Is Shin-Gojira living on borrowed time?

Something Real
MemberGodzillaAug-01-2016 12:48 AMHello there.
It is drawing near to the moment in which we will at last have a chance to view Shin-Gojira; and I must say that I am very excited! However, there is one nagging question at the fore of my thoughts: is this latest incarnation of Godzilla living on borrowed time? His form is withered. His body cancerous and ravaged. Is he dying from the trauma we inflicted upon him with our nuclear testing? Does he only further the damage each time he breathes forth a blast of the radiation poisoning his body? As always, your thoughts and conjecture are most welcome, even if you choose to keep them to yourself. :)

MemberBaragonAug-01-2016 9:30 AMWell I would say yes, based on the design, but from reviews and comments I've read about the movie, without giving too much away, I'll say that doesn't seem to be the case with this Godzilla.
Of course I can't really say since most of the reviews were from english speaking viewers who nothing to a tenuous grasp of the Japanese language and it's apparently very dialogue heavy so something of this might have been addressed in the movie and no reviewer picked it up.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-01-2016 10:37 AMJudging from what I've read and seen, he's actually getting stronger. They weren't kidding when they said this is the most powerful incarnation of Godzilla yet.

Something Real
MemberGodzillaAug-01-2016 10:53 AMDURP004 - That is an extremely interesting and very feasible theory! It causes me great curiosity, for I wonder just how many of the American/Brittish/EU moviegoers who went abroad to watch the opening for Shin-Gojira were capable of understanding the dialogue in full. Very compelling! :)

Something Real
MemberGodzillaAug-01-2016 10:56 AMWOLFGUY - Now that is exceptionally interesting information! If Godzilla is growing in strength, perhaps the radiation that suffuses his body is leaving him in a state of constant mutation? :)

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-01-2016 10:57 AMAs far as SPOILERS go, he actually has a lot in common with Hedorah from what I've heard.

MemberBaragonAug-01-2016 11:59 AMHe has EVAUnit01 Atomic Breath which means he can only get stronger at the cost of easier fatigue & falling into a relapse state here and there (logically speaking) ^_^

Something Real
MemberGodzillaAug-01-2016 2:38 PMWOLFGUY - Hedorah? Really?! Does he change at any point in the film? :)

Something Real
MemberGodzillaAug-01-2016 2:39 PMMIZIKAME - That is extremely neat! I am so very excited for this film! :)

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-03-2016 8:39 AMHe apparently starts off as a tadpole/lizard-like creature and evolves throughout the film, absorbing any and all organic matter and growing throughout the film.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaAug-03-2016 10:31 AM^Only partially true.