MemberMothra LarvaeApr-21-2014 5:54 PMAs a straight guy, I have never dated a girl that's a Godzilla fan... And haven't really met one that is. Obviously I wouldn't base my relationship off of whether or not they love Godzilla but it would still be cool lol. Are kaiju movies too nerdy?

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-22-2014 7:28 AMI will say that I'm fortunate enough to have a girlfriend who enters herself into my hobbies and enjoys them with me. As a Godzilla and comic nerd I never really fully express it openly with my friends. Once I started dated my girlfriend she would openly show that she would enjoy what I enjoy with me.
When I have a bad day or if we just want to sit and spend time together she'll throw the suggestion to pop in a Godzilla movie and watch it together. She just bought her own Godzilla T-shirt last week. I'm VERY lucky to have her. Been together for 2 years. Her fav. G film btw is G vs. Monster Zero

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-22-2014 7:28 AMI will say that I'm fortunate enough to have a girlfriend who enters herself into my hobbies and enjoys them with me. As a Godzilla and comic nerd I never really fully express it openly with my friends. Once I started dated my girlfriend she would openly show that she would enjoy what I enjoy with me.
When I have a bad day or if we just want to sit and spend time together she'll throw the suggestion to pop in a Godzilla movie and watch it together. She just bought her own Godzilla T-shirt last week. I'm VERY lucky to have her. Been together for 2 years. Her fav. G film btw is G vs. Monster Zero

MemberTitanosaurusApr-22-2014 7:39 AMAm I allowed to be jealous of those with girlfriends who are Godzilla fans?
\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla

Something Real
MemberGodzillaApr-22-2014 7:54 AM
MemberTitanosaurusApr-22-2014 8:11 AMYou know what? I think I will. Hell, if Godzilla can take on muiltiple monsters without stoping for a rest (the montage in Godzilla Final Wars), I can find a girlfriend. Yeah. I will. It may take years, but I will find one. I will to prove all who doubted me wrong (no one here doubts me, I'm taking about other people). I will get a girlfriend. I may need to use dating sites, but I will succeed. I swear this! I will roar at the heavens in defiance if I must! I will get a girlfriend who likes me for who I am and not anything else!
I am probably going to fail. Badly.
\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla

MemberTitanosaurusApr-22-2014 8:45 AMIt's okay SPARKZILLA14, we've all felt the sting of the multiple post.
\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-22-2014 9:58 AMWell **AL**, I do realize that, but, "I dare do all that may become a man;. Who dares do more is none."