For all members who have withstood the 5 year wait, it's an honor to have served alongside you.
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MemberGiganMay-31-2019 6:25 PMGentlemen and women we did it, and in my opinion got an infinitely better and amazing movie at the end of it. Cheers to 5 years, it's been an honor. Here's to more Legendary Godzillas in the future, cause they've shown they can bring it.
Good grief.
MemberBaragonMay-31-2019 7:31 PMNow to wait 10 more months for godzilla versus Kong
Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair
MemberRodanMay-31-2019 10:50 PMIt has been an honor! Skreoooooooonk!!! (It's been an honor in Godzilla) THAT MOVIE WAS DEFINITELY WORTH THE WAIT!!!!!!!! Not quite perfect, but damn near it!
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.
MemberAnguirusMay-31-2019 10:56 PMHonestly doesn't feel real that it's finally happened. It's been a long, long wait. One thing I can say is that my interpretation of prehistoric kaiju life in Godzilla: The Inception hasn't aged well at all, ha!
MemberBaragonJun-01-2019 5:30 AMI've been quiet for a long time between Godzilla in 2014 and KOTM, but I have been on the site reading the news articles and forum posts during the long lull between the films. For KOTM to finally happen, the feeling is like...words can't describe it. The pleasure of watching Godzilla once again on the big screen just gives you a feeling of satisfaction like a sugar high, but perhaps without the sudden withdrawal afterward ( with exception of Shin Godzilla, that was the only other major big screen Godzilla film in recent years-Netflix cartoons on the small screen does not count).
Hmmm...ok that sounds like watching Godzilla is akin to taking drugs. No, that's not what I quite meant, but the feeling of joy is really like a sugar rush without the negative side effect of drugs.