Godzilla Movie

Godzilla Extinction:Creature Profiles

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MemberBaragonNov-13-2019 8:40 AM

Anguirus: One made of Ice and Stone


Monarch Designation: Anguirus


Classification: Titanus anguirus

Nature: Bio-Cryogenic

Body Height: 103 Meters

Behavior: Neutral-Protector 

Range: World Wide

Location of Emergence: Alaska

Numbers: One Deceased, One Living. Could be a large population in the Hollow Earth.

Description: If Godzilla is the Alpha, then Angurius would be the Beta. Angurius seems to be descendent of the Ankylosaurus, though it is unsure whether he is a descendant of the more basal individuals, a Nodosaurid, a basal Ankylosaurid, a derived Ankylosaurid, etc. But there are many differences between it and its ancestors. The scales on the Kaiju seemed to have a rock like-structure, like Rodan. Unlike Rodan, however, his scales seem to be covered by a thin layer of ice, while his spiked carapace and tail seemed to be made out of crystal. He lacks the tail club of the Ankylosaurus, stands more upright, much more agile, less armor, and is actually omnivorous and feeds on radiation as well, leaning towards feeding on radiation and being carnivorous. Its skull shape is also drastically different, much more different to its ancestors than the related Anjira. Studies have shown that this creature is capable of taking on incredibly powerful creatures due to its armor, meaning that Angurius is a living tank. Anguirus is also capable of breathing a breath so cold that it freezes over lava, and has caused crystals to form over Rodan when the two creatures fought. Shows a similar attitude towards humanity as Godzilla; neutral. Still, it defends cities under the rule of Godzilla. However, unlike Mothra, Anguirus isn’t strictly loyal to Godzilla. He will follow Ghidorah if he has killed Godzilla. If not, he still serves under Godzilla. Still, incredibly loyal to the alpha, to the point of being willing to die for them. It is incredibly fast and agile, can roll through an opponent like Behemoth, can burrow, can rear on his hind legs, possesses very sharp teeth and claws, has a vice-like bite, and can jump quite well.

Comparison: Well, there are two creatures Anguirus could be compared to, Scylla, and it's relative, Anjira. Anjira is very different to Anguirus, but probably the closest comparison. Anjira is a derived Ankylosaurid, looking like a Euoplocephalus, Tarchia, and Ankylosaurus hybrid, but with larger spikes, much larger, can feed on radiation, and can cause earthquakes by striking the ground with its tail. Anguirus, however, is more omnivorous or carnivorous than herbivorous Anjira, has a very different skull and body plan to Anjira, much faster and more agile, can rear on hind legs, can jump, can burrow, and can use cryogenic powers. However, Anjira is much more powerful in melee combat, with its tail possibly being able to kill Anguirus with a single head blow, as well as being more rock-based. Anjira is also more of a neutral creature that half listens to an alpha command, drastically different to Anguirus’ loyalty. Scylla is drastically different in terms of the body plan, evolutionary history, and just about anything imaginable. They both are among the very few Kaiju, however, that share cryogenic powers. Scylla can use its liquid nitrogen passively, as a restorer, but also actively in a breath attack or a “nitrogen bomb” where it releases all its nitrogen at once, almost always freezing its opponent completely for at least a few days. The attack, somehow, doesn’t kill its opponent and isn’t cold enough to work for more than a few minutes on Rodan. Scylla can, however, after using the attack, inject her venom into it that passes into the Kaiju and kills it, if she wants to kill the creature. Anguirus can use his cryogenic powers to enhance his defenses and weapons, as well as a breath attack, but can’t use a bomb attack like Scylla. However, his breath attacks are colder and much more damaging and have been known to critically injure Rodan. 

SORCA: Frequencies that attract and repel Anguirus have been found, though they have been only used once.

Radiation Half-Life: 3 hours, incredibly low, but typical for Dinosaurian Kaiju. Cities should be fine in a few days if he passes through

Evaluation: A neutral-protector Kaiju, leave it alone and it’ll leave the city alone. Will probably help a city if a Kaiju is attacking it, though he won’t care much for buildings in his way. If needed, call on him for help. Definitely among the better options for protecting your city, probably among the best. Only repel if he’s about to walk through the city.

5 Replies

Rodan: The Fire Demon

MemberMothra LarvaeNov-13-2019 5:48 PM

Wow. You wrote a lot


MemberRodanNov-13-2019 5:57 PM

Yeah... this is just one of the profiles lol. There's... let's just say there's a few more lol

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanNov-13-2019 5:57 PM

*Tries to hide 100+ pages of stuff*

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberBaragonNov-14-2019 12:40 PM

Damn. You did better than me at profiles.


                       This Time, It's Personal


MemberRodanNov-14-2019 1:57 PM


If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

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