MemberMothra LarvaeAug-26-2014 6:54 PMThis is another thread where your imagination will be able to run wild, feel free to share your ideas for the ending to the G14 trilogy. Post which monsters you would have fighting, old or new (you could even have multiple sets of monsters duking it out simultaneously if you'd wish, but if it's a new monster, please post a little description of it, thankyouverymuch), where you would have it take place, summary of the fight, including whatever fatality moves (like the "Kiss of Death" from the first film) you would put in if you have any, time of day, ending tidbits, etc., etc.
Battling Kaiju: Legendary Destroyah, Legendary Fusion Godzilla (Legendary Goji "supercharged" from energy from Legendary MechaGodzilla's fusion-powered reactor core).
Location: Manhattan, New York, and yes, I strongly considered Tokyo, but ultimately went w/NYC because #1: Tokyo would be too obvious and you could always save that for an earlier point in this trilogy, #2 It's an American film, so ideally they'd want it to end somewhere in the US, and #3: Nostalgic reasons, Godzilla appeared in New York in the original DAM film and besides, it would be nice one-uppance to TriStar having the Godzilla's final victory take place where that abomination died against the kaiju that was supposed to forever put the Toho Godzilla to rest in favor of it.
Time of Day: Night time.
Summary: (Go here for casting/characters) After suffering a vicious beating at the hands of Destroyah on Monster Island (think: Bane treatment minus the back-breaking), Godzilla is back and more powerful than ever before. However, Destroyah continues to prove to be his toughest adversary to date. Every time Godzilla is able to hit him with any kind of attack, Destroyah either fires back with a beam/attack that appears to do more damage or create aggregates from the energy harnessed that buy him nice distractions, thus tipping the fight more in his favor because, as Serizawa notes, "Destroyah feeds off energy from other organisms" and "the more radiation Godzilla gives off without actually killing him, the more powerful and diverse Destroyah becomes". As a result, even in his "supercharged" state, the fight progressively becomes more one-sided in favor of Destroyah as time elapses. As Stenz notes "this is one fight your Alpha Predator might not be able to win, Dr... Destroyah is just far too powerful."
Godzilla hits him with a supercharged Spiral Fusion Energy Ray from his new power source, seemingly "destroying" him (no pun intended) momentarily, however, Destroyah splits up into many aggragates and reforms, completely healing himself in the process. He then hits him with his Chest Ray (it's back!) that collapses Godzilla before dragging him by his tail and beating a tired Godzilla around some more. As Destroyah charges up his Plasma Ray, preparing to finish him off, Godzilla hits him with a tail swipe inside his mouth that causes it to hit his intestines. Much of his insides are completely ripped open and Destroyah's energy suctioning spores are destroyed in the process meaning he can't regurgitate anymore. Destroyah is puking blood like crazy and Godzilla goes all out assault on him, hitting him with a barage of melee hits. He bites his horn straight off of his skull and then a point blank Spiral Ray right to the spine, blowing off both wings and more of his body in the process. In a last ditch effort, the mortally-wounded Destroyah tries to hit Godzilla with one more Chest Beam, however, Godzilla grabs his chest armor, causing it to retract and and blow his own chest open from Godzilla's palms and increase the bleeding even more while ripping out even more of his flesh.
Destroyah falls over, in a mutilated mess, looking right in the army's direction. As Lt. Reaver stares into Destroyah's dying eyes, he is haunted by flashbacks of his long lost pet crustacean (who was secretly retrieved from the ruins of a destroyed lab where he originated via nuclear meltdown contagion), who he and his Navy Captainess lover aptly named Devil (meant to be a Destroyah easter egg in the second movie) after claiming him as their own: Daddy's Monster Island caretaker father retrieving Devil, Mommy and Daddy taking a smiling picture in front of the fishtank inside his father's old aquarium on MI with Devil facing dead center, them reaching above the tank to feed Devil, Devil being confiscated from him after his house is raided by Monarch agents, him mourning the "loss" of his long lost pet after finding Devil's supposedly dead body while she tries to comfort him, etc. The Lt.'s eyes begin to widen as he still sees a piece of Devil, his long lost pet crab, inside Destroyah, the menacing doomsday kaiju while Godzilla continues to slash and stomp the living daylights out of him. Disheartened, he can't stomach watching Godzilla beat little Devil (who's pretty much Big Devil now, no pun intended) to a bloody pulp any longer and against his lover's wishes, runs over and pleads with Godzilla to basically end it now.
A reeling Destroyah slowly gets up, backed against an oil tank, as Godzilla's spines begin to light up orange again. He picks Destroyah up by both ends of his crown and blasts him with a Spiral Ray Kiss of Death against it, causing it to ignite against him in the process. The Destroyah surrogates resurface, but the military takes them all out. We get one final celebration and one final roar as Godzilla boasts his final victory against his ultimate foe. The two love interest leads finally tie the knot back at home (San Fran), and we get one last sight of Godzilla entering the San Francisco Bay (yes, all the way from the bays of Manhattan, I know, just run with it) and the Oppenheimer atomic bomb speech is played over a montage of destruction clips as Godzilla heads into the sunset to close the series.
PS, the energy suctioning spores is very reminiscent of Bane's Venom-injecting inhaler, I gave Destroyah that because, let's face it: he pretty much is the Bane to Godzilla's Batman, just like Ghidorah is Godzilla's Joker (so it would be following TDK formula to the letter), it also gives him a unique new ability that makes him even more OP than he already is (and he's already insanely OP w/o it) as it gives him an even bigger advantage than Ghidorah's three heads, which actually makes him all the more ideal as a final boss to end the trilogy with in my estimation. I also decided to combine a little fanboyism (i.e: Godzilla just pummeling Destroyah) with a little human element, anyone who knows me knows I like emotional drama.

MemberAnguirusAug-27-2014 4:23 AMThat made me cry… LOL just kidding, but it will be a sad day when the series ends.
If Legendary do justice to KG, Mothra and Rodan then they will surely use more Toho Kaiju, extended the franchise to 5 or even 6 films. Although its awesome having King Ghidorah, I personally hoped he would be left for last, as he is probably Godzillas ULTIMATE enemy after all. So maybe KG will return for the end, but if he is not there, then I will go with Destroyah

MemberAnguirusAug-27-2014 4:24 AMAlso, i would put Liam Hemsworth and Emma Stone as main characters and love interests

Sci-Fi King25
MemberGiganAug-27-2014 7:04 AMThis was beautiful. I'd love to see this for the finale.
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

MemberBaragonAug-27-2014 2:34 PMNice. :)
http://hugeben.deviantart.com/ check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-28-2014 2:00 PMGodzilla316-Funny, I actually have Chris Hemsworth, Liam's brother, and Emily Blunt as the two love interest leads.
As for Ghidorah being Godzilla's "ultimate" foe, well, that depends on your definition of "ultimate". If you mean ultimate as in his archnemesis, then yes, he would most definitely be so, but if by ultimate, you mean his most powerful foe, no, that would actually be Destroyah, I even made it to where Godzilla still gets overpowered even in his supercharged state, even hitting Destroyah with his best shot, only for him to reform back to full health and continue to kick the tar out of him, and Godzilla has to use his smarts to beat him. A good way to look at it is: Ghidorah=Joker (or Lex), Destroyah=Bane (or Doomsday), personally, I consider "ultimate foe" to be the most powerful in the series, hence why I consider Bane and Doomsday the "ultimate" foes of Batman & Superman over Joker and Lex, their arch nemesis.
As far as KG being in the last film: it's funny because I was actually considering Easter Egging Mecha King-Ghidorah after EDF is introduced in the 2nd film for G3, MechaGodzilla and Destroyah were already both locks to be EE'ed and featured in the 3rd film if I had my way. MechaGodzilla, Mecha King Ghidorah, and Destroyah in the last film (the oft-talked about DAM remake film I surmise), damn talk about the Holy Trinity. And yes, just like how Mothra will surely be the lost pet caterpillar from Ford's old fish tank in the 2nd film, I would have Destroyah be the long lost pet crab of the two leads in the 3rd movie (or one of the many crabs composing him, I should say) and have that EE'ed in the 2nd. You could use that to make Ford more likable in the 2nd film by giving him an easily relatable character so audiences might be more emotionally invested in him instead of passing him off as "bland" and "lifeless" like they overwhelmingly did in the first film.
PS, I really think this ending would patch a lot of broken hearts from 95 if I do say so myself, and the flash backs thing is remniscent of the Shindo-Godzilla staredown from GvKG.

