Godzilla Movie

Godzilla Resurgence Design Leaks Online, Is Godzilla Regenerating?

Scified2016-01-03 19:54:52https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1215437966234884.jpg
Written by G. H. (Gman)11,793 Reads10 Comments2016-01-03 19:54:52

Recently a slew of photos, with questionable quality, had been leaked supposedly representing pieces of the “ShinGoji” design for Hideaki Anno's Godzilla Resurgence. Examples below:

It wasn't long after these pieces were leaked that some complete versions of the images hit the web--And yes, they're real.

The new Godzilla is only vaguely being called a suit. As mentioned in earlier articles, sources on twitter, claiming they're close to the production, hinted that Godzilla was a massive puppet. Even August Ragone merely refers to Godzilla as a “suit” in quotations. He goes further to explain that Godzilla will be brought to life through various techniques including puppetry, animatronics (perhaps not unlike Koichi Kawakita used for close-ups in the 90s Godzilla series) and CG effects. The main Godzilla prop (for lack of better word at the moment) requires three people to bring to life.

Mr. Ragone also seems to consider a rumor, and fan theory, that's been floating around about Godzilla regenerating. “Anno's conceit recalls the initial concept for Godzilla by Ishiro Honda, as a literal victim of the H-Bomb,” Ragone reports, “and may not be his only form.”

Mr. Ragone's words may have some weight to them when the considerable differences between the leaked prop and poster image are observed. Could Godzilla's body be recovering from the damage caused to it by atomic exposure? At the moment we just don't know. It's little more than fan hypothosizing at the moment.

Like every Godzilla design over the last decade and a half, fans will undoubtedly be divided over the decidedly risky look by Mahiro Maeda (monster designer for the 1990s Gamera trilogy and Giant God Warrior [2013]). Granted, a giant prop resting in the sun on Toho's backlot probably isn't how they wanted to unveil the full design, and it likely isn't indicative of how it will come to life on-screen, but it's hard to plug a leak like this.

What do you think of the new photos of Shin Godzilla? How do you think it will look on screen? What other props and ways do you see Higuchi and his team bringing Godzilla to life? Do you think Godzilla will regenerate throughout the film? Let us know below.

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MemberMothra LarvaeJan-03-2016 8:27 PM

The key will be in the execution: how the designs looks filmed with the 'hybrid' special effects.

Also, the direction: how the Godzilla is made to act and emote.

Then there's the story. A strongly written narrative must be at the foundation of Godzilla's appearance. He shouldn't be made to look like this just to appear shocking or grotesque. Because, this is shocking and grotesque. If the look, atmosphere and feel of the film fit this design, and there is a kind of symmetry between how Godzilla looks and acts and how the film is experienced, this will be good. And Shin Gojira should be, if this symmetry is realized, scary, shocking and horrible. It would be interesting to see Godzilla 'regenerate' and achieve some normalcy, a restoration of sorts, while still inspiring fear (and dread). For this to take place over the course of the film, with his look 'improving' with time, would be a great element to film's story, visually and narrative-wise, IMHO.

A restoration of Godzilla could also mirror a similar return to normalcy and wholeness in Japan. Because Godzilla is Japan, although the phrase from the poster says, "Godzilla against Japan."

In any event, this fan would love to see and marvel at the visualization of the regenerating and restoration of Godzilla. Especially given the promise of a hybrid approach to the special and visual effects. Seeing a regeneration happen-digitally-integrated into the practical effects we love as fans, is an exciting proposition.

Again, with just a little bit of news, Shin Gojira elicits great promise.



MemberMothra LarvaeJan-03-2016 8:52 PM

Also, these are photos of rather low quality.

What I expected to see next was something akin to the type of photos one would see in a chouzenshu by Shogakukan or Hobby Japan. Not this.

Then, there's the great difference between these pictures and what will be seen on film. However, I must admit that after seeing these photos, the idea of Godzilla regenerating is more attractive (no pun intended). To see such regeneration happen, over time, in front of us, would be great. If this happens, I hope we actually get to see it-as it occurs-not after the fact.



MemberTitanosaurusJan-04-2016 4:21 AM

I find it hard to believe this is atomic damage, given the atomic nature of Godzilla. But what if it was damage from the Oxygen Destroyer? Think about it. What if Godzilla just survived the weapon but everyone thought he was dead. Godzilla may have been spending the past several decades recovering before returning to exact his vengeance once more. Either way, I think Shin-Gojira looks cool.


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-04-2016 4:30 AM

This "suit" looks creepy and totally badass! I'm so glad they didn't just go with the cgi and i am certain the result on the big screen will be equally badass!


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-04-2016 7:42 AM

This new Godzilla looks awesome, one of my favs

Hyper Mecha King Ghidorah

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-04-2016 10:57 AM

Finally, Ghost Godzilla hits the big screen!


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-04-2016 1:39 PM

I do love the design, but why is he red skined? Not what I'm enspecting from the teaser poster, but I do hope he's still black skined and white dorsal plated like "the" original.


MemberBaragonJan-04-2016 4:04 PM

man it looks awful


MemberBaragonJan-05-2016 11:09 PM

perhaps its an attempt at re envisioning what would happen to a creature .. ie Gojira.. after modern day nuclear weapons tests not only wake him.. but damage him and cause him great pain. and what happens when someone is in pain ? sometimes they react violently to it. This Gojira... looks like he's in tremendous pain.. and he looks totally like he has been blasted directly by a big bomb and that accounts for the disfigurement. as for regeneration.. that would be an interesting twist (attack on titan anyone). I really am excited for this one. suit and cgi combo.. puppeteering.. could definetly work.


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-16-2016 12:46 PM

Can't get past the dumb eyeballs. Crud - give me money to make a new movie in Japan - I could do better.

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