Godzilla Movie

Godzilla fans not happy with Apple TV+ distribution deal for Monsterverse TV series

Scified2022-01-27 13:38:27https://www.scified.com/articles/godzilla-fans-not-happy-with-apple-tv-distribution-deal-monsterverse-tv-series-11.jpg
Written by Chris15,896 Reads18 Comments2022-01-27 13:38:27

Legendary and Apple TV+ have partnered to distribute the upcoming Monsterverse TV series and as exciting as the news is and as happy as fans are to see the Monsterverse continue, many are unhappy with Legendary's decision to distribute through Apple's streaming service. The main complaint is that Legendary are going to make fans have to subscribe to yet another streaming service to binge the new series - a streaming service which is vastly less popular and offers much less content of interest beyond the upcoming Monsterverse series, compared to competing networks.

Many would have assumed the series would find a home on HBO Max, since that's where they and Warner Brothers chose to release Godzilla vs. Kong, but given the issues that arose between Warner Brothers and Legendary during that time, it's obvious why Legendary would choose to take their show elsewhere. What many would not expect was that the show would be picked up by Apple TV+ instead of more popular streaming networks like Netflix or Amazon Prime. In today's climate, more and more streaming networks continue to crop up, fueled by the desire by studios to monopolize on their own intellectual properties rather than license them out to third party distributors. This is great for the studio but ultimately ends up costing the consumer more if they wish to access content from a variety of competing studios. It's clear Apple TV+ are trying to up their game and establish more popular IPs for their lineup but fans aren't eager to subscribe just yet. Below are some comments fans made across Twitter in response to the news:

Online streaming continues to go the way of cable TV and soon, we can expect to be paying hundreds per month to access the content we want. It's a far way off from what was once a revolutionary idea to amalgamate content onto a select few platforms.

Regardless, this is the deal that was struck and fans will have no choice (legally) but to subscribe to Apple TV+ in order to watch the Monsterverse TV series. Whether or not Legendary plan to expand distribution rights to other networks have yet to be decided, but we suspect that is highly unlikely.

Will you be subscribing to Apple TV+? Let us know what you think in the comments!

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MemberAnguirusJan-27-2022 1:48 PM

Of course the complaints are from Twitter... people on that site will try to find any reason to complain.

Plus, from what I've heard Apple TV+ is only around $5.00 a month and if you don't want pay for a full subscription you can start a month long free trial...


MemberGiganJan-27-2022 1:51 PM


To be honest Apple TV+ sucks.

but people like people who complain so they get a lot of attention on twitter sooo….


MemberAnguirusJan-27-2022 1:52 PM

Also the fact that they immediately decide that they're going to pirate it is pretty sad... 


MemberAnguirusJan-27-2022 2:02 PM

Ok never mind, it's actually a 7 day free trial, not month. But still, I feel like people are over reacting. 


MemberGiganJan-27-2022 2:36 PM



Me who saw shin Godzilla online while it was instead of going to a Theater


MemberAnguirusJan-27-2022 3:07 PM


"Me who saw shin Godzilla online"



MemberBaragonJan-27-2022 5:19 PM

TV+ isn't available here in mainland China, so I guess I'll just rely on torrents...


MemberGiganJan-27-2022 5:34 PM

Honestly, people need to grow the f--- up.  I believe that this will be a good show no matter what.  Regardless of the streaming service, it's going to come down to whether the show is good or bad.  I think it has promise.

By the way, filming on the show begins in November so we should expect the show to come out in late 2023...


MemberGiganJan-27-2022 5:36 PM

Source: Exclusive Details On Apple TV's Godzilla Show


MemberGiganJan-27-2022 10:30 PM


You could use a VPN, to access a different country.


MemberGiganJan-27-2022 10:32 PM


so the Twitter official Godzilla countdown clock was about this show then….


MemberGiganJan-28-2022 9:06 AM



MemberBaragonJan-29-2022 6:26 AM


I might as well do that, if I can find a reliable one...


MemberGiganFeb-01-2022 9:29 AM

Interesting, KOTM is also leaving HBO Max as well.



MemberGiganFeb-01-2022 5:29 PM

Oh no, it's just been added.

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusFeb-01-2022 6:04 PM

I honestly don’t care what streaming service it would be on, only that the series would focus on things between G14 and KOTM and offer new insights in the Monsterverse


MemberGiganFeb-01-2022 7:35 PM

Looks like I'll have to get both Apple TV and Paramount Plus


MemberBaragonFeb-28-2022 2:50 PM

I dont have an apple Tv so good news for me

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