how to include Gorosaurus into the monsterverse

MemberTitanosaurusApr-30-2018 3:33 AMGorosaurus is one of the many Kong enemies based on dinosaurs, but it seems to be that he is the favorite in that category. If there was going to be a kong 2, then I can definitely see Gorosaurus be introduced into the monsterverse. This was my first requested monster in the "how to include in the monsterverse" and was requested by minecraftdinokaiju. He also helped me out with giving me a quote from "Unlike its smaller brethren, this creature dragged its tail across the ground in order to remain balanced due to its utterly gigantic size". Thanks for the submission. It really gave me an idea that I thought would be quite unique.
I do want to point out that this is all speculation. I am not saying everything in here HAS to happen. This is just the way I would do it.
Now here is my idea of how to include Gorosaurus into the monsterverse.
Gorosaurus would be a dinosaur related to the Allosaurus from the prehistoric era. Gorosaurus would be the name of his species and not just for 1 dinosaur-like in KKE. The way that this species works is that they have a lifespan of about 400 years. When they are about 25 to 50 years old they are about 30 meters tall and lean forward like an allosaurus. When they are 100 to 200 years old they are about 50 to 75 meters tall and stand a bit more upright. When they become a full adult at the age of 250 to 400 they can become up to 90 to 120 meters tall. The Gorosaurus species was a major enemy of the Kong species especially as they were living in the same region.
But then the meteor strikes and wipes out almost all of the dinosaurs on earth, but the Gorosaurusses survived the extinction event by going underground into the hollow earth. Whilst going through these tunnels they encountered many other monsters that attacked them. Most of the Gorosaurusses died because of these monsters and the Gorosaurus rase became an endangered species. Some of the caves came to fill with lava and magma forced them to come out of the tunnels. Only a dozen of the Gorosaurusses came out of the tunnels alive. They found themselves on an island by the name of mondo island.
On the island, many many generations go by of the species growing in numbers ones again, but then the food ran out. every single living being on the island was eaten by the Gorosaurusses (which makes sense seeing as this takes place about a million years later) and the Gorosaurusses had to evolve and civilized. The leader of the group got to eat the other Gorosaurusses to survive and when the Gorosaurus leader died of old age, there would be a new Gorosaurus to become the leader of the group. The Gorosaurusses couldn't reproduce enough to stay alive by cannibalizing, so they made a plan to take over the earth ones again and go back into the tunnels and appear all over the world looking for new sources of food (aka humans). The younger Gorosaurusses appear from the ground up (like in "destroy all monsters") all over the world in cities around the world (of course Paris is part of these cities). even in new york a Gorosaurus appears and everyone thinks it is Godzilla for some reason? ;)
In the meanwhile, the leader of the Gorosaurusses stayed on mondo island (with a few younger Gorosaurusses in case of...) waiting for the younger Gorosaurusses to bring him food or let him know if it is safe for him to come. Unfortunately, the Gorosaurusses can't handle the human gun and missile fire. humankind has changed and evolved more than the Gorosaurusses expected. the younger Gorosaurusses get killed all over the world (the one in new york gets killed by the missiles on the Brooklyn bridge). Whilst all of this is going on, Kong swam to mondo island to confront the leader of the Gorosaurusses (which at this point would be the last of its kind). Kong would hit the leader from behind and the younger Gorosaurusses would jump in and attack kong. After Kong kills the younger Gorosaurusses the leader jumps back in action for a final battle with 2 creatures that are at that point the last of its species. After a long even fight Kong eventually kills the leader, making the Gorosaurus species extinct.
I did a powers section in the king caesar forum, so I will make one for Gorosaurus as well. Of course, they would be able to do a kangaroo kick. It might not seem very logical for them to be able to do this, but it is Gorosaurusses most famous attack. I was going to give him the ability to dig like in "destroy all monsters", but how can he dig with those arms. instead, he rams things with his head (which is why he has such a flat head). Gorosaurusses were said to be very intelligent creatures and that is something I want to keep.
This is the end of the forum. again thanks for the request and the helpful quote from minecraftdinokaiju. I hope you like the end result. I didn't really focus on kong in this story, but this wasn't meant to be a sketch for a full story for kong 2, but more of a kong 2 from the point of the Gorosaurusses. This story might feel a bit complicated for just a dinosaur species, but I wanted to not make the Gorosaurus feel like the Skullcrawlers from KSI and still, there are a lot of similarities between the 2, but this was the best I could do.
If there are things that you would have done differently or just disagree with something, please let me know in the comments and we can discuss our opinions and if there are any other monsters that you would like to see, please let a comment telling me who/what you would like to see.
links to my other forums in this series.
King Ceasar:
Long live the king...

