What Made You a Godzilla Fan?

AdminSpaceGodzillaMar-05-2013 3:21 PMThink back, way back to when you saw your first Godzilla movie. What made you a fan of Godzilla initially? Was it the look of Godzilla himself? Was it the story? What made you a fan? Let us know by replying below!

MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-18-2021 7:47 PMMine was 2014 Godzilla. He looked so cool when I first saw him on screen. When I heard about the 1998 one, I watched it and first I liked the design but it was kinda terrible because he looked like a T-Rex but I still liked him.

MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-23-2021 7:47 PMI discovered Godzilla when I was very young, probably when I was 10. The first Godzilla movie I seen was the 1998 version. I didn't like the movie that much but when after a few months I seen Godzilla 2014, and it was an awesome movie, it introduced me to Godzilla for the first time. The design and raw power that he had and the atomic breath!!! That killed the MUTO in the most amazing way possible. My love for Godzilla grew when I seen King of the monsters. Since the Legendary incarnation is the first one I have ever seen, I have a connection to the Legendary Godzilla. I have read everything about legendary Godzilla, the backstory, comics and tagging famous Godzilla YouTubers with theories about the upcoming movie. I'm just a really big Godzilla fan here to express my love about him. I will devote my whole life to the Big G.

MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-28-2021 5:47 PMI love GODZILLA because the 1954 movie represented nuclear warfare because of WW2 and that GODZILLA was a result of that.

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-05-2021 6:57 AMOh boy...
So, the first Godzilla film I've ever seen was Godzilla vs. Destoroyah, however, it was the ending scene where Godzilla Jr. was revived.
A few years before that though, I ended up finding some Bandai figures. They were the Bandai Kiryu (I think?) and the Bandai fusion series Gigan, which I ended up grabbing because it was the only interesting toy at the time.
After that, my brother and I watched the 1998, Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah, and Final Wars films during a Scy-Fy kaiju marathon, which instantly got us interested in it. Then when the 2014 film was announced, we begged our dad to go see it, and we did! At the time, we were still somewhat little, so it was the best movie ever to us. We were obsessed and would watch it every day on demand after it came out on home video.
We watched nearly almost every Toho film, owning quite a few, and we've seen every Monsterverse film so far, awaiting the release of GvK. Really hoping it's as good as the trailers look!
I'd like to add, I'm personally waiting for the Singular Point release, as I definitely need a new anime to watch after AOT ends. Really hoping it's a huge step-up from the Earth series.
I suppose my love for Godzilla came from my 14 year long love and obsession for dinosaurs. I'm not interested much in them anymore, but I am definitely interested in Godzilla and the franchise.

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-07-2021 10:43 PMWhat made me a Godzilla fan? I remember watching my first Godzilla movie which was Godzilla (2014). And just watching a giant monster stomping through the streets of San Francisco was amazing And it was entertaining to me just watching giant creatures fight. And when Godzilla fired his atomic breath into the female MUTO's mouth was just fantastic. And ever since then my passion for Godzilla has grown and I am hyped for the New Godzilla vs Kong film and I just cannot wait!

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-10-2021 11:55 AMMy first godzilla experience was godzilla 98'. I actually am probably the only person that likes this film and loved the animated series. But when I saw legendary godzilla for the first time in 2014, I was a fan for live. #GodzillaWins2021

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-18-2021 6:05 AMWhen i was little i loved dinosaurs my dad noticed and showed me Godzilla and i exploded of fanboy energy

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-19-2021 2:14 AMI became a Godzilla fan because I love when Godzilla destroys cities and monsters

MemberAnguirusMar-22-2021 9:57 AMI remember seeing godzilla 2000 millenium. I dont know how I saw it but i did and that made me get into godzilla. thee films also a quarter of the reason my favorite godzilla is miregoji

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-24-2021 7:51 AMI was probably 10 or 11 when I became a Godzilla fan. My dad took my brother and I to see Godzilla (2014) and I was blown away. I had never seen a Godzilla movie before and I thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen. So cool, that I had to check out the older movies to see what they were like. And here I am, in college, having seen every Godzilla movie and a lot of others as well (Gamera, King Kong, etc.).

