King of the Monsters Official movie novelization annouced!
MemberBaragonFeb-08-2019 10:24 AMGood news. We will be getting an official movie Novelization of Godzilla King of the Monsters. As well as an Art of King of the monsters book. The Cover for them is on the banner.
Official movie novelization will be by Greg Keyes
My source:
See you all and Peace!!!
King and Queen of The Skies.........
MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)
MemberBaragonFeb-08-2019 12:03 PMThat's awesome. But quick question (Well, maybe more like "questions". Sorry).: Is it like a junior novelization, or is that different from this? And is it in the style of a novel, a comic, or a manga? (Btw, is there word of a manga or comic adaptation of the film? And no, I don't mean the prequel novels. I mean the film itself.)
"Let's just wait and see." - MinecraftDinoKaiju
MemberRodanFeb-08-2019 3:23 PMI want to read it
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.
MemberBaragonFeb-08-2019 7:59 PMLooking forward to reading it, but I hope it's substantially better than the novelization for the 2014 film, and by that I just mean that it's proof read better. That book was so riddled with grammatical errors and bad sentences that it was distracting from what was otherwise an interesting spin on the characters and their insights.
G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-08-2019 11:24 PMOh good. More non-canonical fodder to inspire runaway fan theories and needlessly piled, invalid "feats". Can't wait to ignore it entirely. Choo-choo!
MemberTitanosaurusFeb-09-2019 4:25 AMAs a VS. debater, I'm hoping that the novelization truly expands on the film and doesn't differ wildly. Goodness knows I deal with the above all too often in a proper debate.
At least Awakening can no longer be said to be irrelevant anymore, so comics as a whole are at least considered.
Im Durp
MemberBaragonFeb-09-2019 4:35 AMActually looking forward to this. Greg Keyes wrote the Edge of Victory duology for the New Jedi Order series and I really enjoyed both those entries.
MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-09-2019 2:53 PMplanning on picking it up with the prequel comic if I can.