MemberMothra LarvaeJan-27-2014 10:23 PMin the original movie in 1954 the islanders gave him a sacrifice and they never said what happened to the girls who had been sacrificed. so is it possible in godzilla 2014 he might eat people and follow the original i mean cause this made godzilla scarier as his nuclear biology could have adapted to eating a sacrifice every once in a while so maybe godzilla actually does eat some protein found in humans or other large animals
just speculation

Dragonlord Tevin
MemberMothra LarvaeJan-27-2014 11:01 PMThats seems too mythical you know, so possibly not that Godzilla will eat humans

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-27-2014 11:07 PMThey sent women out on rafts as a sacrifice to Godzilla, but the most likely thing that happened was they simply died of dehydration/hunger and never drifted back to the islands. The idea that Godzilla actually would care for those sacrifices when he was just an animal awakened and mutated by radiation is rather far fetched.
I doubt that the new one will either. Especially when he's going to be in the neighborhood of 350' ish (if the number is to be believed though it does come from a real magazine as opposed to random internet trolls). Something of that size preying on humans is... less than practical or believable for any reason.

MemberBaragonJan-27-2014 11:14 PMI hope not. For something that size humans wouldn't even be worth bending down to get.

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-27-2014 11:15 PMDont think so, since this is the biggest size monster ever, it wont be enough to fill him up.

Dr. Godzilla
MemberMothra LarvaeJan-28-2014 5:06 AMI think it wouldn`t make sense, if he eats humans. This is like we trying to eat ants, he has to eat thousands of them.

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-28-2014 8:49 AMNo way, The smallest thing any Godzilla's been said to eat are whales( and that was his son in Godzilla vs Destroyah) so it doesn't make sense he would switch to humans who are much smaller. He's on a pure radiation diet as far as anyones concerned.
Like a Bossk
MemberMothra LarvaeJan-28-2014 9:13 AM
MemberMothra LarvaeJan-28-2014 9:59 AMI wouldn't be surprised if the MUTO's eat people (or feed on them) but, as other commentors have mentioned, Godzillas sheer size is enough for me to conclude that he won't eat people. He might crush a few in building rubble though as he stomps around

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-28-2014 10:49 AMNo, Batman eats humans, not Godzilla. Godzilla eats squirrels-- by the truckload.

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-01-2021 1:07 AMBut actually there were larger animals or mammals that feed on tiny organisms like for example: giant anteaters (or some lizards) feeding on ants while blue whales feed on plankton.

MemberGiganJul-01-2021 10:56 AMBut those animals are built to feed on small organisms. Godzilla is built to eat more macro sized animals, and doesnt have a way to reall eat humans. Sure hes big but we can hide is so many places,and how would he catch us without squishing us?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberMothra LarvaeDec-31-2024 2:53 AM
Also, there was 1 scene of the Monsterverse sequel where Rodan devoured a pilot.

MemberBaragonJan-04-2025 3:32 PMif you are talking about like modern Godzilla's, no bc TOHO HAD TO MAKE F***ING RULES FOR GODZILLA, MAKING IT SO HE CAN'T EAT HUMANS OR ANIMALS