MemberMothra LarvaeApr-17-2014 7:29 AMin all seriousness, do you reckon Godzilla is distressed his because he is alone and because he has probably been hibernating for millions of years, he has woken to a world where everything has changed? im no zoologist but don't some elephants get distressed when they are separate from their herd/family for too long?
un the toy box it did mention that is most likely that godzilla is the LAST of a race of giant amphmonster animals.
i wonder what his parents or siblings looked like, I wonder if he even had a mate and chicks.
come to think of it, is godzilla even a fully grown adult?

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-17-2014 1:56 PMYes Godzilla does have family.
His son (Minilla/Minya)was born into this world in the film "SON OF GODZILLA." (1967)
He was hatched from an egg on Sogell Island which means (not proven) that Godzilla can reproduce asexually..
He has made several appearances alongside his father in the fan dubbed (Showa) series.
He can be seen in:
Son of Godzilla
Destroy all Monsters
All monsters Attack
Godzilla v.s Gigan(cameo)
Godzilla:Final Wars
Sadly not much is known about his whereabouts after Final Wars. Some think he retired to monster island but that place is demolished after the last alien attack.
Some think he died from over-exposure to radiation and that Godzilla had buried his son deep in the deepest part of the ocean.
While others believe he was born prematurely and he suffered multiple genetic defects such as the inability to grow at a normal rate and may have succumbed to his own ill-health.
The fact remains that minya/minilla has not been seen or heard from since the events of Final Wars, and his whereabouts to this day have been classified as "Mysterious Circumstances"
Also of note is Godzilla's demeanor as of late he no longer attacks like he used to, and now at times he can be seen just keeping to himself and sometimes looking depressed.

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-17-2014 2:01 PM@terminated he means the godzilla from this movie minilla has nothing to do with this godzilla. i thinks it possible that this godzilla is confused and frightened by his new surroundings

MemberTitanosaurusApr-17-2014 4:07 PMI though Minilla was adopted.
\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-17-2014 5:32 PMThe Toho Godzilla did have a family, but this new one does not.

MemberTitanosaurusApr-17-2014 6:07 PM@TW_G-Fan2014 How can we be sure this version doesn't have a family? If the resemblance to past Godzillas remains steady, than it stands to reason that the species make for very protective and nurturing parents. So, thus, if this Godzilla could stand any chance of having grown to be such an impressive individual, it must've had a successful rearing as a juvenile. And by the looks of how long he's been around, I'd say it's fair to say that he had his own little clan started up for a while, until something happened to them.

Godzilla genius
MemberMothra LarvaeDec-17-2017 1:01 PMminilla hasn't been seen after final wars. but there's a good chance he could be in the next movie. but Godzilla has been lonely quite some time and Godzilla's depression makes him even more angry. and are we sure minilla is Godzilla's son? He was found by the giant preying mantis.

The King of the Monsters
MemberBaragonDec-17-2017 3:31 PMMinilla is said to be Godzilla's adopted son, just like Godzilla Junior. In the film Godzilla is simply drawn to his distress call and eventually accepts Minilla as his son and begins raising him. The film never outright discusses the fact that Minilla is adopted, but official books like The Official Godzilla Compendium and even Toho's official English-language website say Minilla is Godzilla's "adopted son." The same applies to Godzilla Junior. I'm not sure about the Final Wars Minilla, because official sources only tend to say he is "a juvenile member of Godzilla's species."
Visit Wikizilla.org, the encyclopedia of Godzilla, Gamera, King Kong, Toho monsters and more that anyone can contribute to.

MemberTitanosaurusDec-18-2017 9:17 AMHe might have a son in Godzilla: King of the Monsters in 2019, but they might have to come up with a new name for it, like Little-G or G-Jr. or something similar. So he might adopt a son because he might not have had a family, at least of his own. But this is just my thought. What do you guys think?

MemberTitanosaurusDec-18-2017 11:33 AMGodzilla definitely has a family. Minilla and Godzilla Jr. are both adopted by Godzilla but no confirmation on brothers,sisters,mother and father.
I like to think the original 54 Godzilla is the father to the 2nd generation Godzilla of the Showa, heisei and millennium Godzilla series. That's why they always rage war with humanity. That's just what I like to theorize about. Something for everyone to chew on.

The King of the Monsters
MemberBaragonDec-18-2017 1:02 PMI know that Shogo Tomiyama and Masaaki Tezuka both acknowledged the possibility that the 1954 Godzilla/Kiryu was the father of the Godzilla featured in the Kiryu Saga films, explaining the connection the two of them shared and why Godzilla was drawn to him. I believe they also said this wasn't necessarily canon, just a valid interpretation.
Visit Wikizilla.org, the encyclopedia of Godzilla, Gamera, King Kong, Toho monsters and more that anyone can contribute to.

MemberBaragonDec-18-2017 11:59 PMAs to this new Godzilla (2014 version) It has not been revealed whether or not he has offspring.. but.. the mutos procreate.. so if nature is true to form.. then it is a safe bet.. that Godzilla (at least the Legendary version) will have offspring too.

MemberGodzillaDec-19-2017 2:28 AMDidn't one of the eggs survive in Madison Square Garden...
I jest!
Speaking as a non-fan that doesn't really 'get' Godzilla, I imagine the Legendary Godzilla will likely cherry pick the most popular elements that have been introduced into the various other Godzilla's Toho have released over the years, which would be evident from the choice of other creatures they plan to use, as such I imagine the Legendary Godzilla will likely adapt Minilla, Godzilla's plant origins and possibly Shin-Godzilla, though I doubt they will adapt the Mecha version.

MemberMothra LarvaeNov-22-2019 2:58 PMI think that the Legendary Godzilla is protecting an egg (when the Titanus Gojira species still exists) in the same place where he feeds on the radiation. But not only that he also has a symbiotic relationship with Mothra.

MemberRodanNov-22-2019 3:16 PMI... depends on how you look at this. If his kind aren't the nurturing type, then he MIGHT have had a child and had parents, but that also means they may have forced him out and he forced his child out, so that means it's purely a blood related family and not a human-like family. If they nurture each other, than Godzilla may still have had parents. Maybe Dagon is his mother or father or grandfather or something. But I don't think he ever would have had a kid, because he would still be around his mate and kid, unless they both died. I honestly doubt he has a kid, though. Parents maybe, but I think it's unlikely he has a kid, just for the fact that Legendary would have to explain why that kid isn't always around him and vice versa. He might eventually ADOPT another kid, though, or have a kid himself, but that wouldn't be for awhile, I think.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberTitanosaurusNov-22-2019 5:06 PMAs above, I agree with TheLazyFish
A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.