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-04-2014 11:00 AMI think I also found the perfect end music they could use for Godzilla's final victory pose and roar after defeating Destroyah (the ultimate evil) to close out the trilogy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_s1hemffBs And really, Godzilla's final victory should be really made spectacle of in this trilogy in my opinion, have them cut to a news report with the caption "Godzilla Victorious," humans celebrating, have one of the main characters say "he did it, the world is safe now", with a musical score playing in the background (I think this would be a great one to use), one final "SKREEONK!", the whole nine yards.
Plus, like I said, Destroyah makes a ton of sense for the end trilogy boss for Big G to have this special ending against because he's the most powerful kaiju, not to mention it would give G-fans nice closure from GvD. It would also mean we could get King Ghidorah, his arch nemesis, as early as the second movie instead of having to wait until 2020 or later for it (not that 2018 is a short wait, either, but still).

MP-40 Schmiesser
MemberMothra LarvaeSep-23-2014 9:16 AMDo these foes as separate movies. Not every Monster flick has to be 'Destroy All Monsters' 'House of Frankenstein' or 'The Monster Squad. Let Rodan and the other foes each alone have their own full movies with Godzilla. Keep the fire power happy military and cops. Even AK-47-toting rednecks, could fit in, think Burt Gummer of 'Tremors'-related fame.
Take your time and keep the dark tone of the original, and you'll have another masterpiece for us.

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-23-2014 3:11 PM^Yeah, except, if King Ghidorah is in the second movie, then, short of him coming back as Mecha-King Ghidorah, Destroyah or maybe MechaGodzilla, I don't know who you could put in the third movie that could top him as a foe for Godzilla, well, maybe SpaceGodzilla, but he's way too silly for this grounded universe, let's be honest, and since the second film would have all 3 of the confirmed kaiju in it in this played-out scenario, obviously that would mean you'd really have to roid it up with kaiju in the third, you can't go from having 4 in one movie to just 2 or 3 in the next, nor does it make sense.
Plus, a DAM film allows Edwards and Tull to introduce new kaiju as well as bringing back some old ones. Having the new kaiju in every subsequent film after Ghidorah wouldn't make sense, though, because they'd have to be much weaker, unless they can somehow muster up a clever, end-of-the-world concept for a new monster like Toho did Destroyah.

MemberMothra LarvaeOct-16-2014 8:31 PMOoo, first post on the site, finally glad that I can join my people.
I figure that the next movie will involve Rodan, Mothra and KG for sure. Though I'm not sure to what degree their roles might be. I'm hoping for somehing along the lines of 'Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster'
For the third movie, Mechagodzilla would probably be the main or secondary foe. We have to remember that Legendary can make their own kaiju; which means that new kaiju could make an appearence in any film.
As for pipe-dream monsters that I wish could be featured but probably not: Hedorah, Biollante, Destroyah, and Gigan. These guys would be awesome, but if we're being honest, they aren't as popular or memorable as MechaG, Mothra, Rodan, and KG.

