Titan of Water
MemberBaragonMay-10-2020 6:36 PMWhat is your favorite Early Showa period film from the Godzilla series? The list includes:
1. Godzilla 1954
2. Godzilla King of the Monsters 1956
3. Godzilla Raids Again
4. Gigantis the Fire Monster
5. King Kong vs Godzilla
6. Mothra vs Godzilla
7. Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster
8. Monster Zero
Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-10-2020 7:38 PMInteresting you're including the Americanizations.
But Monster Zero--By far.

The King of the Monsters
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-10-2020 9:09 PMI love all the films of the period, save for Raids Again, but my favorite has always been Mothra vs. Godzilla, with Invasion of Astro-Monster close behind.

MemberTitanosaurusMay-11-2020 4:07 AMMothra vs. Godzilla for me.
A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

MemberRodanMay-11-2020 10:02 AMKing Kong vs Godzilla is mine.
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberGiganMay-11-2020 4:58 PMPersonally, I like the original. It feels like a more serious movie. Which is not what most people want from a Godzilla movie, but it is a metaphor and warning. That is what Godzilla is to me.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberTitanosaurusMay-11-2020 5:37 PMSarcasticKaiju It may not be my personal favorite, but it is, without a doubt, the best one.
A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

Trash panda
MemberAnguirusMay-24-2020 11:04 PMKing Kong vs Godzilla, only because I own it on blu-ray, but I absolutely would watch Monster Zero everyday.