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-27-2021 5:12 AMGodzilla has always been something that I've been aware of, but it wasn't until Spotify put the original theme on my discover weekly back in 2017 that I started to pay attention. In my first day of film studies class at university I announce KoTM was my favorite movie just to see what the pretentious as hell professor would say, and I spent the rest of the year named 'godzilla girl' (I never did film studies after that semester lol). It's kind of been a downward spiral of working through the old movies/media/studies since!

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-30-2021 5:18 PMI like the following elements from the mentioned cinema. And I like big animals!

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-01-2021 5:38 AMHello everybody,
Good question! My introduction to Godzilla was in the age of 6, when I watched KING KONG VS. GODZILLA (1962) on TV. Later while later, I also watched the 1981 anime adaptation of Osamu Tezuka's Unico, which made me also an anime fan.
Ever since I am passionate about Japan, it's society, culture, history and of course entertainment industry with Big G as my center.

G-King 3243
MemberMothra LarvaeApr-06-2021 5:15 AMMy first Godzilla movie was Godzilla Vs Destoryah which I watched at 6 years old then watched several more and I almost now finished with the franchise My favorite Godzilla movie was Godzilla Vs Kong!

G-King 3243
MemberMothra LarvaeApr-06-2021 5:17 AMI saw Godzilla Vs Destoryah when I was 6, and then saw the rest of the movies(accept for a few). My favorite was Godzilla Vs Kong it was so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-12-2021 8:25 PMI loved how cool he looked and the story of the first Godzilla film I ever saw (Godzilla 1954). From then on, I was a Godzilla fan.

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-13-2021 1:09 PMHello together
my name is Mete, i am 55 and i am from aschaffenburg (which is in germany.
i first came into contact with toho films when i was about 12 years old. we had a cinema here that held a youth show for the kids on saturdays. so you could watch films for 2 marks (that's about 90 cents converted). so i know a lot of gojira movies.
so much from me first
i don't want to advertise here, i use deepl instead of the google translator. it costs nothing and simply has the better AI. so if my english doesn't match, please excuse me.
greetings from aschaffenburg
ps: before I forget, of course Team Gojira!

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-20-2021 11:15 AMHi!
I discovered Godzilla and his world as a kid when kaiju movies were broadcast on TV on Saturday afternoons. I always loved Godzilla, and Destroy All Monsters really sealed the deal for me.
Years later I was able to buy bootleg videotapes with subtitle (before DVDs were available) and that really amazed me.
It's pretty amazing that something which was considered laughable back when I was young is now hitting its highest popularity!

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-20-2021 12:30 PMThe first kaiju movie I remember watching Varan the Unbelievable. Lol.

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-30-2021 12:30 PMHi im new here! My name is Katie and I'm a 24yr old scorpio woman. I've been a godzilla fan ever since my dad first showed me the movies when I was a little girl! He had a bunch of the classics recorded on VHS and several of the official VHS/DVD releases too as well as scale models of G2000 Godzilla and King Ghidora ... every time one of the movies came on tv[especially ones not in his collection] we would schedule around to watch it together. My dad's all time favorite Godzilla movie is the original King Kong vs Godzilla(Its also hard to find copies of) so getting a chance to see this remake in theaters together was a really awesome experience!!!

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-09-2021 2:50 PMthe continuous action and the array of Monsters involved in the Godzilla movies. The first one I saw was in Black & White in 1957, never seen anything like it till then - I was hooked immediately

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-09-2021 8:37 PMJust the way he looked, I love the way he knows nothing can beat him but he also protects the earth. If earth is being destroyed he destroys them. And his atomic breath, AWESOME!

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-12-2021 9:35 PMI didn't watch a movie to get in to the Godzilla Universe. I think I saw a picture of Godzilla and then started to look some information of it. Then I watched movies. That's My story.

AdminSpaceGodzillaMay-13-2021 6:18 AMWe've had quite a few new members join up since GvK hit. Welcome to everyone new to these forums! Happy to have you!

MemberBaragonMay-18-2021 12:37 AMI was in a restaurant and saw a shot of helicopters flying over enormous footprints. I immediately got interested. Turned out, that was the TriStar Godzilla. It was not long before G'14 came out, and that film made me a fan. I visited the classics and fell in love with this franchise. I have been a lurker for a long time.
By the way, I'm Chinese, so I might be a rarity here.

g-man fan
MemberBaragonMay-25-2021 1:57 PMhello guys hmmm what made me a Godzilla fan was Godzilla's original movie Gojira that's what got me hooked