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-06-2015 6:09 AMBumping an old thread, but had this idea the other day. I'd like to see a Godzilla vs Godzilla showdown in the final film. Another alpha-predator appears and challenges Godzilla for the territory.
There's an accident at a nuclear facility in the middle east (either a country like Iran trying to start up a reactor or maybe a terrorist group working on a bomb) which awakens another Godzilla type creature from underneath the persian gulf where it had been hibernating (I'm calling this one Gorgo - just 'cause I recently watched Gorgo). Godzilla senses the arrival of a potential challenger and heads for the gulf. The two monsters clash in and around Dubai but nothing is settled in this intial clash. Gorgo flees the fight and is faster than Godzilla and also proves more dangerous to humans as he destroys and feeds off of a nuclear air craft carrier near Australia. Another fight between the two occurs near Melbourne and in this fight it is Godzilla that is forced to flee. As the deposed king of monsters vanishes into the ocean, Gorgo heads towards Japan. A massed fleet is unable to stop him but as Gorgo arrives in Tokyo Bay, Godzilla reappears. His deep dive took him down where he could feed off the earth's radiation. A final titanic struggle ensues that rages in and around Tokyo which is won by Godzilla as the king reclaims his crown.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJan-06-2015 9:18 AM^I think this has been brought up before and in the end it seems like a poor idea. One of the reasons Toho opted to not make a Godzilla vs. Godzilla film is because it robs Godzilla of certain uniqueness. Yes they've been close to the concept and yes there have been more than one Godzilla throughout the series. But the idea of a Godzilla vs. Godzilla simply doesn't appeal. It feels a bit like a cop out or a sign of running out of ideas. Plus the fact that Godzilla may be the last of his kind brings so much to his character that throwing another into the mix that can challenge him for terrirtory dumbs him down from the aspired "god-like" status the 2014 movie built up.
And although I don't think you intended the idea as official, the nae "Gorgo" would never be able to be used due to rights issues.

godzilla 2014 and friends
MemberMothra LarvaeMar-04-2015 2:16 AMi thiink it could be really sad ,just like godzilla vs destroyah and maybe they bring the burning version of the 2014 godzilla and he dies after killing the monsters ......it will be very sad

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-04-2015 6:23 PMIt ends with Godzilla wandering through a dark labyrinth and he finally approaches a glass building. He looks at his reflection in the building and decides there's something odd about himself. He touches his face and realizes there's something under his skin. As he claws at the skin he tears away the flesh from his real face which looks miraculously like Alec Baldwin. Suddenly he wakes up in horror, wiping the sweat from his brow. He explains everything to his girlfriend, Margo Lane, when she wakes up the next morning.
But, of course, this takes place after he disintegrates Xander Drax with the fourth skull.

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-05-2015 1:10 PM^Actually, Legendary has it in writing that Godzilla can't die in this series, which is why it's a Burning Godzilla variant/BG-inspired form of LegendaryGoji fighting Destoroyah.
And I have a full-detailed description of the fight scene in a fan work I submitted a while back for the third movie, here it is for those of you who wish to see it.
The TLDR version: Godzilla starts the fight strong, even outsmarting Dessy and getting a few surprise hits in in the early going, but gets his ass handed to him as the fight progresses. Then Godzilla pulls the ultimate rabbit out of his ass when Destoroyah looks ready to finish him off by cramming his own OD beam equivalent down his throat with his tail just as he's about to unleash it from his mouth. Godzilla then puts a beating on the wounded Destoroyah and beats him with an exploding red spiral kiss of death against an oil tanker.

Roland Latore Speed
MemberMothra LarvaeMar-23-2015 8:18 PM
michael scott clement
MemberMothra LarvaeJul-22-2015 2:52 PMI have a very good idea for the next godzilla movie that is coming out in 2016 and it could be about godzilla to battle mechagodzilla for the final battle.

CGF (Crazy Godzilla Fan)
MemberMothra LarvaeDec-15-2015 11:36 AMIsn't it way early to think of that, the third film/crossover between Kong and Godzilla won't be relased until 2020! And if did come to end sooner than what's expected, I'm gonna cry. Cuase, I don't want it to end in like 2025 or 30! If that did happen, then the Godzilla series would go very queit again like from 2004-14. :(

I Meme Everything
MemberGiganApr-17-2016 7:39 AMI think it should be an all-out monster mash like in Godzilla: Final Wars.
"Part of the journey is the end..."

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-29-2016 8:15 AMI would try shin gojira to fight. Don't mess with real big g