If Human Charactes Monsterverse are going to improve, then it wasn’t gonna be in GVK
MemberGiganApr-15-2021 9:54 PMI just wanted to bring this up. People after KOTM hoped GVK would have better human characters. I don’t think this hope was founded at all. First of all, Kotm and GVK were written at very close periods in time, so writers would not have had time to react to criticism. Second, they have the same writers. On top of being at almost the same time KoTM and GvK share the same writers, so they wouldn’t be able to improve until later.
Food for thought.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:44 PMSarcasticGoji
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 12:44 PMi understand you of course. my knowledge of english is already good, only sometimes i have a hard time forming sentences, so deepL is the perfect extension for me.
MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:44 PMhttps://www.scified.com/member/43153
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:47 PMOkie. I was wondering, why did you change ur German to english
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 12:50 PMhaha I love Gozilla, that's why I use Mozilla .... I always have a 2 tab open
MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 12:54 PMall kidding aside, i find it great to talk to like minded people. this is a great forum here.
MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:56 PMYeah.
MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:56 PMBetter than this one place known as imgflip which was great but then it got toxic....*sad*
MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:56 PMI like this website too... except if for the fact that when ever I log into the other it logs me out, and I check messages, then log in on another and do something, I See I have another message, and then have to log in again.
But other than that it’s good.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberGiganApr-16-2021 12:56 PMYeah
MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 1:05 PMand for me it is of course good to work on my english skills. we are never too old to learn!
MemberGiganApr-16-2021 1:06 PM?
MemberGiganApr-16-2021 1:12 PMHe was just telling me about his English skills because his native language is german
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberGiganApr-16-2021 1:16 PMOk,
How are u doing the red name thing?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 1:19 PMmark it, copy & paste
I have introduced myself here
MemberGiganApr-16-2021 1:24 PMI’ll figure it out later..
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberGiganApr-17-2021 10:22 AMTest.... Mebo
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst
MemberMothra LarvaeApr-17-2021 10:56 AMSarcasticGoji Perfect! do the same with video links, links to websites...etc.
SCIFI recognizes this in the entry field (underlined)
MemberMothra LarvaeApr-17-2021 11:20 AMI would like to comment briefly on the sentence by G. H. (Gman) he had written "Godzilla: King of the Monsters wrapped filming in September of 2017 and was written by Micheal Dougherty and Zach Shields who headed a writer's room of 10 people"
I could imagine that the writers have revised many things under time pressure and that the story has become so bad.
in germany, we have a very specific word for this kind of thing, which is difficult to translate, but i'll give it a try:
it means:"the attempt to improve something, but actually making it worse".".
I hope you understand me