Godzilla Movie

Official Godzilla vs. Kong (2020) toy images leak online revealing [SPOILER]!

Scified2020-01-07 19:43:32https://www.scified.com/articles/official-godzilla-vs-kong-2020-toy-images-leak-online-revealing-spoiler-12.jpg
Written by Chris136,553 Reads18 Comments2020-01-07 19:43:32

An expo in Hong Kong today featured a display case of various Godzilla merchandise - specifically toys from the upcoming Godzilla vs. Kong (2020) movie. However, the photos themselves reveal our first official look (though not the most clear and likely prototypes) at the film's two new Monsters... SPOILERS AHEAD...

Earlier this afternoon we reported that Mechagodzilla was confirmed for Godzilla vs. Kong along with another, unnamed Monster. The toy images which you can see below reveal what Mechagodzilla will look like in the movie and we also get a first glimpse at the other, unknown Titan. Check it out:


Unknown Titan:

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MemberTitanosaurusJan-07-2020 7:46 PM

Am I the only one who thinks that that weird bird/snake thing up in the corner of that one photo is Titanus Quetzalcoatl?


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-07-2020 10:44 PM

This movie has to be done in two parts. Adding Mechagodzilla along with Godzilla and Kong is a telltale sign that a lot of action will/must occur which also calls for a deeper plot.

Not only that, they are adding a new titan which I whole heartedly believe is an attempt at giving long awaited screen time to the super kaiju Bagan. Bagan is on another playing field and is due the proper amount of screen time especially since all original film ideas for him were scrapped. That is why I say this movie has to be done in two parts.


MemberGodzillaJan-07-2020 11:52 PM

hecamefromthevoid No wonder it got pushed to November. There could be two movies worth of material considering the extra titans. I am not feeling as confident in GvK as I used to.


MemberTitanosaurusJan-08-2020 7:20 AM

hecamefromthevoid I'm 100% certain that Bagan will not be in this movie. As far as we know, Warner Bros. does not have the rights to him. They do, however have the rights to Mechagodzilla.

Besides, taking a look at the design, I'm fairly certain the new Titan is Titanus Quetzalcoatl.

And it won't be a two parter. They would have announced that by now. Either it's going to be a straight-up action popcorn thriller (which is what I think it'll be), or it'll be one of those three-hour jobs. But it won't be done in two parts.


MemberTitanosaurusJan-08-2020 7:21 AM

dk Honestly, I was always more excited about KOTM than I was about GvK. And I will admit that I'm getting more nervous about the latter, especially considering all the newfound division over Mechagodzilla's inclusion.


MemberBaragonJan-08-2020 7:47 AM

hecamefromthevoid LMAO no honey; Settle down.


MemberRodanJan-08-2020 8:13 AM

This "unknown titan" is actually "Mega Godzilla" 

The snake-like titan is probably Quezacoatal.


MemberRodanJan-08-2020 8:19 AM

I think the MechaG toy is possibly a misdirection, due to the odd proportions of its arms and legs. Think of the Chaos Effect toy line from Jurassic Park, most of those things never made an appearance in the franchise. Usually, when something has weird proportions, it doesn't make it into the movie. And just look at those arms! JESUS!


MemberTitanosaurusJan-08-2020 9:00 AM

Gmkgoji "The snake-like titan is probably Quezacoatal."

Yeah, that's what I think too. Glad I'm not the only one.

TheLazyFish "I think the MechaG toy is possibly a misdirection, due to the odd proportions of its arms and legs. Think of the Chaos Effect toy line from Jurassic Park, most of those things never made an appearance in the franchise. Usually, when something has weird proportions, it doesn't make it into the movie. And just look at those arms!"

Hmmm...maybe. As for those robo-biceps of his, I imagine the unusual size is to give him a bigger advantage in melee combat.

Gomi: Ninja Monster

MemberBaragonJan-08-2020 11:58 AM

I've heard from other places that the toy is only a rough translation of the actual design, so the proportions could just simply be off. If not, and given his strange new zygodactyl claw hands, I strongly suspect this Mechagodzilla is going to be either a climber or an optional quadruped. Alternately, the bigger arms could be an attempt to combine the best aspects of Godzilla and Kong into one entity, making it the theoretical perfect kaiju-killer.


MemberGodzillaJan-08-2020 12:03 PM

TheLazyFish Good point. Obviously, other Titans will be in the movie, but I hope it stays focused on Godzilla and Kong along with solid characters.

JurassicKaiju14 I would be fine with a popcorn flick as I am pretty sure both will survive and the franchise will continue. I hope it is at least as good as Skull Island and KOTM.


MemberTitanosaurusJan-08-2020 1:15 PM

Gomi: Ninja Monster "given his strange new zygodactyl claw hands, I strongly suspect this Mechagodzilla is going to be either a climber or an optional quadruped. Alternately, the bigger arms could be an attempt to combine the best aspects of Godzilla and Kong into one entity, making it the theoretical perfect kaiju-killer."

Good theory. In general, I see this Mechagodzilla as being more of a brawler than the distance-weapons focused Showa and Heisei versions, or the more balanced Kiryu.

dk "I hope it is at least as good as Skull Island and KOTM."

Same. I actually hope it's an improvement over KOTM, because as much as I enjoy the living daylights outta that one, I won't deny that there are some pretty big problems with it. Hopefully this extra time and alleged reshoots will give the studio time to perfect the film.

Although to be perfectly honest, it would not surprise me in the slightest if GvK is the grand finale of the MonsterVerse. Not even because of box office or reviews or anything; it just kind of makes sense, considering how K:SI and KOTM both seemed to be building up to it, and it's the last of the officially announced MV movies. I'd be fine with more movies in the MonsterVerse, but as time goes on, the more I think this is the last one in the MV lineup.


MemberGodzillaJan-08-2020 2:38 PM

JurassicKaiju14 I agree that it should be the last MV series movie, but I suspect it will not feel final. Movies these days end with a possibility for continuation even if it is after the credits roll. Either way, I doubt either K or G will die- that would just anger and polarize the fan base too much.

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusJan-09-2020 10:16 AM

Gmkgoji "The snake-like titan is probably Quezacoatal."

I think it's actually a Skullcrawler.

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusJan-09-2020 10:18 AM

That's why I think the Mechagodzilla from Ready Player One looks EXACTLY like Godzilla.

madgod longnguyen

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-10-2020 2:29 AM

wait a second,picture behind the toys is kong have fire form like godzilla,WTF,but how?




MemberTitanosaurusJan-10-2020 5:07 AM

madgod longnguyen I think it's just how the poster is colored.


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-10-2020 10:22 PM

After seeing the toys for Mechagodzilla I'm fairly sure that the clip we've seen of Kong and Godzilla fighting on an aircraft carrier is actually Kong fighting Mechagodzilla. Godzilla's posture seemed off to me after seeing the clip. Tail on the ground in a weird way, knees bent more the they should be and an odd slouch that I haven't seen before. All of which seem to be similar if not the same in the Mechagodzilla toys. Also if Godzilla climbed onto the carrier it would sink but if Mechagodzilla was loaded onto it before setting sail it might not. What does everyone think?

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