MemberTitanosaurusMay-03-2018 11:02 AM^I agree with ya. Just commenting on things that I thought were funny.
By all means, keep on trucking.
I think Gorosaurus wouldn't make in this universe due to licensing issues and popularity like what Gman pointed out, but if Legendary did put a theropod like monster dinosaur in a Kong movie, I think it would be a great wink to the fans.
I always thought Gorosaurus was always a throwback to the T-rex King Kong fought in 1933. I felt Gorosaurus is just a dinosaur Toho wanted King Kong to fight to highlight what made king Kong(1933) film so great. Remember, Honda and Tsuburaya were inspired by the film to make their own giant monster film. So to me(IMO) Toho pretty much made a fan film and needed something familiar for Kong to fight.
I also think if it weren't for Destroy All Monsters and Gorosaurs fighting by Godzilla's side, Gorosaurus would forgotten by the wayside long ago.
That's just my 2 cents. As much as I would love to see Gorosaurus and as many Kaiju get an American make over and feature in a new Godzilla film. Gorosaurus would probably be on the bottom of the list.

MemberTitanosaurusMay-03-2018 11:59 AMThe unfortunate part of that is that it is very true. They will likely create a new kaiju for that role. But if the monsterverse does include the real trademarked gorosaurus, then I would be surprised. That would really show how much love, money and effort the people behind the scenes have and want to spend for these movies.
Long live the king...

MemberTitanosaurusMay-03-2018 1:45 PMwell... a fan can still dream, right?
Its still doesn't mean we cant still throw out fun topics like the one here right? I only say this to contribute to the conversation, not to deter it. So by all means keep 'em coming. Its still fun.

MemberTitanosaurusMay-03-2018 6:05 PM@riggzamortis86 and KaijuWorld You know, I'm seeing this and thinking, "Wait a minute. If Gorosaurus may not be possible, will Zilla?" Just a random question/forum idea. Also, since you created a second page via comments, the arrow just points to the forum, and not my comment. Lol.

MemberTitanosaurusMay-03-2018 7:05 PMAlso, to quote myself, "
@KaijuWorld I know that this isn't likely to happen, but just for speculation/fun, can you make a forum discussing "HOW TO INCLUDE GODZILLA JR. INTO THE MONSTERVERSE" (That's just how the title is spelled. Sorry if it seems like shouting.), and by the way, this is the one from the Heisei Era, not Minilla (Although you can do a forum on him if you want.)? Please?" Please?

MemberTitanosaurusMay-04-2018 1:07 PM@MinecraftDinoKaiju, I can pretty much, without a doubt or any insight into the workings of Monsterverse or plot, guarantee you that Zilla would never work in the monsterverse. Not because of any probability or source material that can muster up, but because out of all the monsters that have ever graced the Toho or Godzilla universes, Zilla is most likely the most hated and loathed. It has no place in this series or anything else for that matter.
Zilla reeks of failure on every level. Yes the movie made lots of money at the box office in 1998, but the monster itself is a terrible joke that wont ever be seen on the big screen again. And for good reason.
Legendary wont touch that monster with a 1000ft pole near its franchise.
Zilla is only good for a punching bag.
But, hey that's my 2 cents(that I found in the street next to a dead dog) on Zilla. Its still fun to talk about.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-04-2018 7:38 PMMinecraftDinoKaiju,
The names "Minilla", "Baby Godzilla", "Little Godzilla" and "Godzilla Junior" are all trademarked, so Legendary would have to choose which license they wanted for a Godzilla offspring. I could see them getting the rights to "Baby Godzilla" before "Godzilla Jr." if Legendary ever went the "son of Godzilla" route, just because it's a more straightforward name.

MemberTitanosaurusMay-04-2018 9:17 PM^
And that was what I was talking about (not Minilla). That is what I was trying to say.

The King of the Monsters
MemberBaragonMay-04-2018 9:50 PMHonestly though Toho seems to be pushing Minilla a lot more lately, since recent popularity polls in Japan have shown him to be one of the most popular monsters. I would see Toho pushing him on Legendary if they wanted to acquire a "son of Godzilla" character, and Legendary might go with him in that hypothetical scenario if they were given enough freedom with how to portray the character. He probably has marginally more marketability than any of the versions of Junior overall and substantially more marketability than Junior as far as the Japanese fanbase is concerned.
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MemberTitanosaurusMay-05-2018 8:47 AMI have been doing some research on how an egg from the prehistoric era could still hatch today, but I havn’t found anything. So does anyone have an idea of how a Godzilla egg could still exist in the modern day.
I don’t think that there will be a female Godzilla will be added in the monsterverse and have 2 godzilla’s to create a new egg and I don’t think that they will do the asexual reproduction after Godzilla 1998.
Long live the king...

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-05-2018 9:12 AMEgg frozen in time. Boom. Problem solved.

The Legend of Brian
MemberBaragonMay-05-2018 10:26 AMI have to agree with Gman, many of these problems are pretty easily circumvented with, it "frozen" "hibernating". The very nature of Hallow Earth Theory being integrated into the monsterverse allows pretty much any Earth based kaiju to have an easy in if they were to be included.

The King of the Monsters
MemberBaragonMay-05-2018 1:41 PMIf the M.U.T.O.s' spores could exist completely preserved attached to a fossilized skeleton underground for millions of years only to hatch after being excavated in the present, the same could go for an egg belonging to Godzilla's species buried underground or deep underwater.
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MemberMothra LarvaeMay-05-2018 1:59 PMExcept spores are able to survive for long periods, due to how they operate. To allow for the thing inside to hatch in optimal conditions, provided they're not in the time before it hatches. In the case of the MUTO in Godzilla, that happened to be in 2014. An egg's not the same, and can't just survive like that.
I do stuff. A lot of stuff. And make a lot of enemies doing it.

The King of the Monsters
MemberBaragonMay-05-2018 8:06 PMThe M.U.T.O.s' "spores" are their eggs. They were completely dormant for millions of years, and the male's only hatched because the cavern where it was was unearthed in 1999, awakening it. They survived all that time because they were attached to a radiation source and kept effectively in suspended animation. Godzilla himself survived for the same amount of time remaining dormant for long periods of time and feeding on geothermal radiation, so it's not a stretch at all to believe his species' eggs could survive unhatched for that time if sustained by a radiation source. These are science-fiction movies, and it's an easy explanation the filmmakers could certainly use to explain how a Godzilla egg survived unhatched for millions of years. The same logic was already used in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II to explain why Baby Godzilla's egg was around in the present day, and it wasn't even buried anywhere. It's very possible Legendary would use the same explanation in the hypothetical situation where they wanted to introduce a baby Godzilla. They're clearly willing to bend the laws of natural science for the sake of introducing plot elements, otherwise there wouldn't be a hollow Earth or all these giant monsters that the media constantly reminds us violate the square-cube law.
Visit, the encyclopedia of Godzilla, Gamera, King Kong, Toho monsters and more that anyone can contribute to.

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-05-2018 8:33 PMOh, wow, I must've entirely skimped out on a part of 2014. Just haven't seen it in so long, lol. Makes more sense with just how "bent" the universe is. Personally, I'm all for it, especially if they can maybe get a bit creative with origins. Of course, that's if.
And hollow Earth? Not to detach the conversation, but I thought the implication with Skullcrawlers was that the area below the island itself was hollow in the same way Sera is in Gears of War, just localized, or even like cave networks now below the Earth caused by magma movement. Not that the entire Earth was hollow, which carries its own implications, and is a step above that. Unless hollow Earth was more so hyperbole.
I do stuff. A lot of stuff. And make a lot of enemies doing it.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-05-2018 10:04 PMThe "Hollow Earth theory" is what the characters in Skull Island had supposedly found evidence of. It's based on a scientific hypothesis that's been around since the 1600s and been used in sci-fi storytelling since the 1800s. The theory is that the Earth is completely or partially hollow and has many unexplored caverns eluding detection by man. Journey to the Center of the Earth is probably the most popular story revolving around this concept.
The same basic theory is explained by Brooks in Skull Island, insinuating that the entire planet may be harboring similar caverns--the island was just one of many exit points. This seems likely considering the cavern discovered in Godzilla '14 was in the Philippines.

