Godzilla Movie

GvK Soundtrack thoughts and wishlist.

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MemberMothra LarvaeJun-03-2019 5:03 PM

  So as we now hopefully know, Godzilla: King of the monsters  had a phenomenal soundtrack by Bear McCreery that definitely enhanced the film and is easily one of the shining highlights of the production. The way he utilized the classic themes for Godzilla and Mothra were so beautifully done with class and precision was admirable and his original music, like Rodan’s new frantic primal theme, stands along side the original themes as well.


 Ideally McCreery would be brought back for Godzilla vs Kong , but failing that I can see Alan Silvestri or Ludwig Göransson (Of Avengers and Black Panther fame respectively) pulling of the type of bombast and grandeur this score would need. Even Ramin Djawadi, who previously scored Pacific Rim  and is still praised for his work on Game of thrones could possibly compose a score that would work for this clash. I would be all for that vs a bland run of the mill action score that tend to pop up in today’s modern blockbusters. ( I personally wouldn’t be too crazy for Junkie XL doing it as an example)


In the end it’s not really that crucial but I do hope we get a fitting score from a talent of the likes of McCreary to enhance what we experience in Godzilla vs Kong next year. So my top list would kinda look like this

 Bear McCreary

 Alan Silvestri

Ludwig Göransson

Ramin Djawadi


Who’s on your composer wishlist?

5 Replies


MemberRodanJun-04-2019 12:56 PM

i dunno.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaJun-04-2019 5:50 PM

Bear McCreary needs to return for this. I'd love to see Giacchino take a crack at it, but he's quite expensive. If McCreary can't return, Djawadi would be an excellent substitute.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

I Meme Everything

MemberGiganJun-04-2019 6:03 PM


"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberBaragonJun-04-2019 10:36 PM

I completely agree with G. H. (Gman)

McCreary is definitely my top pick.

I love the idea of Giacchino doing a Godzilla track.

and Zimmer is an amazing composer, though i don't think the type of music he composes would be very fitting for these movies.


MemberMothra LarvaeJun-05-2019 12:49 AM

Whoever it is, I would like a remake of the track "The Sleeping Devil" to be remade from the original Godzilla vs. King Kong, but that's a pipe dream at best. :,)

McCrearys' score for KOtM was phenomenal! Every track hits the metaphorical beats it needs to. Definitely my top pick for GvK!!


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