MemberGiganMay-27-2021 12:58 PMOne thing I’ve been wondering about Godzilla Singular Point, is what is the origin of Godzilla. I have not watched the show yet but little clips that pop up on youtube, so this will likely be inaccurate.
Based on my Knowledge the cause of the song that leads mei and yin to something (I don’t know what) are the bones of another godzilla. Now this seems interesting to me and makes it seem like godzilla is an event that happens every so often. The show also alludes to the fact that Godzilla is Capable of destroying the world. I did initially think Godzilla was some sort of deity, but I don’t have much evidence to back that up. I do think that maybe the species of Godzilla, (it seems there are more of them) follow so behavior like a migration every so often and it happens to end the world.
I think that This particular godzilla seems to be natural based, because none of its qualities, other than atomic breath, seem like the product of an atomic bomb. The designer also stated to have designed godzilla ultima to look like it could anatomically correct and could live. (That’s also the same reason it’s legs are so big, the screenwriter is also a physicist and from what I’ve heard, has calculated how big his legs should be, and how he should move)
So i think that either Godzilla Ultima is a deity of some kind or a natural organism that is doing something every member of its species does which just happens to end the world.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganJun-12-2021 10:01 AMAbout your point of GSP not being appealing to kids. Most sources I see its rated R15+ in Japan. So I dont think its trying to appeal to kids.
I'm fine with waiting for Goji if the payoff is right, or not right. Honestly I dont care if there is a fight.
As for the characters, I dont really see your point, they very clearly have different personalities and I have no idea what backstory they would need
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-14-2021 2:06 PMYou guys seriously went from godzilla to loop Quantum gravity in like 20 minutes

MemberGiganJun-14-2021 2:38 PMsingular point is like that
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJun-15-2021 11:58 AMBigGrayGolem,
I don't find specific material being unsatisfying to a particular age group very valid criticism for something unless it is specifically trying to do so. It's like criticizing Italian New Wave for not being in English because some people don't like reading subtitles. It's not for them. The Godzilla series is wide and expansive. If your kids aren't enjoying Singular Point there's plenty of other things to watch in the franchise instead. This particular piece is not for them and there's nothing wrong with that.
Additionally, assuming there's only two reasons Orange and Bones decided to execute the story the way they have comes off as fairly myopic. There can't be other reasons? It seems to match the question in regards to how we watch Godzilla--We have 65 years of monsters slugging each other. God forbid we find new reasons to enjoy and expound upon the franchise, I suppose. If you really want the same old formula, we have stuff like GvK for that.

MemberGiganJun-15-2021 12:01 PMIm pretty sure they didnt want a "monster of the week" format seen in the kaiju genre.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJun-15-2021 12:16 PMHinikunaGoji,
We also get that plenty with things like the Ultraman franchise, Super Sentai and Kamen Rider. Additionally, the last two animated Godzilla series did that. We don't exactly need another and I for one would've gotten bored with that fairly quickly--Especially in light of the other media that saturate it and do it so well already.

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-25-2021 7:07 PMI wonder what the other dimension looks like... Specifically the wherever Godzilla and the other kaiju are from. Does it look like Earth but just with red dust? Or does it look completely different?

MemberGiganJun-25-2021 7:16 PMI think completely different based on the 4d idea
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAnguirusJun-25-2021 8:26 PMMy problem with the show, is that it relies so heavily on it's science that it becomes overwhelming, most of the show ends up feeling like a very long, overly stuffed and complicated physics and chemistry lesion, rather than feeling like an entertaining story. It may be great for professors, but for the average viewer it comes off as a jumbled mess. You shouldn't need a PhD in order to understand a show's plot. Adding physics and other types of science to a show's plot can be good, but when it's the main focus it starts to become boring and hard to follow. Most of the time it feels like the show is made up of the writers saying "look I'm smarter than you" and it starts to feel almost pretentious. Also, it ends up creating a narrative that anyone who doesn't like the show is "stupid", which I find a little insulting.
Overall the series feels like it's trying to be a complicated college physics course that's occasionally interrupted by kaiju attacks.

MemberGiganJun-25-2021 8:45 PMThat wasnt much of a problem for me with this show. It felt very easy to understand for me and the physics did seem oversimplified.
It feels more like real science fiction to me actually incorperating the real world and using theoretical science to justify the fantastical elements. Not like star wars, which is more fantasy but seems to get classified science fiction because its in space.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganJun-25-2021 8:45 PMThat wasnt much of a problem for me with this show. It felt very easy to understand for me and the physics did seem oversimplified.
It feels more like real science fiction to me actually incorperating the real world and using theoretical science to justify the fantastical elements. Not like star wars, which is more fantasy but seems to get classified science fiction because its in space.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAnguirusJun-25-2021 8:49 PMWell, I guess I'm just stupid then...

MemberGiganJun-25-2021 9:05 PMI see the criticism in others reviews a lot, it has nothing to do with that. If you look farther back in this discussion youll see I spend time researching physics, I think this show just directly appeals to me.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAnguirusJun-25-2021 9:18 PMAs someone who doesn't study physics and has a hard time with certain subjects (like various types of math), the show was a bit too overwhelming, The monster stuff was cool and I enjoyed some of it, but the fact that most of the show was made up of physics lectures made the plot difficult to follow and really dragged the show down for me.

MemberGiganJun-25-2021 9:26 PMI can see that, It was very interesting to me. AND i enjoy science being used and again I will say, fantasy just being labled scifi
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJun-26-2021 9:29 AMThe show is dense with its hard science, there's no arguing it. I've never enjoyed math or science, but in terms of films that like to use it, I've always been fascinated and it really encourages revisiting these stories. Doesn't hurt that I have some old friends that majored in this material and I was in shock at how much they told me was accurate.
I will say the English dub has made it easier to catch on in some ways and harder in others--But that comes from a deep place of cultural prejudice many of us have.

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-06-2021 8:13 AMPersonally, I'm waiting for all the Godzilla Singular Point episodes to come out on Netflix. After watching all the episodes, you can judge the origin: is Godzilla one of a kind? Or is the Ultima version a recurring spawn that leads to the catastrophe of the universe? Too many "maybe".And not enough employee monitoring