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-05-2018 10:27 PMAhhhhhhh, I see. That's weird to me. I dunno, I always took the cavern in Godzilla as a normally forming cave that a member of the Godzilla species just happened to die in, or even formed by digging itself into said hole, since it was larger than the Godzilla, IIRC. Never occurred to me that it was potentially part of this HE theory.
And I thought Houston's thing was always just a stretch theory. Of course, I get it was the driving force behind Skull Island's plot, but it felt so insignificant to be an actual seed laid that the Earth was partially or mostly hollow. More so just a plot device to go there, lol.
It'll probably get more elaboration in future movies, may even play a role in how the other monsters evaded human knowledge and sight for so long. If Earth's hollow in this continuity, talk about a different view of the MonsterVerse. That's funky. And something I don't think has been a thing in concept since the Showa era, with underground nations.
I do stuff. A lot of stuff. And make a lot of enemies doing it.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-06-2018 12:08 AMThe Hollow Earth theory is exactly as it is described in Skull Island, "a crackpot theory." Today it's akin to a lot of alien conspiracy theorists and considered goofy as hell. But plausibility can only go so far in a giant monster universe and sci-fi tropes such as these are easier to buy in these settings.
It seems (but is not confirmed) the Hollow Earth theory in the Monsterverse is a retroactive concept brought on as inspiration from the caverns in G'14. It also explains how more monsters can come to fruition and gives Godzilla 2 an out from lengthy explanations--Rodan in particular. The Hollow Earth theory can now be used to describe new monsters appearing all over the globe. It also frees the universe from being too realistic and now the series can play it a little more fast, loose and bonkers.

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-06-2018 12:23 AMBasically. It's a perfect solution for stuff like that. Love it. And I also love the universe having more free roam with its concepts. So you wouldn't even need a hypothetical Gorosaurus or Godzilla egg as per earlier. Just have a member of either species come up from underground, ala Skullcrawlers. Bam. New monsters. Cool monsters. Realistic introduction.
I do stuff. A lot of stuff. And make a lot of enemies doing it.

MemberTitanosaurusMay-06-2018 5:39 AMThat actually makes a lot of sense. I actually have an idea now for a story with Godzilla Jr. I do have one question that might already be answered but anyway.
After the millions of year's, why didn’t the muto eggs hatch by themselves or by the Muto's inside instead of hatching when the mine collapsed in 2014?
Long live the king...

MemberTitanosaurusMay-06-2018 1:31 PMHey everybody? Can we please save this for the real Godzilla Jr. forum ( if/when it is made ) and get back to the original topic?
Here's a third hint:
And as a warning, I will put more hints in if this forum gets anymore off-topic. I don't mean to sound/be rude, but usually, conversations are supposed to go back to the original topic. So if we could please do the same here. Please. Thank you.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-06-2018 2:31 PMKaijuWorld,
The MUTOs DID hatch, but it seems to have taken a long time since they were not near a radiation source. The male larva (which we never see) hatched in 1999 and swam to Janjira where it cocooned at the power plant. The female hatched because the spore was dumped with other radioactive waste which it fed off of and grew for around 14 years. It felt strong enough to break out in 2014 after the male hatched.

MemberTitanosaurusMay-06-2018 3:06 PM^
Read the comment above this one to see how I feel about the conversations.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-06-2018 3:26 PMMinecraftDinoKaiju,
I have no issue with the deviation since what we're talking about connects to the possibility/probability of the topic's monster's inclusion in said universe. And quite frankly, since I'm a moderator, I'm the one who gets to allow it.

MemberTitanosaurusMay-07-2018 5:58 AMSince the hollow earth theory can be applied here to introduce other monsters just showing up whenever they are "awakened", I cant wait to see how this applies to King Ghidorah. Im curious to see how they explain the 3 headed characteristic's(maybe they don't) or maybe bring up that King Ghidorah is from outer space or another Earth born monster. Because having 2 theories on how they introduce monsters would really speed things up. One from underneath the ground/ocean and one from outer space. I guess we will find out in G:KOTM(or not, they don't have to explain anything about its origin, but I feel like that would be lazy writing)

MemberTitanosaurusMay-07-2018 9:09 AM@KaijuWorld Just curious. When is the next forum and what is it going to be about?

MemberTitanosaurusMay-07-2018 9:24 AMThe next forum will be released next weeks Monday the 14th and will likely be about Gamera. For Godzilla Jr. I need some more time.
Long live the king...