MemberMothra LarvaeDec-14-2021 5:00 AMWhat I mean by that is do you like watching it during the day in a spesific room or in theaters, etc.

Trash panda
MemberAnguirusDec-27-2021 12:28 PMFor me, it’s watching it in a theater because it’s just a better experience and you’re surrounded by other fans that share the same interests as you.
it’s like when I saw Spider-Man: No Way Home, the whole theater was cheering and it was just a fun experience being in that environment.

MemberGiganDec-27-2021 12:33 PMI didn’t see the elaboration so I just thought the response was,
When and Where do you like to watch Godzilla Movies?
SasquaDash: Yes
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst