Godzilla Movie

When does Shin Godzilla come out on DVD/BluRay?

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MemberTitanosaurusNov-24-2016 8:18 AM

Does anyone know when Shin Godzilla will be released on DVD/BluRay? I can't seem to find an answer anywhere. I sure FUNimation will be able to bring the DVD/BluRay to America since they handled distributing it in theaters here. But still, does anyone have a clue about the release date? 

\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla

66 Replies

Sci-Fi King25

MemberGiganNov-24-2016 9:13 AM

I'm not sure, but my guess would be some time in the first half of 2017.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaNov-24-2016 11:05 AM

FUNimation is handling the DVD/Blu-ray distribution and potentially the dubbing for Shin Godzilla. However, historically, it will not be released until a few months after Toho's DVD/Blu-ray release in Japan. (Such as it has been for years.)

For reference, the live action Attack on Titan movies were released in February and March on DVD/Blu-ray in Japan. They did not hit American DVD/Blu-ray from Funimation until October. (Part II will be released this December.)

That's an eight month gap between the Japanese home video release and the American home video release. We may be looking at something similar for Shin Godzilla. So unless a deal can be made, we likely have a long wait ahead of us.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberTitanosaurusNov-24-2016 6:43 PM

Thank you Gman2887. You are very knowledgable on these types of things. Thank you for giving me an idea about how long the wait might be.

\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaNov-25-2016 1:51 PM

Very welcome. Keep in mind I'm only going off of what's happened in the past. If Funimation is eager to get it on home video sooner and can entice Toho with some sort of deal, perhaps we could see it a little earlier.

But I doubt we'll get a release on DVD/Blu-ray before Japan does. That's just a bad business move otherwise. And who knows when that will be since the film is still playing in some theaters in Japan.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberTitanosaurusNov-25-2016 6:04 PM

^Really? Wow! Shin Godzilla is doing incredibly well if it is still in some Japanese theaters.

\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaNov-25-2016 11:26 PM

Shin Godzilla is currently the highest grossing, live-action, Japanese-made film in three years and the #5 most attended film in the Godzilla series. It will finish 2016 as the #3 highest grossing film in Japan. (That includes Hollywood releases in Japan and animated films which are normally more popular. #1 for 2016 is Your Name [anime] and #2 is Star Wars: The Force Awakens.)

It's currently starting to rack up some awards. Here's its attendance numbers compared to the rest of the Godzilla series:

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberMothra LarvaeMar-01-2017 12:42 AM

This is a possible release date from. But like Gman2887 said it could be up to eight months for the US.  http://comicbook.com/2016/12/02/shin-godzilla-japanese-blu-ray-release-date-announced/

Next spring, Japanese fans will be able to buy Shin Godzilla in stores. The Blu-ray is set to release on March 22, 2017. If you are a hardcore Godzilla fan, then you might want to resign yourself to paying shipping for the international item. The special edition piece will likely contain lots of behind-the-scenes goodies which will be overlooked in a North American release.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaMar-01-2017 9:08 AM

"The special edition piece will likely contain lots of behind-the-scenes goodies which will be overlooked in a North American release."

I can all but guarantee that.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberBaragonMar-01-2017 11:13 PM

I personally recommend the Amazon.jp edition ( http://amzn.to/2lWuepL ) as it comes with all the special edition content available through other retailers, as well as a steelbook, not to mention ordering is pretty easy through the Amazon.jp site, as they allow imports relatively easily. The biggest thing is price. You're looking at $90 for the 4K version, including shipping. 

After getting that Slurpee at 7/11


MemberMothra LarvaeMar-29-2017 6:08 PM

I paid $53.00 for the 3-disc set through Amazon Japan. And it's worth it. A TON of extras: a lot of trailers and TV spots; cast appearances at screenings; the red carpet premiere; outtakes; NG (no good) takes (flubbed lines, noises that weren't scripted); B-roll shots; several views of the same scene; simulated newscasts of the events as they unfold (presumably using actual, well-know Japanese newscasters); extensive VFX/SFX making-of shots; and much, much more. If we can get just some of this on the FUNimation Blu-ray/DVD, it will be a great set to have. The shipping was fast too. It shipped on the 22nd of March and arrived on the 23rd. Not bad. I pre-ordered in December.

A wish list for the FUNimation release would include: some of the trailers/TV spots; some of the cast and staff appearances at screenings; the whole VFX/SFX feature, some of the simulated newscasts; some of the outtakes, B-Roll stuff and the red carpet premiere. One of the best features was the (apparent) surprise appearance of [SPECIAL FEATURE SPOILER COMING UP] Hideaki Anno at a screening as well as some of the cast at another one. Their interaction with the audience was fun to watch. There's also a speech by Anno with the production staff at the beginning of the filming. This is a lot. But, if carefully edited, portions of it would really put the FUNimation disc(s) way on the other side of special.


