Godzilla Movie

Is Godzilla an Avenger?

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MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 4:07 PM

After thinking long and hard on anything I might have missed regarding whats confirmed to be in the new film I suddenly realized something about Godzilla's life cycle. The Godzilla we see in the movie is not the first of his kind, he was born from what I can only assume is a now deceased Godzilla, right? So just like past Godzilla movies featuring the king and Jr. are we dealing with Gareth Edwards version of Godzilla Jr. now mature? If so, suddenly the idea of Godzilla actively seeking out the Muto makes sense. Maybe he's hellbent on killing them. Think about it. In the animal kingdom natural predators do attempt to kill their prey and the prey, if capable will defend themselves, but I doubt Godzilla or the Muto were any different from that. If they came into contact with each other a battle would no doubt ensue, but a part from that I don't think they actively saught each other out regularly. Now I could be completely wrong about this but I just have this feeling, from what I've seen in the WC footage, interviews, and past films if Godzilla's life cycle is the same as his Japanese predecessors, that the king is out for revenge for what happened to his parent. So what do you all think? Is Godzilla an avenger, or am I getting too hyped thinking about this damn movie!? 

#NEWBLOOKEDATMYSHIKAI http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/0/9/Aizen_Motivational_by_draconichero18.jpg
58 Replies


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 4:57 PM

This is definitely ranks up there with some of the more idiotic things I've come across on this site.

Something Real

MemberGodzillaApr-23-2014 5:11 PM
GTBETTA35 - Hey! Easy, friend. We all have the right to expound as we please. Your statement was unwarrented and harsh. What point did it serve other than to display meanness?


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:20 PM

Wonder what he found idiotic about a perfectly honest question...

#NEWBLOOKEDATMYSHIKAI http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/0/9/Aizen_Motivational_by_draconichero18.jpg


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:21 PM

I'm thinking he didn't get past the title. He probably thought you meant 'Is Godzilla a member of the Avengers, alongside the likes of Iron Man, Captain America, and the Hulk?'.

Reading can be hard for some people.


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:24 PM

But to clear things up, when I said avenger, I was not in any way referring to Marvel's avengers. I'm referring to Godzillla avenging his own kind. If anyone else finds that idiotic let me know now and I'll request that a moderator have this thread locked for obvious reasons. Thank you.

#NEWBLOOKEDATMYSHIKAI http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/0/9/Aizen_Motivational_by_draconichero18.jpg


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:27 PM

For those of you who understand what the definition of avenger is and that it is in no way exclusive to a comic fantasy series published by Marvel I thank you for your competence, but at this point I won't fight with people any longer on this site over simple matters.

#NEWBLOOKEDATMYSHIKAI http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/0/9/Aizen_Motivational_by_draconichero18.jpg


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:28 PM

If that's what he was talking about, it's not your fault. It's his for not getting past the title.

Instead of requesting to have the thread locked, you might want to request a title change.

Something Real

MemberGodzillaApr-23-2014 5:29 PM
KAGE432 - Don't sweat it. Maybe he thought what DURATOK suggested. If so, we can't necessarily jump on him. That being said, he should have been a little more cordial in his response - or refrained from making one in the first place.


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:31 PM

I don't feel that I should have to go to that length but if I must may I ask what I would have to do to get the change requested? 

#NEWBLOOKEDATMYSHIKAI http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/0/9/Aizen_Motivational_by_draconichero18.jpg


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:33 PM

'Is Godzilla seeking vengeance against the Mutos?' could work. I wouldn't worry about it until you get a bunch of people saying 'WTF Godzilla isn't owned by Marvel DUUUUURRRR'


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:34 PM

@SOMETHING REAL - I understand you 100% my friend, but in my honest opinion, as a member of any forum site you have the personal obligation to read the opening post or OP before making a post. If you can't do something as simple as that than why even post? You'll sound like the odd one out more often than not. That isn't something I imagine anyone wants, am I right? Read the OP, do it for yourself if not for anyone else.

#NEWBLOOKEDATMYSHIKAI http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/0/9/Aizen_Motivational_by_draconichero18.jpg


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:39 PM

Getting past the stupid title and for the sake of discussion. G's beef with the monster is more instinct than personal. As gareth said regarding the mutos, it's a major part of the godzillas' life cycle. So forget the "you kill mama, me kill you" shit.


MemberBaragonApr-23-2014 5:41 PM

Just kidding! :) I actually read your WHOLE post before commenting!

Its an interesting idea you have there!  Revenge would be a good motivation, and one that audiences could understand and get behind.  We'll have to wait and see! :D

"Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible." -Rod Serling

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Something Real

MemberGodzillaApr-23-2014 5:41 PM
KAGE432 - Let your post ride for the time being. I don't foresee anyone going too crazy if they take the time to read it. As for your original question: I don't see why not! Godzilla very well could be on the warpath to exact a bloody toll on the MUTO for some past grievance! Extremely fascinating really! :)


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:48 PM

@COCKZILLA? - Wait, so getting past the rude forum members that I seem to be attracting and for the sake of discussion, if Gareth said that the Muto are connected to Godzilla's life cycle, why would I forget about the creature's possible motivations for wanting the Muto dead if they present a threat to not only him but his potential offspring? Ignoring that "shit" seems to be the opposite of creating threads that provoke everyone into speculation regarding what we DO NOT KNOW about in the upcoming film, do you follow? You may be right of course and everything in Godzilla is driven by *mere instinct, but its always fun to speculate. BTW, I'm thinking about changing the thread title to READ THE OP ;) lol

#NEWBLOOKEDATMYSHIKAI http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/0/9/Aizen_Motivational_by_draconichero18.jpg


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:53 PM

Thank you guys for your thoughts, and of course to DANZILLA93 for the throwback Godzilla vs Avengers scan lol. I'll keep this ship rolling then.

