Godzilla Movie

What will the upcoming Legendary's Kaiju Cinematic Universe bring us after Godzilla vs King Kong?

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CGF (Crazy Godzilla Fan)

MemberMothra LarvaeDec-18-2015 9:04 AM

Well, so far for what they have planned for us are; Kong: Skull Island in 2017, Godzilla 2 in 2018, and then Godzilla vs King Kong in 2020. Will this be enough to start the universe? Most likely. And this can give fans, and Legendary opportunities to make so many crossovers and make a brand new franchise. Basically, I'm just gonna say what I think Legendary may do, or what possibly could and ever be made.

Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla- of course, this isn't much of a surprise as we all determined this would happen at some point, but instead we get Godzilla vs. King Kong. I would really like to see how Gareth and Legendary can make this happen in a creative/realistic way.

Godzilla vs Gigan- Okay, this is something I really want to see. Of course, Gigan had only made three appearances in Godzilla vs Gigan, Godzilla vs Megalon, and then Godzilla: Final Wars (I was actually interested to see how Gigan could've been made in the heisi series). Now this would be something somewhat scary, and really awesome to see. Now, I've already thought of how this could work as this franchise revolves around Monarch. So, somewhere in the arctic, Monarch has an expedition searching for any hidden kaiju as they find Gigan. They bring him back for studies as he's closely/somewhat related to the first MUTOs that Godzilla killed in 2014. Gigan wakes up going on a rampage, as Godzilla rewakens to fight the threat as he's displayed as a alpha predator to bring balance.

Godzilla vs Cthulhu- Most likely, there's no way this could be made, but is a small possibility. This wouldn't be very popular, but it will most definetly get the fans on board. As seen before and mentioned, there's been multiple debates of who would win, and how this so much fanart of this topic. Now, with the realistic tone to Legendary's Universe, will it happen.... no, but it could play as an extra, stand alone, or "backup".

Godzilla vs Gamera- And we all know the biggest thing, GODZILLA VS GAMERA!!!!! Now, I know this is the biggest thing that all of the fans would go crazy for. The only way we could ever get a crossover between them would be through Legendary's franchise (considering TOHO and Tokusatsu would have troubles with rights and etc). And before this would happen, there would probably need to be another stand alone Godzilla film or sequel leading up to this, and a Gemera film as well. This is basically the only way we could ever see them clash with each other and fight. (And I honestly think this won't be made until like the 100th anniversery or something, but still an amazing idea!)

Gamera- Well, Legendary could possibly do this. But I don't have much in mind about this, although it could work well.

Anyway, I ran out of some ideas, those were some of the things I've been thinking of what Legendary could make. Let me know what you guys think, and write down some ideas you have in mind what Legendary could make.

41 Replies


MemberBaragonApr-09-2017 10:54 AM

Before I even saw it, the vast majority of reviews I read were positive, and even the negative had good things to say. I was just hoping it would catch on with general audiences, which it obviously has. I loved it, but I've loved other movies I thought should have crushed the B.O. (Pacific Rim, among others) and didn't, domestically anyway, so I just wasn't going to make any predictions on it.

I'm happy because it bodes well for the future of this monster verse.


MemberBaragonApr-10-2017 2:15 PM

I would like to see Gigan (as a MUTO), Gamera, Destoroyah and Anguirus. In terms of Kaiju at least. But, as I stated in another topic, if Ghidorah turns out to be an alien, then that changes a lot and makes things very unpredictable. If space invaders do get involved in this series, then we could see Mecha-Godzilla or something. We don't know just yet.

"Is that a monkey?"

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaApr-10-2017 7:05 PM

Turns out Kong: Skull Island didn't hit $534 million this past weekend. It hit $535 million instead! ;)

To put this in perspective: It took Godzilla (2014) 15 weeks to make $529 million. Kong: Skull Island made $535 million in less than 5 weeks.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Rift Rat

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-20-2017 5:18 PM

Numbers numbers numbers. What is this, math class? You're sucking the joy out of a bunch of freakin' monster movies for cryin' out loud!


"Somebody release the Kraken already!"



Rift Rat

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-20-2017 5:34 PM

Suck suck suck. The sound of all the JOY being drained from this topic. God, it's worse than a Barry Manilow concert around here! Excuse me, I gotta go do something cheerful, like slit my wrists or something . . .


G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaApr-20-2017 7:56 PM

You're welcome to not read it and partake in another conversation or create your own. Otherwise my best suggestion is to move along from a conversation you don't like.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Rift Rat

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-21-2017 12:42 PM

Very measured response there, G. Not bad.

That was actually just comedy on my part. Don't wanna take things TOO seriously moddin' message boards.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaApr-21-2017 7:21 PM

Gormaru Island is reporting Skull Island for a possible $559-560 million by the end of the weekend, which sounds about right.

The movie is coming to a slow and any significant bump will be due to dollar theater sales. It should put the final around $570-$580 world wide--Which is excellent news.

Meanwhile, in Japan Skull Island was last seen with $16.2 million and an attendance of 1.21 million. It's expected to fall out of the top 10 this week and will probably finish around $20 million with an attendance around 1.5 million.

$20 million would put the sales around some of the more successful Heisei Godzilla movies, but the attendance would be less than most of the Millennium Godzilla movies. It would also put it $10 million behind Godzilla '14 in Japan and roughly $56 million behind Shin Godzilla.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberMothra LarvaeMar-14-2018 12:56 PM

It would be epic if they maybe did a "Godzilla returns" film after Kong vs Godzilla. Maybe after the movie Godzilla goes into hybernation after the fight with Kong that maybe weakened him. Aliens would see this as an opportunity to seize earth while their protector lies dormant.

Maybe they launch Gigan or some other new alien monster legendary made. The chaos would awake Godzilla and they would fight, Godzilla emerging victorious. I highly doubt this though.


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-30-2018 2:20 PM

Hmmm... not wanting to revive the thread too much, but this is an interesting topic. There's been talk that Pacific Rim could eventually end up being a part of the Legendary MonsterVerse, so just imagine that crossover. The breach being formed by a dying Gigan, as more Kaiju come through the portal.

Check out my Godzilla Fan-Forum - Monarch Sciences!


G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaJul-30-2018 8:40 PM

I don't think Pacific Rim will cross in to the Monsterverse. I prefer the Pacific Rim universe over the Monsterverse anyway--It's just a more interesting world.

That being said, the partnership with Universal is about to end this December and insiders say Legendary will team back up with Waner Bros. If that's the case, Pacific Rim has a better chance of crossing into the MonsterVerse.

Still, Pacific Rim Uprising flopped. As much as I'd love to see the franchise continue, I don't think they will.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."
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