Godzilla Movie

Debate Week Season 8 Day 2: Godzilla 1989 vs Mothra 1964

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MemberGiganMay-25-2019 4:30 PM

Welcome back to Debate Week, we're in for a bout tonight.


Height: 80 Meters
Weight: 50,000 m-tons


One of the most famous and successful iterations of Godzilla, the Godzilla vs Biollante King of the Monsters contended with a foe built to destroy him--and won--inadvertently squashing a great threat to humanity as-well. With his usual atomic breath and notable durability, the G vs B Godzilla is a melee and long-ranged combatant that only the finest of foes can last more than a minute with. This Godzilla displayed for the first time the King's iconic Nuclear Pulse, eradicating Biollante's tendrils with a single blast. Godzilla also benefits from his always prevalent G-cells, allowing him to heal from nearly fatal wounds quickly. The King is as powerful as ever in this form, and more than a combatant for his opponent.


Length: 135 Meters
Weight: 15,000 m-tons


The Showa era's Mothra is the first to combat Godzilla one on one in the 1964 event Godzilla vs Mothra. In this fight we will be using her Adult Imago form; Mothra is capable of flapping her wings at speeds able to tear apart buildings to rock and dust. Her power cannot be underestimated, as her tremendous weight is used to ram into enemies--and she has even dragged the Showa Godzilla himself. Her last resort is to shed her poisonous scales to asphyxiate and kill opponents, although she loses flight as a result.


The opponents have been displayed, now it's up to you to choose who wins. Comment down below your favorite!

Good grief.

5 Replies


MemberRodanMay-25-2019 5:59 PM

I think Biollante

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

I Meme Everything

MemberGiganMay-25-2019 6:05 PM

I'd say BioGoji.

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberRodanMay-25-2019 7:47 PM

Goji, definitely

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberBaragonMay-25-2019 8:40 PM

Godzilla for the win considering this mothra went up against and lost and died to the smaller weaker Mosugoji.


MemberBaragonMay-26-2019 12:31 AM

Godzilla is the boss. Still, I wonder if it would be better to compare the different versions of Mothra (as well as the stone-alone films)

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