MemberGiganFeb-11-2021 8:04 PMLove the white spines, but it seems very unpropitional. At least it has a somewhat theropodian stance
MemberGiganFeb-11-2021 8:06 PMActually after reviewing it, it seems that the tail only looks that thick because of perspective.
MemberGiganFeb-11-2021 8:08 PMNo wait, still looks weird
MemberGiganFeb-11-2021 8:09 PMAnd the face is strange too
G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-11-2021 8:20 PMI like aspects to it overall--The face, the spines, the thick tail, etc. But I'm not fond of the paleo-wannabe details and saurian stance. I prefer Godzilla to be upright and chest out.
It seems a lot of Godzilla designs have been skipping pectoral workouts since 2004.
MemberGiganFeb-11-2021 8:29 PMIt kind of reminds me of Shinagawa Kun.
MemberGiganFeb-11-2021 8:31 PM@Gman
I agree. A non Theropod stance would have worked better with this design.
MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-11-2021 8:53 PMThey turned Godzilla into a Pixar mom.
MemberBaragonFeb-11-2021 9:48 PMAs long as he doesn't grow faces on his tail or turn into a statue or split his jaw, I can appreciate the more scientific Dinosaur approach.
MemberGiganFeb-11-2021 9:53 PMShin Godzilla is an amazing design. So radically different, while super familiar, the contrasting elements handled so well is why it is the best new Godzilla film.
MemberGiganFeb-11-2021 9:54 PMI’ve already ranted about why Shin Godzilla is the most scientifically accurate Godzilla to date.
MemberTitanosaurusFeb-12-2021 1:54 AMToho, you are now officially not allowed call the Legendary Godzilla thick/fat because this Godzilla is like 50% legs!
MemberGiganFeb-12-2021 2:01 AMlol, that is the best comment of the week ^
MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-12-2021 3:20 AMHmm. I think Gamera wants his gnashers back, that stance precludes speed and mobility and he is WAY TOOOOO CHUNKY. Crikey, why not a slightly slimmed down Biogoji people??!! Legendary G is far better than this. I really hope the series also is not beset with extraneous padding and an odd feel ;-) But hey, it's better than no G and hopefully '21 will go down as a good year for the big fella....
MemberTitanosaurusFeb-12-2021 4:01 AMAlso probably an unpopular opinion, but I'm a really big fan of this design! One of the fun things you can do with an Anime series is go very different and experimental with the designs, especially the proportions. It's the same reason why I don't dislike Noodle Ghidorah as a lot of others do (The way he was actually used in the movie is a VERY different thing though).
MemberTitanosaurusFeb-12-2021 6:12 AMNot bad. I'm willing to give it a chance. At least his arms are bigger than Shin Godzilla's. Let's see how this Godzilla acts and moves. Maybe it works well for the anime?
MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-12-2021 7:44 AMThat is my second favorite Godzilla design. My number 1 favorite design for Godzilla goes to Titanus Gojira.
MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-12-2021 8:56 AMLooks like the most badass Godzilla I have ever seen, and I am a fan of the GMK Godzilla for looking menacing.
MemberTitanosaurusFeb-12-2021 10:10 AMCome to think of it, hasn't Godzilla always had relatively thick thighs throughout his designs?
MemberGiganFeb-12-2021 11:01 AMI know Shin Godzilla has hartman hips that would make pixar mom's foaming with envy
MemberBaragonFeb-13-2021 6:45 PMGodzilla looking Thiccc! You hear the clap of his ass cheeks just from the photo alone.
MemberAnguirusFeb-14-2021 12:43 PMDAYUM THATS A THICC BOI
but for real he actually looks pretty cool. I like how his spikes kind of look like veins, I guess? Overall I like it.
MemberBaragonFeb-18-2021 10:50 AMdid you now that godzilla vs kong is being directed by the same dude who made the teribble death note netflix show?
so ya if gvk fails (witch it most likely to happen)that meanthis netflix show has the whole fate of the franchise on its hands so lets all pray together that this show will be good and the godzilla franchise will live on.
MemberBaragonFeb-18-2021 10:51 AM also
MemberBaragonFeb-18-2021 10:53 AMDAYUM BOI THATS A THICC ASS BOI DAYUM
MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-20-2021 1:19 PMI am very interested
MemberAnguirusMar-01-2021 9:48 AMrip suitmation 1954-2004