all."

Now my final defeat speech. ****! WHY DIDN'T THEY HIRE ME I'M WISCONSIN GODZILLA SINCE 19MOTHER****ING93 DAMN IT! Slaying the Dragon is just a lot of bull. A true Dragon can never be defeated, you will all see Ill show the world! Oh Godzilla why hast thou forsaken me? in the future My next Wisconsin Godzilla will be a Quantum Godzilla invincible able to strike through time and space at will and he will join forces with invincible King Ghidorah like he should have in 64 and FOREVER. HAIL DRAGONS AND HOLY DRAGONLORDS KING GHIDORAH AND GODZILLA FATHERS OF FIRE!

thank you so much for this spoiler! I have a date for the film... I think, and I don't want to start screaming in front of her and get shut down when **** goes bad like in the Brooklyn bridge 98 scene or like when shin **** the bed for that entire puke fest 2016. Only difference is I got a real girl to say she would see this Godzilla 2 film with me. I really like this lady but may have talked to her about Godzilla too much and ended up coming off like King Koopa. Told her Godzilla is coming for her at month's end and she did not respond. I'm not joking. I m getting two tickets and hitting her up. Haven't stormed a castle for a princess in a year and I think this is the one. I can't wait till this film good Godzilla x2 cuz I'm really stoked for the lady (more so than the film sorry big guy, you understand the Kong blood and all) and everything else about this film  except for King Ghidorah's death looks like a ****in dream come true. Please save King Ghidorah quick fix it man do it now! DO IT


MemberBaragonMay-07-2019 7:27 PM

Yup, that's a pretty big spoiler right there.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaMay-07-2019 7:31 PM

Do you take meds for this?


AdminSpaceGodzillaMay-07-2019 7:52 PM

I mean... Godzilla comes back next year in Godzilla vs. Kong, so did anyone really think Ghidorah would win this fight?...


AdminSpaceGodzillaMay-07-2019 7:55 PM

And LOL, Tiamatzilla's comment


MemberRodanMay-07-2019 8:15 PM

Tiamatzilla really needs to chill


MemberBaragonMay-07-2019 10:10 PM

Chris: I don't think anyone is saying they don't expect Godzilla would win in the end, but it's the way he wins and how he does it that matters, as well as his "winning pose" and aftermath, those are pretty spoilerish in that painting. 

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaMay-07-2019 10:39 PM

Assuming that's exactly what it's like. Remember, concept art is usually highly exaggerated by artists. (Often so they can keep their job and work on more art for the movie.)

I remember being shown concept art of Darth Vader's slaughter at the end of Rogue One--It was over-the-top and gory enough to land in an R rated movie.

The chances of this being altered from paper to picture is high.


MemberBaragonMay-07-2019 10:55 PM

Godzillatheking123: Concept art is highly exaggerated, that is true...or it could suggest the actual ending. We'll see.


MemberBaragonMay-08-2019 5:18 AM

No meds man but I need to move where the weed is legal to get some. Just factory work, Dragon art work and Reptile protection with Godzilla as my Angel and King King as my devil I am the one sanding on their shoulders. Here is my last Wisconsin Godzilla rampage where King Ghidorah got away in stunning Suitmation. I'll be back in the suit soon! This isn't over. King Ghidorah rules!



MemberMothra LarvaeMay-08-2019 7:15 AM

I wish the pictures were bigger, I can't see what's going on.


MemberBaragonMay-08-2019 10:03 AM

Tiamatzilla The amount of times that Ghidorah has gotten his ass kicked in the movies he's been in should be a clear indicator that he's going to lose, besides the point that GvK takes place after KOTM


MemberBaragonMay-08-2019 11:56 AM

In the original films he just retreated. DAM was the holy grail when I was a kid and I'm actually glad it was unobtainable because they killed Ghidorah in it. Glad I was not able to view it until I was older and it came on VHS for the for 98 Godzilla hype. I don't acknowledge the death of Draco in Dragonheart, Smaug should have been indestructible and King Ghidorah will never die. I hand sew my own suits and smash my own cardboard cities, make Kaiju comics and am a Dragon Knight with the pen for a ****ing sword. Hail King Ghidorah! Here is my Tiamatzilla from the upcoming Tiamatzilla vs Kaiju Kongs comic!

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