MemberTitanosaurusMar-25-2016 5:50 PMHello everyone! it's been too long since I've posted a discusstion and I thought of an interesting question to ask you guys. Basically my question is if you were a well known film director that was chosen to direct a Godzilla movie what would you do? Would you make the movie serious or campy? Would Godzilla be alone or would there be other monsters in it? If there are other monsters in it would you bring back an old TOHO monsters or would you make new one's? I look forward to seeing your replies and I'll see you later.
Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-26-2016 8:05 PMI'll keep is as short and simple as possible. I would NOT make it campy. We've had far too many years of trying to overcome that perception and it has, frankly, KILLED the genre. It drives me crazy when people actually think campy is good. It's fine in small doses, but if we want this genre to last, movies have to be made where people don't have to be excused to watch them. I'd make G in the same manner as the original - a destructive force of nature. He's not the "friend of the people", but the proverbial "hand of God". Now, I don't like preachiness. But, if a 400ft+ creature comes ashore, would he be nice? NO. Now, I always prefer him battling a *greater* threat to mankind's survival. So, absolutely, would there be another monster. Frankly, the human element would be trying to figure out how to pit one or the other against the other. Enemy of my enemy is my friend until you take out that enemy. (Sorry, I said short huh? Oh well. :) ) And, no, I would not bring back the old monsters per se without some major alterations to them. The only one's I'd really consider are Ghidorah and Kong. Who doesn't love Mothra? But Mothra wouldn't fit with this particular vision. Mothra - WOULD be that "protector" for a third. But, again, major changes to him to the point where he would NOT be a giant moth.

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-29-2016 10:47 PMProbably do a close adaptation of Cerasini's novel "Godzilla 2000," where he is lead across America by Mothra to face King Ghidorah in New York. Also, Varan in the gulf of Mexico, Rodan in Alaska and Canada, and a horde of Kamacarus terrorizing southern farm states.

I Meme Everything
MemberGiganMar-30-2016 4:51 PMI would do an all out monster brawl between Godzilla, King Kong, King Ghidorah, Mothra, Zilla, and the MUTOs
"Part of the journey is the end..."

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-17-2016 5:19 AMGiven an opportunity like that, here's what I will do:
1. A film that would be at least 2 hours max or shorter.
2. Big G's screentime should be sufficient, perhaps as long as his hensei appearances. All the suspense and "keeping in the dark" is the job for trailers.
3. I will keep another kaiju a secret. Godzilla's trademark is a monster rumble, so that is part of the plan, but a surprise to the audience. A classic opponent will be used. Perhaps there will be another kaiju who cameos as a victim of either. I'm thinking Manda corpse floating on the ocean.
5. He will use an atomic breath. He will use it in full effect which will include buildings, tanks, jets and against another monster. Of course, same drill: glowing spines, blue beam, destruction!
6. This Godzilla will be an anti-hero, he will destroy a bigger threat but everyone should get out of the way. He will also be back to his atomic mutation roots.
7. The main theme would be the environment once again, however, both Godzilla and his opponent will be both similar and different. They are both products of man's recklessness with mother nature and science but different circumstances were the reason they came about. Godzilla from radiation, the opponent maybe an abberation from genetic experiments and hazardous wastes.
And lastly,
8. I wanted it to be a one and done film. Maybe similar to GvsD, where both kaiju dies but you know there is nothing else afterwards.