MemberMothra LarvaeMar-29-2017 6:16 PM

Paul Fruge' of FUNimation said during an interview with Chris Mirjahangir of Toho Kingdom, on 10-03-2016, "So we will have some special features that the Japanese have on theirs and some we won't. It really depends on what we're able to get our hands on, what they're willing to share, and or what we're willing to add ourselves for the US release."

So, based on this, I'm hopeful that we'll see some special features on the US presentation of this very special film, God willing. 

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaMar-29-2017 8:46 PM

^I can not confirm nor deny the existence of some tailor-made features for the upcoming North American release of Shin Godzilla by Funimation--But it should be fun.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberBaragonApr-02-2017 12:24 AM

I also bought the Japanese Bluray, though I got the 4K Bluray. It is loaded with special feature, all like mentioned above, and it is really a very attractive special edition, and very immaculate. The Amazon Japan version also came with a sweet Steelbook that can be used as an alternative to store your discs, and the normal case itself is really well done, with a nice textured outer slipcover, with embossed and indented lettering, and the inner case is smooth red paper stock that folds out nicely. The 4K disc comes in a separate black paper stock. I'm really hoping Funimation really notches the whole US release up to 11, and gives us a Special Edition that at least equals the Japanese version, and maybe go so far as to make some sort of Collector's Edition, in line with what they did with Tokyo Ghoul Season 1, perhaps even a figure. 

After getting that Slurpee at 7/11


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-03-2017 12:09 AM

The Toho set is really something to behold: hours of of great entertainment while rolling around in the universe of Shin Godzilla. There's a lot here, and a special Blu-ray/DVD release would be commensurate with the influence and achievement of this entry in the Series. Shin Godzilla received 11 nominations and got seven wins from the 40th Japanese Academy Prize awards. The film was a blockbuster hit and critical success with reviewers and the moviegoing public. Surely, for the release here, something special is planned. I mean, Shin Godzilla was released in theaters here mere weeks after it opened in Japan. I'm still amazed at this. And grateful. A special Blu-ray/DVD release would be icing on an already beautiful and delicious cake.


MemberBaragonApr-03-2017 1:42 AM

One other note I would like to add is that my copy was preordered, yet I didn't receive my "Limited Edition Ticket Holders", and Amazon Japan was absolutely wonderful about fixing it. They responded surprisingly fast for a place with a 16 time difference from where I live, and are currently in the process of getting ready to send me my ticket holders. 

After getting that Slurpee at 7/11

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaApr-03-2017 6:06 AM

^Huh... I didn't get that either.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-04-2017 10:42 PM

If we could get some of these extras, subtitled, it would be beyond great. Toho did an excellent job on this Blu-ray set. Seeing so much of the cast in the footage, given the narrative-driven nature of the film, is wonderful. The same goes for the staff. Seeing them work with and direct the cast is rewarding. I love anything that brings me closer to these films and this genre. And the Shin Godzilla Blu-ray set does that in a way that defies description. I hope that, God willing, FUNimation can really come through for fans here in North America. Otherwise, I guess I'm going to have to learn Japanese. There's just too much to be enjoyed from this presentation of this seminal Godzilla film, a unique entry in the Series.


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-10-2017 6:58 PM

Can someone tell me what the 4-disc Toho Shin Godzilla set includes? What's in addition to the 3-disc set?



MemberMothra LarvaeApr-10-2017 7:09 PM

Also, I really like the font and color scheme for the Blu-ray set. The red and black, in that font, are reminiscent of theatrical posters for sci-fi films I saw while growing up. For something that is so topical and 'modern,' Shin Godzilla is refreshingly old. This is mirrored in the VFX/SFX. A preponderant use of CG, but it's looks practical. 


MemberTitanosaurusApr-10-2017 8:32 PM

I'm guessing still no word on the American Blue-Ray/DVD release of Shin Godzilla?

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaApr-16-2017 8:53 PM

Godzilla 2014 Himself,
No release date. But like I implied, things are currently in the works over at Funimation.

On the other hand we all may need to be quick about getting the Funimation releases. Apparently every copy of Shin Godzilla on DVD/Blu-ray is going to be destroyed:

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2017 10:18 PM

Both Shin and G'14 are good films in different ways. I have no idea why parts of the fandom are letting these films split them apart.

The Hooded Figure

MemberTitanosaurusApr-16-2017 10:40 PM



MemberMothra LarvaeApr-17-2017 4:16 AM

^could not have said it better.


MemberTitanosaurusApr-17-2017 9:25 AM

^Some people are just idiots getting upset over nothing. They probably are angry by Godzilla's radical new changes in ability that was displayed in Shin Gojira (new forms, the more powerful atomic breath, etc.). They likely don't understand the metaphors to nuclear disaster in the film. They also may be upset that Shin Godzilla got more screen time than G14. They may only be fans of G14 who haven't watched many other Godzilla films. Don't let those idiots get to you anybody. We're all entitled to our own opinions, but those guys are just trolls looking for a fight. Just ignore them. If you like Shin Gojira, great. If not, ok then. Just don't complain about it to everyone and try to make everyone who does like Shin Gojira seem like a bunch of jerks. We are all Godzilla fans and believe me, there are worse was to portray the King.

\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-17-2017 4:08 PM

"On the other hand we all may need to be quick about getting the Funimation releases. Apparently every copy of Shin Godzilla on DVD/Blu-ray is going to be destroyed:"

The post you shared along with this says a lot more about the poster than it does about Shin Godzilla.

If people don't care, or even dislike, intensely, a Godzilla film, fine. Don't watch it, don't buy it, point out what you believe to be its faults are. But the comments you shared are indicative of deep, serious mental and emotional issues. I've seen them. For 25 years I worked for the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Prisons as a chaplain. I've seen and been exposed to serious pathological behavior. Unfortunately, you see some of this on some boards and forums. People, this is a hobby, a pastime of sorts. I can only conclude that the rage expressed by the quoted 'fan' is in response to the spectacular critical and commercial success of Toho's 29th Godzilla film. I remember reading on another board, where someone said that the second trailer for Shin Godzilla, released around July 18th, looked worse that their two year old's vomit. When people talk like this, it is becomes increasingly difficult to take them seriously. Why not, instead, critically, and with lucid and cogent arguments, point out the trailer's weaknesses? Talk about the VFX, the musical cue, or the lack of dialogue. But worse looking than baby vomit? Really? There are entries in the Series that I'm not exactly enamored with, but I've never called for the boycott of their Blu-ray or DVD releases, let alone advocating the cutting up of their fans.

Godzilla fandom, or any fandom, for that matter, is not a zero-sum game. This 'fan' of Godzilla 2014 need not destroy and disparage everything about Shin Godzilla in order to 'build up' the film he likes.

I love both films. I don't see enjoying them both as an 'either/or' proposition. 

These are amazing times.  


MemberBaragonApr-17-2017 6:26 PM

Guys, it will be the same thing with Godzilla king of the monsters 2019. There is no end to this kind of stuff. I can't take people seriously when they criticize a Godzilla film like Shin Godzilla but get offended when that same criticism is there for 2014 or other Godzilla films.

If people don't like one film, it is fine. However, criticism is there. Whether it be the cold hearted truth to the film, or some rubbish that makes no sense. The ones that are rubbish like that are there for people to laugh at to be honest.

Personally, I like 2014, but it's not in my top 10. Both 2014 and Shin Godzilla have their flaws, in fact, all Godzilla films have flaws. We all may prefer one over the other, and that's fine. But there's no sense to send death threats, acting like a certain film should be destroyed, or even post things like "Toho fanboys should be cut up and feed them to their families." The most important thing to remember about Godzilla is this. "Godzilla is a registered trademark of Toho company Ltd."

Like kingkaijugojira said, these same idiots are going to end up buying it anyway once it releases because, any self respecting Godzilla will own it as a part of their collection. 

I own the 3 disc set, and enjoy it. I own the 2014 film and enjoy it. I don't see anything changing for the next millennium. The fan base will always be divided. No matter how silly the debate and argument is. No matter what type the film itself is. We are all going to have our nitpicks with each film. 

Some go on that it's "constructive criticism" when bashing one film like Shin Godzilla. With comments I've seen over the years with each film, it seems that the "constructive criticism" becomes more and more like hate speeches. And when that same "constructive criticism" is exercised on 2014 or other films, people in general get offended by it because chances are, they know it's the truth, and the truth hurts. 

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaApr-17-2017 9:26 PM

Huge-Ben makes a good point. Although some of you guys think the venom in the fanbase is bad today, I don't think it ever got as ridiculous during 1998-2001--For good reason, yes, but the drama over the Tri-Star movie bled in to the Millennium era. 1998 made every fan skeptical and I still remember the online flame wars about Godzilla 2000 also being a GINO. Yes, people went that insane.

In any case I didn't mean to post that to offend or light the fire of an impassioned debate. Perhaps I'm somewhat sadistic, but I'm almost glad that comment exists purely for the sake of comedy.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberBaragonApr-18-2017 9:16 AM


To be honest, that insanity seems to be getting worse and worse each year. Although, it's not as bad as 1998-2001. Those were the horrible years. 

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.


MemberTitanosaurusApr-18-2017 9:41 AM

Huge-Ben- How bad did those years get?

Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

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