If Human Charactes Monsterverse are going to improve, then it wasn’t gonna be in GVK

MemberGiganApr-15-2021 9:54 PMI just wanted to bring this up. People after KOTM hoped GVK would have better human characters. I don’t think this hope was founded at all. First of all, Kotm and GVK were written at very close periods in time, so writers would not have had time to react to criticism. Second, they have the same writers. On top of being at almost the same time KoTM and GvK share the same writers, so they wouldn’t be able to improve until later.
Food for thought.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaApr-15-2021 10:11 PMThis isn't entirely accurate.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters wrapped filming in September of 2017 and was written by Micheal Dougherty and Zach Shields who headed a writer's room of 10 people. The treatment took a year before pre-production, so the screenplay was actually being written in 2016--Perhaps even late 2015.
In 2017, Terry Rossio was leading a writer's room of 8 people to come up with a treatment for Godzilla vs. Kong. Eric Pearson then took that treatment and turned it into a full screenplay. Dougherty and Shields only made minor re-writes late in the game--By which point they were already done with Godzilla: King of the Monsters.
So each movie actually had a lot of different writers involved with very little overlap. And even if there was overlap, Godzilla: King of the Monsters was long since in the can.

MemberGiganApr-15-2021 10:14 PM@Gman
I guess that’s true, but my main point really is that the writers for GVK would not be able to react to KOTM criticisms so to expect a better human story doesn’t seem actually based.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaApr-15-2021 10:18 PMI don't think any writer has to react to criticisms in order to write decent characters though.

MemberGiganApr-15-2021 10:21 PMBut the writers think they’re characters are good tho. They don’t just create bad characters on purpose. Or do they?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaApr-15-2021 10:25 PMNo, but obviously it's more difficult for less talented writers. For example, I don't have a lot of faith in Dougherty's or Shields' writing abilities. And to be fair, Rossio is probably past his prime. But Eric Pearson has a very impressive blockbuster resume, with movies that have excellent character work.
Not to mention, we don't really know what is lost in editing. It's not just a matter of what is cut, but what is re-arranged to create something completely different from the screenplay.

MemberGiganApr-15-2021 10:26 PMThat is true. Maybe in the unused footage there’s good characters there.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

She was wasted so badly...

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 10:36 AMI think the actors in KOTM were okay, but their potential was not properly realized.
except for "irony on" the roles of Dr. Stanton & Dr. Coleman as comedians " irony off".
I found the cuts during the fights & characters to be horrible.
what was done really well with the monsters & music, the easter eggs, was messed up on the plot in my opinion.

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 10:40 AMMany people dislike the character Emma Russell, But I think she was the best written.. I think I have a different approach on how I see the character. To me the “Irony on/off” roles brought the story down. Comedy can be good but it was a bit too much. There were too many characters in the background. I didn’t mind the family that much but the rest of the cast were always present and it was just kind of sloppy to me.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 10:42 AMHECK NO. Emma Russell was poorly written. If anything, Ishiro was better written in G'14 and KOTM.

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 10:48 AMif you look at the blue ray, there are 2 scenes taken out as a bonus. i still wonder why they were taken out.
Scene 1: Dr. Russel relives this nightmare in his unconsciousness.
the man is traumatized, that is shown very well here.
Scene 2: Madison going wild on the punching bag.
This is a very good depiction of how the conflict with her mother becomes stronger.
from my point of view these are key scenes.

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberBaragonApr-16-2021 10:50 AMMy favorite character so far in the Monsterverse is Ford from Godzilla 2014.

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 10:57 AMMebo, I do think Emma was a good factor for Madison's arc. It was great to see her evolve from a willing accomplice of her crazy Titan awakening [REDACTED] and eventually end up saving the world from Ghidorah by luring him over to Godzilla.
Spino Fan, Ford is so dull. But you can have your own opinion.

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 10:59 AM@Mebo
Yes I’ve seen those too.
I disagree. People tend to approach Emma like she is Insane. It’s harder to prove your sane than insane. I don’t think she is. Every thing she does in the movie is deliberate because she actually believes in what she is doing. The reason she wants to stop Ghidorah is because she realizes she messed up and her plan isn’t working. Not because she had a change of heart. What really drives her redemption is her inability to cope with her feelings. She is still grieving for Andrew the entire time and even though she believes that what’s she’s doing is right, she starts feeling guilt for hurting so many people. Because of this inability to cope she starts feeling bad and second guessing eventually that’s also why she tries to stop Ghidorah. There aren’t many scenes for her to connect to the audience, admittedly. But there are some.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 11:00 AM@Sonic
I think Ford was bad acting not dull. Sure his character wasn’t as good as his father, but he didn’t ruin the movie
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 11:01 AMthe problem with KOTM is the lack of fluid storytelling. I sometimes had the feeling of hiccups in the cinema.

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 11:05 AMLack of fluid storytelling was it's biggest problem....

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 11:06 AMGVK had a coherent story at least.

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 11:11 AMUnfortunately, I cannot judge GVK yet. You described it very nicely in another post. The film music in KOTM is an absolute masterpiece. i actually had tears in my eyes during some scenes because of the music. a lot of what was good with the music, the monsters, was ruined again with the cuts and the narration. so no wonder about the rating at rotten tomatoes.

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 11:14 AM@Sonic
GVK has a worse story than KOTM
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:24 PMWHAT? NO IT DIDN'T
Give me some good reasons....

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 12:30 PMsonictiger did you mean me?
Because the release of GVK in Europe has been postponed indefinitely.

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:31 PMOh yeah, I forgot.

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 12:34 PMthat's what you mean by international publication ... if it wasn't so sad i could laugh about it all the way ...

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:35 PM@Mebo
Lol. No he was talking to me. das ist traurig zu hören. I think Google translate messed it up.
KOTM has more human scenes than GVk
Both movies have grieving characters but the Skarsgards character lost his brother, but the brother is forgotten after being mentioned twice.
The arcs in KOTm were more developed.
And one more thing. They share a lot of the same problems. The reason GvK is more liked is because there is less of it. Not because it was better writing but because it was cut out.
Unlike KOtm, GVK did not really try to have a human story. It just was there to have fun
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:36 PM@Mebo
that was a bizarre glitch, ur writing was in German, does Scified translate the languages.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:38 PMBasically I tried using google translate to say German stuff. And I took very long to write the message.
Are you typing in German?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:38 PMThe funner, the better.
Less problems, the better.

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 12:40 PMSarcasticGoji your translation was correct. However, I recommend this one:
it simply has the better AI. simply enter the text, the rest is done automatically and you have the possibility to correct the individual words in the translation.

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:41 PM@Sonic
Yes, but ur point was the story was better not less of it.
@Mebo thanks
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst