Godzilla Movie

2019 Belongs to the Titans - Choose YOUR Monster Now!

Scified2019-01-01 09:06:49https://www.scified.com/articles/2019-belongs-to-titans---choose-your-monster-now-15.jpg
Written by Chris87,545 Reads24 Comments2019-01-01 09:06:49

2019 belongs to the Titans! G-fans can now choose their Monster here on Godzilla-Movies! If you are a current member of the forums here, you now have exclusive access to selecting your very own Monster from the upcoming film, Godzilla: King of the Monsters!

What does this mean?

What this means is you may now choose which Monster you align with when interacting with other fans on these forums. Your selection will be displayed next to your profile on posts and topics you make here on Godzilla-Movies. Your stats will also be displayed on the respective Team pages.

Why join a team?

Over the next 2 years, we will be hosting a variety of special giveaways - from shirts, to books, to toys, games and more!

Here's the fun part - Prizes will be determined based on which team WINS a specific challenge! That's right, there will always be 4 prize options available each time a giveaway is announced but only 1 prize will be appointed based on which team wins! From there - winners will be selected on another set of requirements which will be specified upon announcing the giveaways.

Selecting your team also affects the look and layout of the forums here! Whichever team is currently in the lead will determine the background images and various graphics used and displayed site-wide.

How do you join?

Easy - just sign in using your Scified Network account and visit any of the 4 Team pages. If you don't yet have an account with us, simply create one here - it's fast, free and does not require syndication with any social media platform like Facebook.

Once signed up and logged in, you can select between Team Godzilla, Team Mothra, Team Rodan and Team Ghidorah. You may change your team at any time. Joining teams will earn you XP points as well. Get more friends and followers to join your team by sharing your Team Page on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more using the social share icons on the right of the page (bottom if on mobile).

Giveaway Challenge #1 will be announced in 1 month.

Which Monster will YOU align with?

Discuss this news and other Godzilla & Monsterverse topics in our Godzilla Forums- a dedicated community of Godzilla fans built by fans for fans!

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Want to chat about Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire? Join thousands of other Godzilla fans in the Godzilla x Kong online forums here! You can click here to start your own discussion!

Browse images from the upcoming Godzilla vs. Kong sequel here as well as images from Apple TV’s Monarch: Legacy of Monsters and Toho’s Godzilla Minus One.

Stay up to date with the latest news on all things Godzilla, Toho and the Monsterverse also by liking us on Facebook and by following us on Twitter and Instagram! Also, consider subscribing your email to our blog for instant notifications of when new posts are made!



MemberTitanosaurusJan-01-2019 9:09 AM

Team Godzilla all the way!!!!!!


MemberBaragonJan-01-2019 9:34 AM

My boy Rodan taking y'all to pain town ;)


MemberBaragonJan-01-2019 10:04 AM

I love Godzilla and Rodan but when Ghidorah came to turn the tide for Reptile dominance in 64 the Earth kings sided with Mothra instead of the true King ... Ghidorah! I am a fierce supporter of Godzilla's crown but I can not defy the Dragons. Godzilla needs to join Ghidorah and Rodan will follow. Mothra needs to stand down. For the record the true Queen of the monsters is Maleficent not Mothra. Let's get her in the monsterverse as Ghidorah's Queen!


MemberBaragonJan-01-2019 11:06 AM

With the combined power of Ghidorah Godzilla and Rodan Kong will have no chance at the crown!


MemberTitanosaurusJan-01-2019 1:14 PM

I don't need a Social Media account for the Giveaways right? Just the Scified account


AdminSpaceGodzillaJan-01-2019 1:44 PM

That's correct KingKaijuGojira, no social media accounts required. Just a Scified account!


MemberTitanosaurusJan-01-2019 2:09 PM

Thanks Chris. Finally, a giveaway I can participate in. Go Go Godzilla!


AdminSpaceGodzillaJan-01-2019 5:27 PM

Yeah! It'll be a lot of fun, I have quite a few giveaways lined up.


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-01-2019 7:31 PM

 King ghidorah is senpai fell in love with him since his first movie monster zero and he is my all time fav right under him big g. But king ghidorah  is senpai ;3


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-01-2019 7:40 PM

What kind of contests will there be?

When will the first one start?

How can I prepare?


AdminSpaceGodzillaJan-01-2019 7:45 PM

Giveaways will be announced at random but the first one will drop February 1st. A good way to "prapre" is to become active in the forums; posting topics, replying to existing topics, etc... you will want to boost Reputation and XP points as much as you can. This will assist your chances of winning prizes.


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-01-2019 7:58 PM

I love both Godzilla and Mothra, but it's Godzilla for me. All the way! 



MemberMothra LarvaeJan-02-2019 1:35 AM

There is just something about ghidora that i have always loved.


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-02-2019 9:59 AM

i pretty much have each poster a wallpaper somewhere so im very much enjoying this lol....


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-02-2019 2:30 PM

I already signed up and joined my favorite kaiju 

I Meme Everything

MemberGiganJan-02-2019 6:16 PM

As usual I'm hopping on the bandwagon when it comes to these sorts of things.


MemberGiganJan-03-2019 3:32 PM

Damn so many awesome Kaiju to choose, I can't pick one!


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-03-2019 7:51 PM

I like this it’s awesome 


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-04-2019 4:18 PM

Even though I adore Godzilla, I side with Mothra!


MemberBaragonJan-13-2019 1:30 PM

 Godzilla is going to take Ghidorah, Mothra, and Rodan to Downtown Painville!


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-06-2019 8:49 PM

Hey, Chris. How exactly does the Reputation Boost and XP Boost work? As in, how do you boost your Reputation and your XP?

Kaiju Groupy

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-02-2019 11:57 AM

I wonder when Godzilla vs Kong is about to come out will their be a team Kong. (Team Godzilla all the way)

MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)

MemberBaragonMar-04-2019 8:28 AM

Kaiju Groupy Exactly. Same here. #TeamGodzillaFTW


MemberMothra LarvaeJun-08-2019 6:38 PM

When i saw this movie, it was just mind blowing in so many areas, the Family for one thing, the twist with the mother and daughter, and i really did feel like they were trying for the old movie styles too which was awesome and loved how they kept to King Ghidorah was a space monster not of earth.

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