Godzilla Movie

Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters Statue & Origin

Scified2017-08-18 23:49:25https://www.scified.com/articles/godzilla-planet-the-monsters-statue--origin-6.jpg
Written by G. H. (Gman)29,665 Reads21 Comments2017-08-18 23:49:25

At the beginning of the week a promotional statue of the 2017 Godzilla was teased for fans. Twitter recently exploded with multiple angles of the full reveal.

The Godzilla of the upcoming anime movie Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters first appears in the year 2030. Humanity had been at war with monsters since 1999, as a result of Earth's evolving environment, but they had never met a force like Godzilla. SciFi Japan reports that Godzilla is, "the largest life form ever recorded and possesses unique body tissue integrated with metal-like muscle fibers, which can generate a strong electromagnetic charge, to support his massive weight. The end result of natural selection on Earth, he originated from plant-based life and has gone on to survive 20,000 long years as a super-evolved living organism." No word yet on if radioactivity will factor in to Godzilla's origin as well.

Below are images of the 2 meter tall statue, emphasizing the plant-influenced design:

What do you think of Godzilla's new origin for the film? What of the new design and what the close ups provided by the promotional standee? Let us know in the comments below.

Thanks to the many users who have posted images.

Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters stars the voice talents of Mamoru Miyano (Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Ultraman Zero: The Movie), Takahiro Sakurai (Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans), Kana Hanazawa (.hack//Quantum), Yuki Kaji (Attack on Titan), Tomokazu Sugita (Attack on Titan), Junichi Suwabe (Space Dandy), Kenta Miyake (Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn), Kenyu Horiuchi (Bleach, One Piece), Kazuhiro Yamaji (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children) and Kazuya Nakai (Dragon Ball Super). The film is directed by Kobun Shizuno (Detective Conan: The Darkest Nightmare) & Hiroyuki Seshita (Knights of Sidonia) from a screenplay by Gen Urobuchi (Kamen Rider Gaim).
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MemberTitanosaurusAug-19-2017 12:00 AM



MemberTitanosaurusAug-19-2017 4:34 AM

Seriously. A part-metal electromagnetic vegetable god that can melt mountains.

I cannot WAIT!


MemberMothra LarvaeAug-19-2017 4:41 AM

He originated from plant-based life, sound similar to Biollante.


MemberTitanosaurusAug-19-2017 5:00 AM

You can see it in the design, too.

Looking closely, you can see that his skin and musculature looks very much like plant roots or tree bark.


MemberTitanosaurusAug-19-2017 5:35 AM

I agree Imperial96. Biollante may have even been an inspiration for this incarnation. I really like the back story for this Godzilla. Can't wait to see more.


MemberBaragonAug-19-2017 11:15 AM

So awesome. Love the strange but unique backstory and the nod to Legendary. I'm very excited to see how this turns out. 

Sci-Fi King25

MemberGiganAug-19-2017 11:33 AM

Well this is certainly a unique Godzilla. So would he be classified as a plant, an animal, or something in between? Additionally, will this Godzilla have anything to do with nuclear power/radiation?


MemberTitanosaurusAug-19-2017 12:22 PM

Radioactive material in the past allows plant life to evolve past its roots (pardon the pun) into something more akin to actual animals, culminating in the most powerful living organism ever to walk the Earth.

The Jurassic Bootleg

MemberBaragonAug-19-2017 5:10 PM



MemberTitanosaurusAug-19-2017 5:33 PM

Love how Godzilla is evolved from Plant life, a very unique origin. In general I love how this Godzilla is literally the ultimate organism as it even puts "The end result of Natural Selection on Earth". 


MemberBaragonAug-19-2017 6:09 PM

I'd like to add a few more pictures of this statue that I've borrowed from a few other Japanese people. 

The Legend of Brian

MemberBaragonAug-19-2017 10:06 PM

I see that they took the maple leaf design of the dorsal fins literally.


MemberTitanosaurusAug-21-2017 6:02 AM

there are those eyes. I was getting worried.

I like how they make him look seriously ancient! Like an old man. Not sure how I like the originating from plant idea instead of the nuclear bomb test idea, but I'll go for a ride on this one. Im sure ill still enjoy it.

This just hit me, I think I love the symbolism about Godzilla's Dorsal fins looking like leaves. Leaves must change color and fall every year. Thus creating a new season, a new life to emerge soon there after. Godzilla's dorsal fins represent change, not to just Godzilla but to the story. To his origin in order to give way a new life of Godzilla fandom. Damn, I don't know if they meant to do that or not, but that could be interpreted to be deep for fans to just enjoy the ride.

Im just confused as to why they had to change his origin like this? I guess to make this story have flight. I'm going to keep an open mind.



MemberTitanosaurusAug-21-2017 8:00 AM

I love the origin change, it's way different and really interesting. Like he's literally Earth's final and ultimate level of Natural Evolution. It doesn't get any cooler than that.


MemberTitanosaurusAug-21-2017 8:07 AM

Other people on line are giving this new look a ripping. They are saying pretty negative things about this new look. I agree he looks like an old man, but for this plot that's not a bad thing. Hugh Jackman looked like an old man in the Logan movie and people loved that.


MemberMothra LarvaeAug-21-2017 10:24 AM

Impacting,Awesome a Real Design of Godzilla is Truly Powerful his Muscles are Cool like Arnie Schwarznegger Inspired by huh?is okay awesome :)


MemberBaragonAug-21-2017 5:15 PM

it kind of has an Attack on Titan feel to it. It's not bad.. and definitely had a look similar to Edward's G. He does have a fat gut though. Just how tall is he in this flick ?


MemberTitanosaurusAug-21-2017 6:00 PM

They said he was taller than Shin and the Anime description says he's the largest lifeform ever recorded so really big. I'm guessing somewhere in the 800 foot region but for all we know he could be in the thousands. 


MemberTitanosaurusAug-22-2017 7:57 AM


I guess only in anime can you show him that big. In any life action movie you could not really take in the size of a creature that big and make it look real in contrast to the rest of the scene. 

I would do the same damn thing.


MemberTitanosaurusAug-22-2017 9:18 AM

I also want to point out the design of the tail. It almost looks like a thorn from a rose. Neat way to make his tail even more deadly.


MemberMothra LarvaeAug-24-2017 5:26 PM

I like that the new origin for a new medium.  Now we have Legendary, Shin, and Monster Planet versions.  All taking different yet interesting takes on the monster king

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