Godzilla Movie

Analyzing the new Total Film Godzilla 2 Ghidorah movie still

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AdminSpaceGodzillaOct-20-2018 6:24 PM

This topic will be used to analyze the new Godzilla 2 movie still from Total Film which we just reported on.

From what I've gathered so far, I noticed 2 key elements in the new still. The first of which is Ghidorah's eye. The majority of this photo show Ghidorah's foot in the foreground, but to the bottom left in the background, we see Ghidorah's eye. This suggests this moment is right when Ghidorah is awoken...

Next up, we see Vera Farmiga's character on a bridge spanning the containment zone which surrounds the frozen Ghidorah. We see Farmiga surrounded by armed guards. Seems she's in trouble... perhaps for waking up Ghidorah?? Check it out:

What do you think?

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
2 Replies


MemberTitanosaurusOct-20-2018 11:45 PM

I never noticed that. That's cool. However, one problem. I was just noticing how the foot looks different to that of past incarnations (Just like how people felt about it when comparing Zilla's and Legendary Godzilla's feet to those of past Godzilla designs.), and I'm honestly surprised that that part of the still is not even mentioned once in this  very forum (this forum), which was made to analyze the still that the problem with that design choice (my problem with it[for now, anyway, until more people start to notice it too]) came from. Why is that, Chris?


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-09-2019 11:50 AM

Did anyone else notice it looks like she's reacting the eye and not the people with the guns? Her face looks as though it is to the ice wall and not the guy with pistol to screen right. At least from what I can tell, she does have long hair which could be hiding the direction she's actually looking. But that's just what I've noticed

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