Godzilla Movie

Godzilla 2019 Battles

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MemberBaragonJan-16-2019 6:21 AM

 King of the Monsters will be here in less than five months. But the battle is the thing were excited for. Tell me where you think the battles will be and who will be in them. And what will go down!!! Peace!!!!!!

 King and Queen of The Skies.........

6 Replies


MemberTitanosaurusJan-16-2019 9:51 AM

Here is a list of 5 battles I could see happening in the movie.

1. Rodan VS Godzilla on Isla de Mara. though it is likely that Godzilla won't show up at all during this scene.

2. Ghidorah VS Godzilla in antartica. we saw the start of this fight in the trailer.

3. Mothra VS Rodan (and Ghidorah) in the sky. They made sure that Mothra is battle ready and a fight like this could really show that.

4. Godzilla and Mothra VS Rodan and Ghidorah in Boston. Though we only saw Godzilla and Ghidorah in Boston, I think there is a high possability that Rodan and Mothra are in this fight as well.

5. Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan VS Ghidorah in Boston. This ties into number 4 because I think Rodan will turn on Ghidorah after fighting with Ghidorah for the majority of the movie.

Long live the king...

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaJan-16-2019 10:25 AM

The last thing I'm worried about for this movie is the battles being entertaining.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberRodanJan-16-2019 11:00 AM

Battle 1: Godzilla vs King Ghidorah in Antartica

Battle 2: Rodan vs King Ghidorah in Isla de Mara

Battle 3: Godzilla vs King Ghidorah in Isla de Mara

Battle 4: Godzilla and Mothra vs King Ghidorah and Rodan in Boston

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-16-2019 2:00 PM

My list is a bit different from the rest of yours

Battle one: Godzilla vs King Ghidorah in Antarctica. I think this is going to be our opening round that Godzilla will inevitably loose.

Battle Two and Three: I think this will be our introduction to Mothra and Rodan and that they will fight the unknown Kaiju we saw in the trailer. If I remember correctly they said we would see a lot of monsters in this film.

Battle Four: A powered up Godzilla vs Rodan. I doubt that with as much of a Godzilla and Rodan fan that Daughrty (sp?) is that he would miss out on a fight like this.

Battle Five: Personally I want to see a dogfight between Mothra and Rodan. Just and all out air to air slug fest showcasing how incredible these Kaiju are and how truly powerful they are.

Battle Six: Mothra and maybe Rodan vs King Ghidorah. Okay this might be a wish list but still. Maybe during the above fight Ghidorah shows up Rodan either fights him with Mothra or joins him and they fight Mothra together. Gives a cool chance for them to showcase the Godrays from Mothra

Battle Seven: Godzilla vs King Ghidorah in Boston, we saw it in the trailer

Battle Seven part two: Mothra and Rodan join the battle and either fight Ghidorah with Godzilla or pick sides and it becomes and all out monster brawl.

Just my thoughts


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-17-2019 10:41 AM

Honestly, I just really wanna see, at least for a few minutes, Godzilla, Rodan, and Mothra fighting Ghidorah together. I know that the monster battles are gonna be epic, and that in the end, it's Godzilla vs. Ghidorah, but I want just one shot with all four monsters in it. That's the dream

I Meme Everything

MemberGiganJan-17-2019 3:23 PM

I pretty much agree with KaijuWorld.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

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