#NEWBLOOKEDATMYSHIKAI http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/0/9/Aizen_Motivational_by_draconichero18.jpg

Something Real

MemberGodzillaApr-23-2014 5:55 PM
COCKZILLA - What a lovely and innovative name. How do we know that a desire to exact revenge is not an instinctual response? You and I and just about every other being has that emotion hardwired into our brain's physiology. It's a reaction to ensure survival - in its purest form, it is a gut reaction to remove a threat.

Something Real

MemberGodzillaApr-23-2014 5:56 PM
KAGE432 - Keep it up! We'v e only struck a few minor icebergs! :)


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 5:57 PM

@SOMETHING REAL - Will do my friend :)

#NEWBLOOKEDATMYSHIKAI http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/0/9/Aizen_Motivational_by_draconichero18.jpg


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 6:03 PM

No, I read the whole post. Gareth has said time and time again that Godzilla is like an earthquake, a volcano eruption, a storm, a hurricane- a force of nature. Now, please tell me, do any of those things seek to avenge anything? And they DID seek eachother out, as it is printed on the back of one of the action figures that they were ancient foes. And I think Gareth even says in an interview with Max Borenstein that Godzilla wants to spend his days unbothered before our arrogance with the MUTOs makes him wake up.


MemberBaragonApr-23-2014 6:04 PM

You're welcome, Kage432! :) Keep up the discussion!  Don't let goobers like Cockzilla (I feel wrong just typing that name) bring down a perfectly valid hypothesis.  Part of the fun of being pumped for a movie is speculating on areas where the answers remain a mystery.  Bring it on!

"Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible." -Rod Serling

The Godzilla Novelization Project: Follow Along Today!


MemberBaragonApr-23-2014 6:06 PM

You're welcome, Kage432! :) Keep up the discussion!  Don't let goobers like Cockzilla (I feel wrong just typing that name) bring down a perfectly valid hypothesis.  Part of the fun of being pumped for a movie is speculating on areas where the answers remain a mystery.  Bring it on!

"Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible." -Rod Serling

The Godzilla Novelization Project: Follow Along Today!


MemberBaragonApr-23-2014 6:07 PM

You're welcome, Kage432! :) Keep up the discussion!  Don't let goobers like Cockzilla (I feel wrong just typing that name) bring down a perfectly valid hypothesis.  Part of the fun of being pumped for a movie is speculating on areas where the answers remain a mystery.  Bring it on!

"Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible." -Rod Serling

The Godzilla Novelization Project: Follow Along Today!


MemberBaragonApr-23-2014 6:07 PM

You're welcome, Kage432! :) Keep up the discussion!  Don't let goobers like Cockzilla (I feel wrong just typing that name) bring down a perfectly valid hypothesis.  Part of the fun of being pumped for a movie is speculating on areas where the answers remain a mystery.  Bring it on!

"Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible." -Rod Serling

The Godzilla Novelization Project: Follow Along Today!


MemberBaragonApr-23-2014 6:07 PM

You're welcome, Kage432! :) Keep up the discussion!  Don't let goobers like Cockzilla (I feel wrong just typing that name) bring down a perfectly valid hypothesis.  Part of the fun of being pumped for a movie is speculating on areas where the answers remain a mystery.  Bring it on!

"Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible." -Rod Serling

The Godzilla Novelization Project: Follow Along Today!


MemberBaragonApr-23-2014 6:07 PM

You're welcome, Kage432! :) Keep up the discussion!  Don't let goobers like Cockzilla (I feel wrong just typing that name) bring down a perfectly valid hypothesis.  Part of the fun of being pumped for a movie is speculating on areas where the answers remain a mystery.  Bring it on!

"Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible." -Rod Serling

The Godzilla Novelization Project: Follow Along Today!


MemberBaragonApr-23-2014 6:13 PM

Bummer, my first multiple post oopsie. :P


"Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible." -Rod Serling

The Godzilla Novelization Project: Follow Along Today!


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 6:15 PM

To be honest, I'm going to have to say that it's just natural instinct for Godzilla to have hatred for MUTOs.

Although it would be interesting if he was trying to avenge passed relatives, I really don't see it happening.

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 6:19 PM

@GTBETTA35 - Well for starters allow me to address the points you made that are wrong. First of all, Gareth did say Godzilla is a force of nature, he did, but comparing him to an earthquake, or a volcano is nothing more than hyperbole. Do earthquakes walk? Do volcanoes have children? Can a tsunami bleed? Of course not. Secondly, being rivals or foes in no way suggests that you constantly hunt each other to the edge of extinction. The actual definition of foe is simpy an opponent or enemy, that is all, everything that happens within that relationship is not tethered to the title. It doesn't mean they are always looking to find each other and end things, show me on the box where it says that they do and I'll admit to being wrong. If you cannot provide a source with proof then there is nothing further to discuss on the matter. And as for Godzilla wanting to be left alone, doesn't that better serve to conflict with your earlier statement about them actively hunting each other?

#NEWBLOOKEDATMYSHIKAI http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/0/9/Aizen_Motivational_by_draconichero18.jpg


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2014 6:35 PM

@DANZILLA93 - Don't worry, It got me once or twice as well :) 

#NEWBLOOKEDATMYSHIKAI http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/0/9/Aizen_Motivational_by_draconichero18.jpg
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